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DokuWiki on a Stick

DokuWiki on a Stick is the portable version of DokuWiki. It contains its own stripped down Apache webserver. This allows you to run DokuWiki from a portable device like an USB stick on any Windows computer without installing anything on the computer itself.1) Of course, you can also copy it to any directory on your hard disk and run it from there.


  • The current (July 2022) latest stable version (incl. Apache 2.4.46 & PHP 7.4.12) requires Windows 7 or higher.2)
  • Microsoft Visual Studio runtime libraries.


To create an “on the Stick” edition of DokuWiki, visit and check the “MicroApache (Windows)” checkbox in the “Include Webserver” section.

Unpack the downloaded archive file and move the resulting DokuWikiStick to your USB thumb drive.


You'll find a run.cmd file in the DokuWikiStick directory. Double click it and the MicroApache webserver will start up and open your wiki in the system's default browser. On the first time it will open the usual DokuWiki Installer where you can configure the basic settings. Later it will simply load your wiki's start page at http://localhost:8800/

In case the stop command in the run.cmd does not work, try to use the command

taskkill /f /im mapache.exe

which will kill the mapache.exe instances on your machine and also exits the DOS shell.


You can update your Stick Edition just like a normal DokuWiki installation by downloading a new package and overwrite the existing files. (See Upgrading DokuWiki).

An even easier method is to install the Upgrade Plugin.

Tips and Technical Background

Old Releases

These releases are no longer recommended for usage and are listed for reference only.

Earlier versions are available, see “Old Releases” below.
install/dokuwiki_on_a_stick.txt · Last modified: by michaelsy

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