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Template Survey

This template survey was inspired by the plugin survey, but is not as detailed and was manually gathered.

The bulk of the survey is available in a Google Spreadsheet. The following is an excerpt of some statistics of each year.

August 2014

template attribute amount percentage
number of all templates 124100%
downloadable 103 83.06% 1)
has a repo 65 52.42% 2)
updated within the last 2 years 54 43.55% 3)
non-mods 95 76.61% 4)
up-to-date + downloadable + non-mod 38 30.65% 5)
never updated 55 44.35% 6)
number of templates available 11794.35% 7)
has LESS errors 10 11.11% 8)
has fatal errors (incl. LESS errors) 19 21.11% 9)
number of templates analysed 90 72.58% 10)
uses config 45 50.00% 11)
includes JavaScript 39 43.33% 12)
uses TPL_INC* 69 76.67% 13)
includes info.txt 32 35.56% 14)
broken TOC 44 48.89% 15)
wrong base 4 4.44% 16)
supports sidebar setting 17 18.89% 17)
uses CSS framework 9 10.00% 18)

July 2013

template attribute amount percentage
number of all templates 108100%
downloadable 82 75.93% 19)
has a repo 38 35.19% 20)
updated within the last 2 years 40 37.04% 21)
non-mods 82 75.93% 22)
up-to-date + downloadable + non-mod 29 26.85% 23)
never updated 47 43.52% 24)
number of templates available 96 88.88% 25)
number of templates analysed 75 69.44% 26)
uses config 38 50.67% 27)
includes JavaScript 30 40.00% 28)
uses TPL_INC* 64 85.33% 29)
includes info.txt 17 22.67% 30)
broken TOC 44 58.67% 31)
1) , 2) , 3) , 4) , 5) , 6) , 7) , 10) , 19) , 20) , 21) , 22) , 23) , 24) , 25) , 26)
of all templates
8) , 9)
of available templates
11) , 12) , 13) , 14) , 15) , 16) , 17) , 18) , 27) , 28) , 29) , 30) , 31)
of analysed templates
devel/template_survey.txt · Last modified: 2014-08-14 14:32 by ach

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