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Google Chart Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2010-11-07 2011-05-25+

plugin Allows to embed simple chart graphics using the Google Chart API

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to achart, c3chart, charter, googlechart, pchart

Tagged with chart, diagram, embed, google, images, media

Download and Installation

Download and install the plugin using the Plugin Manager using the download link given above. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.



Let's start with an example:

<gchart 350x120 pie3d #0000ff #ffffff right>
Apples       = 3
Peaches      = 23
Strawberries = 25
Peanuts      = 7

As you can see, the usage is simple. You give your data as name=value pairs inside the <gchart> tags. In the start tag you can add various optional options:

  • Size give in the form widthxheight in pixels. Defaults to 320x140
  • Type defaults to pie3d, can be one of the following
    • pie3d for a 3D pie graph
    • pie2d for a 2D pie graph
    • line for a line graph
    • sparkline for a “sparkline” graph
    • hbar for a horizontal bar graph
    • vbar for a vertical bar graph
  • Graph color this is the first hex color given. Defaults to the configuration (see below) or orange if no config is given.
  • Background color this is the second hex color given. Defaults to the configuration (see below) or white if no config is given.
  • Alignment can be left, center or right. Defaults to right.
  • Value Display if value is given, the entered values are added to the graph
  • Legend is only available for pie graphs. If legend is given, the slices will not be labeled directly
  • Title if you want to add a title to the graphic, give it in quotes. E.g. “this is my Title”

Hex colors can be the typical 3 part RGB hexcodes known from HTML or can contain a 4th alpha transparency value.


The default graph and background color can be set in the configuration manager to match the style of your template.

It is recommended to enable the fetchsize option to make use of image caching.


  • No encoding is used for the values, it might not work for big or many values
  • An internet connection is needed (because Google's servers are used)
  • Only single dimensional charts (a single row of data pairs) are supported
  • If this is too limiting for you I recommend one of the similar plugins
plugin/gchart.1392644985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-02-17 14:49 by

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