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Note Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" yes
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" yes
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" yes
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin This plugin allows you to create nice “notes” like this in your DokuWiki pages

Last updated on
Conflicts with
cellbg, combo, prosemirror


When you have it installed, use this:

This is my note! Remember it!!

<note important>
Warning! You're about to lose your mind ;-)

<note tip>
The clues are in the images.

<note warning>
Beware of the cat when you open the door!!

You can use the note keywords important, warning and tip. Or some French synonyms: importante(important), bloquante, critique (warning), tuyau, idée (tip), classique (classic). It is quite easy to add new types of notes if you know a bit of PHP and CSS.


Plugin won't work inside numbered list

It also doesn't appear to work within a folded section using the “Folded” plugin.

Correction: The syntax is as follows:

=== Note ===

++++Note dans un Folded|
<note critique>
Ça fonctionne seulement avec le //div// pas le //span//.

Download / Installation

General instructions

  1. Download the latest version or the original version (Mirror: The tar.gz package of the original release can be found at
  2. Installing the plugin
    • Go via the Admin page to the Extension Manager and search and install this plugin. Or enter the URL for the plugin under Manual Install.
    • Or you can either extract the archive into the lib/plugins directory and update the timestamp on the extracted files. (probably because of ssme Dokuwiki caching feature)


  • With the 'usable' template there is excessive spacing above the note, I was able to remedy this problem by commenting out 'clear: both;' in 'style.css'. Your mileage may vary.
  • With the 'DokuCMS' template and with the 'clear: both;' in 'style.css', notes are “pushed down” by the TOC box instead of overlapping with it [frank]


**Many thanks to the DokuWiki developers and this plugin mainteners !

Thanks to (in any order) :

Had to end the line

Guys, how to make end of line marker into note? <br> didn't work, for example

Use an empty line. This works for me in greebo. — KaiMartin 2019-11-20 01:10
plugin/note.txt · Last modified: by 2a01:cb15:8181:e000:992e:45b4:4097:76b4

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