DokuWiki News
DokuWiki news go here.
- (2025-01-27 12:54)Do you rely on DokuWiki and its plugins at your company?There is now an easy way to contribute to the ongoing maintenance of the most important plugins and the overall DokuWiki ecosystem in general.Read CosmoCode's announcement of their DokuWiki Business Plugin Partner Program at our forum: #opensource #ossfunding
- (2025-01-13 13:54)Today I stumbled across a DokuWiki running on release 2008-05-05 on #PHP 4.4.9 😱I strongly advise against running such seriously outdated software (especially on the public Internet).But I am also fascinated by it. The change log indicates that this wiki has been in constant use since back then, with the latest addition just a couple of days ago. I guess someone is strictly adhering to the rule of "never change a running system".
- (2024-12-22 09:16)I certainly disagree with a lot in this article, but it's still a fun read:
- (2024-12-12 14:45)Calling all experienced #nginx users! 🚒 Can you help tidying up the DokuWiki Nginx guide? be bold in editing! Remove any clutter, streamline instructions, and make it shine!
- (2024-11-25 17:12)re the last boost: our PHP 8.4 adjustments are nearly done anyway.
- (2024-11-22 13:58)Thanks to everyone who replied yesterday. Here's some background on my question.
- (2024-11-21 11:59)Do you understand how the "View Options" in the extension manager work? Do you use them often? What mechanism would you prefer to filter the listed plugins?
- (2024-10-30 20:28)Do I have any followers that speak Korean? Could you chime in on this Pull Request?
news.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr