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dokutwitterbootstrap Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

Weatherwax, Adora Belle

template This theme wraps DokuWiki in a Bootstrap theme.

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with bootstrap, cms, responsive


Twitter Bootstrap provides a flexible, front-end framework to assist web development. This theme wraps DokuWiki in Bootstrap. This theme lets you easily apply various Bootstrap looks (e.g., Bootswatch themes) by replacing a single bootstrap.min.css file. The theme's look and layout are responsive, intelligently adapting to the user's screensize.

This theme also wraps and supports the latest version of jQuery, to allow the use of Bootstrap Javascript. When you install this theme, you will notice that the sidebar automatically highlights the current section that the user is viewing. This is an example of the functionality provided by Bootstrap.

More extensive edits to a site's layout might require modifying the theme's main.php file.


This theme is intended primarily for use on sites that are using DokuWiki as a CMS. Some of the backend elements (e.g., admin options) may look distorted.

For more information, view the bugs listing.

Download and Install

To install this theme, follow the instructions on this theme's github page.

Refer to template on how to install and use templates in Dokuwiki.

Sites using this Template


template/dokutwitterbootstrap.txt · Last modified: by

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