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uncmap Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin This plugin maps windows drive letter file names to UNC links.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with drive, file, path, share, unc

Download and Installation

A CosmoCode Plugin

Please use the the download link at the top for manual installation or use in the Extension Manager. See Plugins for more details on how to install plugins manually.

Configuration and Examples

In the configuration directory of the uncmap plugin (i.e. dokuwiki/lib/plugins/uncmap/conf) is the a file mapping.php. Add a line to this file for every windows drive letter and the server it should be mapped to.

For example:

z     //server1/share

Optionally you can add the local mountpoint of an fileserver to this line. Then dokuwiki will check if the file exists on this fileserver and color the link accordingly.

z     //server1/share     /mnt/fileserver

Further you can define a default fileserver in the config dialog. It will be used when no fileserver is defined for a given letter.


[[z:/path/to/file|File title]]

With the above configuration the above link will point to

plugin/uncmap.txt · Last modified: by

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