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Please note: Tues July 8 the windows will be washed. Remember to close your curtains for privacy.

This is some sample text.

SMITH: Four score and seven years ago.

JONES: Our forefathers put forth.

This is me pasting some sample text: some page

SPRAGUE: Today is September 24, 2019, this is an interview with Violet Armstrong, who served in the United States Air Force Reserve from 1974 and retired in 1995, who also served during Operation Desert Shield–Desert Storm–and was stationed at Little Rock Air Force Base in Arkansas during that time. This interview is being conducted by Luke Sprague at the Capitol Branch of the Milwaukee Public Library in Madison, Wisconsin–sorry, Milwaukee, Wisconsin for the I Am Not Visible Project of the Wisconsin Veteran's Museum Oral History Program. No one else is in the room. Okay, Violet, when and about where were you born?

ARMSTRONG: I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, not far from this building.

SPRAGUE: Okay. If I can get you–yep, there you go. And tell me about your–ah, tell me a little bit about where you grew up, if would be so kind.

ARMSTRONG: I grew up on Tenth and Walnut, here in Milwaukee. I came from a very mixed, friendly neighborhood. I think I had one of the best childhoods that anyone could ask for. Played with the neighbor kids, went to school with the neighbor kids, and both my parents were very strict. There was nine children, but our whole neighborhood was a family.

SPRAGUE: Mm. What else can you share with me about your parents?

ARMSTRONG: Well, my father worked as a laborer for what was called back then a junkyard. My mom was a part-time beautician and a seamstress, and very, very involved in the church. And every Sunday, if the weather permitted, we walked to the lagoon and fished. Then, we came home and ate the fish.

SPRAGUE: What kind of fish were they? DokuWiki 설치

ARMSTRONG: At the time, I didn't know. As I grew older, I found out they were carp and perch. And whatever we caught, we ate.

SPRAGUE: You said in your pre-interview that you had kind of a tough upbringing. What could you tell me about that?

ARMSTRONG: After I got to be, ah–I shouldn't say a teenager. When we mo

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