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qrcode2 Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

plugin QR Code Plugin

Last updated on
Syntax, Helper

Similar to barcode, barcodes, qrcode

Tagged with barcode, bitcoin, qr, qrcode


Search and install ​the plugin using the Extension ​Manager.

If above method is not working, download the plugin at my homepage directly at
and refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Note: This Plugin makes use of the library “PHP QR Code encoder” at, which delivers most of the functionality and is included in Version of Build 2010100721. Well, works great.


To use it, insert something like


(thank you for your donations…) in your source after activating that plugin.

Maybe you like some other string, like web-pages, so do


Use the helper Class

If you like to use it from other plugins, you can use the helper- class, like this:

Here are 2 ways to use it (first one gives more control on the result) :
if (!plugin_isdisabled('qrcode2')) {
    $qrcode2Helper = plugin_load('helper','qrcode2');
    // first example
    $src = $qrcode2Helper->get_img("", true);
    print "<img class='qrcode' src='".$src."' alt='*johndoe*' />";
    // second example
    $qrcode2Helper->get_img("", false, 128);


See above, no other things to know about.

Configuration, settings and dependencies

No configuration, no settings are required.

Check, that php has the Libarary “GD2” installed!


This was a one-time shot for me to do what i needed. No more developement is planned. If you like the base, feel free to make it better or maybe ask me to add/change something. I cannot guarantee for anything that this plugin may do or how it will be supported.

Change Log

  • 2019-12-08
    • Enhancement by Simon DELAGE / New helper-Class added. use it like:
  • 2018-03-18
    • Bugfix by Georg Schmidt / when Dokuwiki was installed in Top-Directory of Server, URL will be wrong. This was corrected by extending syntax.php
In my case, it does not work, because the URL to the plugin was wrong.

My dokuwiki is using "/doku.php/wiki:tutorial?do=admin&page=config"
whereas your one is using "/doku.php?id=content:qrcode".
## The attachment contains a fix.
## It is not tested with userewrite == 1.

My solution working (only for userewrite = 2) :

"https://<top-level-domain>/dokuwiki/doku.php/../lib/plugins/qrcode2/png.php" is effectively

In "syntax.php" change
    $renderer->doc .= '<img src="lib/plugins/qrcode2/png.php?id='.$data.'" />';
    $renderer->doc .= '<img src="../lib/plugins/qrcode2/png.php?id='.$data.'" />';

This is based on
I hope, this fix is working on all systems.
Feel free to contact me for fixing that problem.
  • 2017-12-10
    • Initial release

Known Bugs and Issues

  • Maybe anyone could look at the way, the library is called. Doesn't look smooth for me, i don't know how this behaves in larger dokuwiki environements.

ToDo/Wish List



None yet.

plugin/qrcode2.txt · Last modified: by obel1x

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