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hiddenSwitch Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Angua, Binky, ponder stibbons

plugin Made to work with the [[hidden]] plugin: let add buttons to (un)display several blocks

Last updated on

This extension is marked as obsoleted. Therefore it is hidden in the Extension Manager and the extension listing. Furthermore, it is candidate for removal.

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to folded, outliner

Tagged with !obsolete, collapsible, hide

Deprecated: this plugin has been merged with the hidden plugin. In practice it means that if you have a hidden plugin v >= 2015-08-12, then you can delete this hiddenSwitch plugin, and all your pages will still work the same.

If you use the hidden plugin, you may find it tedious to click on every hidden block to display them, for example before printing. Then this plugin is made for you!


Please use the plugin manager, using this URL:


To create such a switch, you may use :



<hiddenSwitch Here comes my custom text>

Therefore, to see it in action, you could create such a page:

<hidden>My first hidden block</hidden>
<hidden>My second hidden block</hidden>


Please make sure you have a recent (2011-12-03 or higher) version of the hidden plugin!

Change Log


My improvement proposals:

  • merge hiddenswitch inside hidden plugin, why 2 plugins?
  • central default configuration: for example for texts
  • default images + and -
  • the hiddenswitch button in the hidden bar? The bar should have 2 buttons: the left-aligned display/hide button (as now) and the right-aligned display all/hide all button. Only an idea but I think is a good place where to put the hiddenSwitch button

Congratulations for the plugin, it's nice – Fabrizio

plugin/hiddenswitch.txt · Last modified: by Klap-in

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