
It's better when it's simple

User Tools

Site Tools is a simple script to export the content of your dokuwiki documentation into a offline browseable documentation.

It uses wget to retrieve recursively the different documents, and some sed magics to make it browseable offline.

Here is a little pros&cons of using this script:

The pros:

  • works locally even with the nicer url rewrite (ns1:subns2:page)
  • run on the client side so ACLs are honored
    • works out-of-the_box even for big DokuWikis

The cons:

  • uses the external plugin indexmenu to generate a fullindex - not mandatory if you already have a full index somewhere -
  • password is given on the command line which might be unsecure on multi-user system - but the script is easy to fix if that's a problem -
  • export may be incomplete if there is no page with a full index of the different pages and if you(as a user) don't have any way to make one
  • no way to export only part of the wiki - there are other tools to do just that -

Erf, more cons than pros, I start wondering if this page will really be usefull to anyone but me… Oh, and one more pro:

  • uses gnused (for the -i) (what? that's not a pro? c'mon!)
20130120 ⇒ I “highjacked” the script and made some changes:
   * add the option --depth to change the maximum level of recursivity for wget(which now defaults in the script to 2)
   * reformat the help message


   * add the switch '--ms-filenames' so generated filenames are windows compatible
   * add the possibility to specify extra wget options via the environnement variable ''AWO'', e.g.:
      AWO="--proxy-user=USER --proxy-password=PASSWORD" --login samlt --passwd XXXXXX --hostname
   * add the switch '--https' to use HTTPS instead of HTTP



Download the following script and make it executable: offline-dokuwiki.

fullindex (optional)

I personnally used the indexmenu to generate such a page (name: fullindex), at the root of the documentation.

Here is the code

{{indexmenu>. | notoc nojs}}

note: if you name this page differently, or use a different index page, don't forget to change the –location option below


Quite simple, start with a basic: --help

then, you can continue with something like: --login samlt --passwd XXXX --hostname --location fullindex

This will save a offline version of your wiki in a directory YYYYMMDD-hostname, where YYYYMMDD is the date of today

note: if you omit your login/password, then the export will only contain the public accessible pages

To start browsing the export:

cd theRightDir
firefoxOrWhateverYouReUsing start.html

And that's it.


  • As a bonus, you can prepare an iso image from the dump with the command:
    genisoimage -o dokuwiki.iso -r -iso-level 4 $PREFIX

    (fine tune genisoimage options to suit your needs; above works fine with long filenames on windows/linux machines)

  • Be careful to use this script crawls into “media manager” page - it can then delete not linked media files (emulating clicking on the trash icon)
tips/ · Last modified: 2013-01-20 10:39 by

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