Table of Contents
Forum Team
The forum team takes care of the DokuWiki Forum.
What skills are needed?
- Some knowledge about DokuWiki and it's organization
- Some knowledge on how forums work
- Good English for global moderation, well enough English for foreign language sub forum moderation
- Enough time to regularly monitor the forum for spam and new topics (once every day would be excellent)
What are the main tasks?
- Monitor the forum for Spam and abuse
- delete problematic posts
- delete spam accounts (requires super mod privileges) or report them in the moderator Forum
- Move topics to the correct subforums if necessary
- Split topics in separate threads when necessary
- Welcome new members and encourage them to participate
- Point people into the right directions
- eg. when to use the bug tracker or the mailing list instead of the forum
- Monitor unanswered questions
Who are we?
- bashiralnoimi – Arabic sub forum
- lolmaus – Russian sub forum
- Nickko – French sub forum
- ryan.chappelle – Spanish sub forum
- tarimo34 – Japanese sub forum
- zdyx – Chinese sub forum
teams/forum.txt · Last modified: by Aleksandr