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Extending Translation Interface

This idea has been mostly implemented, external services are not integrated though

It would be nice to increase the number of available translations, by adding more ways for translators to contribute.

  • translation interface should be usable for plugin authors too
  • Tight integration with github would be nice Check this
    • register a github project (plugin or core) with the translation tool
    • translation tool forks the project at github (has it's own github account)
    • language strings are then presented in the webinterface
    • updates are submitted to the github fork
    • project maintainer can merge from the translation fork
    • fork updates (to keep up with master) should be done automatically (git pull –rebase)
      • when conflicts happen the fork is reseted to master's head (or is there a better solution?)
  • external services should be integrated with the tool
  • integration of a DokuWiki specific dictionary to guide translators

Some initial discussion on this as a GSoC project can be found in this Mailing List Thread.

Notes about DW's Translate Web Interface

  • Categorize lang strings to core, fontend, backend, plugins so that translators will translate the critical strings first. Sorting of the plugins based on their popularity might be a nice feature.
  • Tooltips for every string. This way translators will have a description of what is to be translated.
  • Fix row color change in [Show missing translations]
  • Adding the apropriate form fields so that a translator can easily search for the plugin he is willing to translate.

External Services

Beside the webinterface it might be sensible to make strings to translate available to other, external services. Changes that come from external services should be committed back to github as described above.

Google Translation Toolkit

Mechanical Turk


Translated by humans




The following people volunteered to “mentor” any new developers taking up this task by answering questions, giving tips and reviewing code:


Building of the initial system is done by Dominik Eckelmann

Further help is welcome to add more enhancements!

Detailed procedure for translating plugins

  1. A dev. will add his plugin in plugin manager and in the metadata there will be also an option “multilingual = true” so that the plugin manager will know if that plugin supports multilingual strings.
  2. If the option above is set to to true, plugin manager will fork 1) that projects lang files to dokuwiki's main translation repository.
  3. DW's translation tool will then be able to identify that change in the repository and then add those strings to the its web interface.
  4. From this point every translator will be able to translate that plugin from DW's translation tool without even cloning plugins repo. 2).
Read here about API's fork:
Some brainstorming must be done here to solve all the issues that will come up when a plugin developer updates his plugin, which propably means that he has either removed or added some strings for translation
devel/ideas/translation.txt · Last modified: 2015-08-16 00:16 by Klap-in

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