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YouTrack Plugin

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plugin List YouTrack issues filtered by YouTrack Query Language

Last updated on
Syntax, Helper

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with bugtracker, issue, listing, youtrack

By Zopa

List YouTrack issues filtered by YouTrack Query Language.


Search and install the plugin using the Extension Manager. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

Please make sure you have cURL installed and enabled.



{{youtrack-list> QUERY | LIST_OF_FIELDS }}

Whereas QUERY is any query in the YouTrack Query Language, i.e. anything which appears in YouTracks search box. And LIST_OF_FIELDS is a comma-separated list of fields you'd like to display in the resulting table, i.e. all columns. Those fields need to have the same name as in YouTrack (although you can give aliases to custom fields to manipulate the names through that).

A special exception to that is the ID field. That will always result in the ID of the issue linked to its issue page.


{{youtrack-list> #bug created: {This week} sort by: created | ID, summary, created }}


If you'd like the table to always be up-to-date, you need to add the ~~NOCACHE~~ macro. This makes less sense with lists that don't change very often.

Configuration and Settings

  • url: Base URL of the YouTrack installation
  • user: Login user (only needed if a login is necessary)
  • password: Login password (only needed if a login is necessary)
  • date_format: Date format used in the table output


The helper component is based on the youtracklinks plugin by Dominic Pöllath.


Change Log

Known Bugs and Issues

  • The maximum number of issues in the output table is currently limited to 100.


I installed this plugin, but dont use it. But getting weird erros from the plugin YouTrack issues not foundWTF? Why?

plugin/youtrack.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr

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