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Struct PluginAggregations

Struct Plugin: Value Output

This syntax lets you output a single value from the struct data bound to the current page in the text using the syntax below. This is useful to reference a single value inline. However, this won't work with global data and is not meant to be used with serial data.


You can also get a value from a different page with:


If you need to add punctuation characters or spacing to any of the names, enclose that part in double quotes:

{{$"namespace:page_name"."schema-name"."column name"}}

You can add filters to the query in much the same way as with the table and list aggregations, but in the following formats, always starting with a question mark. The two forms below, using words followed by colons or symbols without colons, are equivalent:

{{$schema.column ? filter: "product = Fantastico Basic" and: "..." or: "..."}}
{{$schema.column ? &       "product = Fantastico Basic" &    "..." |   "..."}}

The filters must be placed in double quotes if they contain spaces, and there must be no space between a filter word and its colon. Extra spaces (such as those used in the example to line up the two formats) are ignored.

no Filter by a column value. You may specify this more than once, multiple filters will be ANDed. (see also filters)
no Like filter, but multiple instances will be ORed (see also filters)
plugin/struct/aggregation/value.txt · Last modified: 2023-11-01 11:26 by

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