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Modul in care arata DokuWiki poate fi personalizat prin teme (denumite si template-uri)

Nota importanta despre versiuni:

:!: Since some template features change with newer DokuWiki releases it's best to stick to templates with release dates that are equal or more recent than the DokuWiki release you're using. It cannot be guaranteed that older templates provide the full set of features. For important changes please check the changelog.

Note: half of the download-links don't work, so don't get too enthusiastic about a specific template, or check the download button first.

Installing Templates

From version Ponder Stibbons and upward the installation and upgrading of templates is automated by the Extension Manager.

Upto version Binky you have to manually install the template 1), but the procedure is simple:

  1. Just extract the downloaded template archive (usually a .zip or .tgz file) in the /lib/tpl folder2).
  2. Then select the template in the Config Manager by adjusting the template option.

Search Templates

Available Template plugins (1)

TemplateAuthorLast UpdatePopularity
Compatible with DokuWiki? 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum"
Khum1 Template Download

Generic template for Khaganat project. Support a lot of plugin. Try to be responsive and accessible.

accessible, mobile, responsive, scifi, sidebar

Creating a Template

Please refer to the Template Development page to learn about creating your own templates. If you created a template, please share it by creating a new page in the template namespace. If you like to have a template ported to DokuWiki use the template wishlist sub-forum.

you can also use the plugin manager to install templates the same way you would install plugins, i.e. by copying the download URL into the URL field and hit „Download“, but that's an undocumented feature
If the zip file does not contain a folder itself, you have to create /lib/tpl<templatename> and unzip the template files into that one instead.
ro/template.txt · Ultima modificare: 2018-05-16 15:14 de către bogasian

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