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Modern Contact Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Contact Form Plugin for DokuWiki

Last updated on
Conflicts with
contact, groupmail

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to bureaucracy, bureaucracyau, conform, contact, form, groupmail

Tagged with !discontinued, email, form, recaptcha

In the search for a contact form for Dokuwiki I only found that of Bob Baddeley. It is quite good, although a bit outdated. You can find this plugin on Github.


It is nearly the same form like that by Bob Baddeley, except:

  1. reCaptcha instead of “Enter HUMAN to verify.”
  2. Captcha can be disabled.
  3. Improved configuration.
  4. Improved anti cache work-around.
  5. Intelligent email address checkup.
  6. No annoying JavaScript-Alerts.
  7. It jumps back to the form after submitting.
  8. Name and email field are filled if user is logged in.

If you have some more ideas, feel free to contact me.

Following languages are available: German, English, Russian (partially), Portuguese (partially), French (partially)


To use this Plugin you need the following system:

  • PHP >= 5.1.2
  • DokuWiki >= 2009-02-14b
  • reCaptcha keys (optional)

You can receive the needed reCaptcha keys on

Download / Installation

Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

In Admin → Configuration settings you have to set up a valid email address and (if you want) your reCaptcha keys. You can modify and redistribute it under the terms of the GPL Version 3.


The integration is the same as in the plugin by Baddeley. Simply enter this code:


This will create a contact form with a “name”,“email address”, “subject” and “comment” field. It will send an email to whatever the default value is. If you enabled the captcha by default, than it will also show the well known reCaptcha input fields.

You can also specify several parameters. If you only need one parameter you simply use:

{{contact>subj=Feedback from Site}}

or join multiple of them with a | character:

{{contact>to=profile1|subj=Feedback from Site}}

Available parameters:

Parameter Value Description
subj String When the subject is specified in the parameters, it is not a field on the contact form.
to Profile name If you choose another profile, then emails will be sent to the profile email address. You have to specify other profiles before you can use them.
captcha Boolean (true/false) If set to true, the captcha will be enabled. Set it on false to disable it. You must activate the captcha by default in order to change its status with this parameter.

Known bugs

Unconfirmed new download URL

I've found the project at
The download link therefore may be
I did not modify the downloadurl and sourcerepo entries of the plugin description above, since I am not sure if its the identical version.
Ralph Reuchlein 09-Dec-2016 10:38

A newer version is here
Updated to php7, dokuwiki 2018-04-22b, recaptcha php v1.2.3
niknah 2019-10-26 05:55


  • Only one contact form per page accepts reCaptcha.
  • REcaptcha often doesn't load of conflicts with other plugins, e.g. skype. Is it possible to amend this plugin to make use of the Captcha plugin?

Versions and disable/enable

As far as I can figure it out …

  • The Download button at the top of the page leads to a file named The last entry in the CHANGELOG is dated 2013-01-25, “Changed plugin name”. This is also the version installed by the automatic plugin manager mechanism.
  • Farther down, in the section Download / Installation, there is a link that leads to a file named The last entry in the CHANGELOG is dated 2012-06-06. The syntax.php file contains the string “contactmodern” several times. This version will only work if every instance of “contactmodern” is changed to “moderncontact”, but presumably you want the other version anyway.

Both of these versions initially result in the error message

Error, the requested extension hasn't been installed or updated

and the code {{contact>}} will be rendered as a red link. Disabling the plugin and (re-)enabling it will cause it to work.

–Arthur Carlson, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Munich, Germany, 2015-07-20


plugin/contactmodern.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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