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ProseMirror Development

Positions in the document

Example: Simple List

To better understand how positioning works, let's use a simple, two-item list:

  * abc
  * def

This results in the following layout in Prosemirror:

pos Node/Item Node.size() parentOffset
0 start Node doc 20
1 start Node bullet_list 18 0
2 start Node list_item 8 0
3 start Node paragraph 6 0
4 text-character “ 1
5 text-character “a 2
6 text-character “b 3
7 text-character “c 4
8 end Node paragraph
9 end Node list_item
10 start Node list_item 8 0
11 start Node paragraph 6 0
12 text-character “ 1
13 text-character “d 2
14 text-character “e 3
15 text-character “f 4
16 end Node paragraph
17 end Node list_item
18 end Node bullet_list
19 end Node doc
plugin/prosemirror/devel/document_positions.txt · Last modified: 2017-06-21 14:04 by grosse

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