
It's better when it's simple




强制通过 HTTPS 登录


forcessllogin 插件

查看,在 URL 中看不出使用 SSL 访问迹象,即 DokuWiki 的拒绝访问页面不会通过 HTTPS 协议打开,所以调试和确认您使用安全协议登录很难理解。


使用 Apache 的 mod_rewrite 强制 DokuWiki 使用 HTTPS 协议登录,从而防止明文密码出现在网络中。

您可能需要全站(而不仅仅是登录)使用 HTTPS 协议。如果是这样,在 DokuWiki 根目录创建 .htaccess 文件并添加下面代码。

RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,L]

如果您只需要某些特定 URL 使用 HTTPS,参见 URL 重写

基于安全连接的重定向特定页面(例如登录页面)需要根据 URL 对其进行识别。某些页面(例如,“拒绝访问”页面仅在新版软件出现,2014-05-05 “Ponder Stibbons” 之后才增加 <ref></ref> 插件,然后才有其功能)没有标记,所以不能同其他 URL 区分(有些只需普通连接即可,这样可节省服务器资源)。

FIXME The rest of the paragraph only handles requests with a ?do=login GET query which doesn't cover at least “access denied” pages! Research about a redirection rule for all authentification requests over HTTP is necessary.

以下内容假设您已经为维基设置了 HTTPS 支持,并且可以通过 HTTP 和 HTTPS 在同一地址上使用它。出于性能原因,只有登录和配置文件更新应强制使用 HTTPS,而所有“常规” 维基操作将继续在 HTTP 上运行。

由于您需要通过 HTTPS 设置 cookie 在 HTTP 应用,所以您应该先关闭 securecookie 设置。然后在 .htaccess 里设置:

# Switch to secure on login, profile and admin actions
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} do=(log|profile|admin)
RewriteRule ^(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,QSA,L,NE]

# Change back to non-secure on show action
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !do=(log|profile|admin)
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R,QSA,L]

您可能想要将 ${HTTP_HOST} 改为 ${SERVER_NAME},这样在您的证书里服务器名就可以匹配主机名了。


  • the above switches back to non-SSL on the show action only. This means switchback might not occur immediately after login, but ensures there will be no “mixed content” warnings during the SSL operation.
  • if your DokuWiki's installation directory isn't the root directory (something like, you have to add this extra path to the lines 5 and 11 of the above snippet, which will thus be something like: RewriteRule ^(.*) http://%{HTTP_HOST}/wiki/$1 [R,QSA,L]


Please note: You need to disable the “securecookie” in conf/dokuwiki.php in order for the above code to work. Otherwise your logins will not successfully register. This is because with securecookie enabled, the session cookie created during the HTTPS login can't be sent over HTTP and the session is lost.


This setup is also possible in nginx but with a minor tweak to your fastcgi_params.

First, you need to have separate server instances, for http and https each, to keep things clean (and for rewrite not to get confused and get trapped in redir loops). This can look like this. Each instance has it's own rewrite rule to switch from http and https.

# Tested with nginx 0.8.5
# In http context of your nginx configuration
map $scheme $php_https { default off; https on; }

    server {
	root /path/to/dokuwiki;
	index doku.php;
	listen 80;
	#Enforce https for logins, admin
	if ($args ~* do=(log|admin|profile)) {
		rewrite ^ https://$host$request_uri? redirect;
	include dokuwiki.conf;

    server {
	root /path/to/dokuwiki;
	index doku.php;
	listen 443 ssl;
	keepalive_requests    10;
	keepalive_timeout     60 60;
	ssl_certificate      /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem;
	ssl_certificate_key  /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key;
	#switch back to plain http for normal view

	if ($args ~* (do=show|^$)){
		rewrite ^ http://$host$request_uri? redirect;
	include dokuwiki.conf;

In dokuwiki.conf (same path as your nginx.conf) you can use the snippet from nginx wiki, but you need to add

fastcgi_param HTTPS $php_https;

to your your fastcgi_params. This parameter and the map directive in the beginning are required because Dokuwiki checks for $_SERVER['HTTPS'] to work.

Like with apache, you need to disable securecookie in your conf/dokuwiki.php.

基于 HTTPS 的 php

Below is useful if you wish to force https connection ALWAYS (not just for login), and wish not to rely on Apache or NGINX htaccess or other server specific directives. Place below lines on top of the template file at '…lib/tpl/template-name/main.php'

if ($_SERVER[HTTPS]!="on") {
  //$strURIName=$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . getenv("REQUEST_URI"); 
  // The function 'getenv' does not work if your Server API is ASAPI (IIS).
  // So, try to don't use getenv('REMOTE_ADDR'), but $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].
  header ("Location: https://$strURIName");
  // If it doesn't work for you and you need to troubleshoot your php code, 
  // uncomment below to find out about your particular server variables
  echo "<b>_SERVER Variables from $_SERVER</b><br><br>";
  while (list ($key, $val) = each ($_SERVER)) {
  print $key . " = " . $val . "<br>";

Thanks.. That saved my day!


[[:rewrite|general rewriting]] mandatory?

Isn't general rewriting a requirement to get rewriting for login working so that the sentence should be clearer? I myself didn't get to that point so far, but as far as I'm concerned the managing of some config settings like basedir, and setting the appropriate $conf['userewrite'] value (see also Discussion) seems crucial — krichter 2014-06-02 01:11

Update for 2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons"

Are these instructions up to date for 2014-05-05 “Ponder Stibbons”? If yes, is there a template to include an overview for tested versions (with indication whether it's working for them or not, like for plugins) - facilitates the research enormously. If no, is there someone who has an idea (with redirection to HTTPS (first section for .htaccess I get it working partially - it's more randomly actually - and with both section I get an endless redirection warning of firefox (tried about 20 to 30 combinations with hints from general rewriting and gave up…

17 Jul 14 - Access Denied SSL Login fix

I have created the solution to the “access denied” pages that enables rewrite rules to redirect the user to an SSL login page. This fix was an edit to the source code that redirects the user to the same page with the ‘do=login’ query string this enables the rewrite rules to take effect and redirect to an SSL login page, once the user logs in they will be presented with the page they tried to access. This fix is on my websites ‘bug and feature tracker’ as a patch file. Jon, No Fuss Computing.

25 Nov 15 - wrong protocol service or infinite loop

I try to CASsify my Dokuwiki with phpCAS. My CAS server does not allow http services (which I could change but it is not my purpose).
So I did install the plugin authplaincas with success and the phpCAS lib too. Evrything is OK except one thing : Client.php from phpCAS lib does not return the service to the CAS server with https but only with http. I could made a trick which I post here :
First I was thinking phpCAS was the problem then it was Dokuwiki and then again phpCAS but now I think it is DokuWiki which report the wrong protocol service. I tried different solution like rewrite engine into .htaccess but it leads to an infinite loop (I disabled secure cookie option). For more information, I use an Apache2.4 Reverse proxy with permanent redirect 80 to 443 and a backend web with Apache2.4 with HTTP only. I think the problem is HTTPS protocol information is not transmit to my backend which host my DokuWiki or when I get infinite loop I think my cookie is not preserve. How can I fix it or debug it ? Help will be very appreciate.

guycarre at free dot fr

EDIT I found what it was wrong and I post it here :

Good night ;-)

30 Nov 15 - do

Over HTTP, not logged on a inexistent page if you try to view source(do=edit), you'll “do=login” implicitly, over HTTP. I suggest to switch to https on “do=(login|admin|profile|edit)”.
Also, I'm not sure that this configuration really needs secure cookie disabled, it needs it enabled to me. Actually, steal a cookie is as easy as steal a cleartext password. Ok, it doesn't last as long, and isn't as powerful (or is it)..
Switching back to http, you loose session : abilities to edit, config etc, what's wrong with this? Doing such an action puts you back to https, the cookie is send and you retrieve your session. Maybe some other actions need to switch to https then like media things, etc, I don't know.
These are just suggestions, I do not master neither dokuwiki nor http(s)(server or protocol).

16 Feb 2016 - Use TLS all the time

We should amend this tip to recommend using TLS for all connections. Per the “30 Nov 15 - do” comment above, if you send the cookie insecurely for an active session, then it can be trivially stolen as the cookie going across the wire in the clear. Firesheep makes this task automated and trivial to execute. Further, OWASP best practices are to run all secure all the time. Finally, we should recommend the 443 vhost send the HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) header too. This is done with a single line in the 443 vhost (for Apache in this example):

Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; preload"

One step further would be to strongly recommend that TLS be configured by default. Though this makes the install more technically challenging, having a default setup of sending login credentials in the clear is a bad idea.

zh/tips/httpslogin.txt · 最后更改: 2021-05-12 04:46 由 hfl

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