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Scanlines Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

2011-05-25 "Rincewind", 2012-01-25 "Angua", Weatherwax

template A very easy all-round template for everyone

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Tagged with blue, cms, css3, easy, fontface, sidebar, simple, topmenu


The Idea

Dokuwiki is a fantastic wiki engine, but there is no template which is blindingly easy. You always have to edit some css or html-files and not everyone is able to do this. So I created a template, named Scanlines which is very easy. You just install it and it work's. You don't have to edit anything else as your stuff. You can do it all in the template configuration. For example adding some navibuttons or style your own logo. Have fun! ;-)


  • responsive web design (Tablet PCs, Smartphones)
  • sidebar (many options)
  • create your own navigation
  • logo (image or text)
  • top link with rocket
  • 16 languages (have a look at ToDo & Bugs, too)
  • some more stuff …

Use Adaptive Images for Smartphones (in German Mit »Adaptive Images« Bilder für responsive Webdesigns optimieren).


Download and Installation

Search and install the template using the Extension Manager or manually with the download from the SourceForge Mirror. Refer to Template on how to install templates manually.

Make sure you download the archive for your installed DokuWiki version!

DokuWiki Version Download
2012-01-25b “Angua” 2013-01-01_scanlines.tar.gz
2012-01-25b “Angua” 2012-07-22_scanlines.tar.gz
2012-01-25a “Angua” 2012-05-27_scanlines.tar.gz
2011-11-10 “Angua” 2012-01-04_scanlines.tar.gz
2011-05-25 “Rincewind” 2011-05-25_scanlines.tar.gz


26 settings

Here you can see the 26 template-settings:

Option Value(s)
Sidebar setup left/right/none
Pagename to use for sidebars defaults to sidebar
Main sidebar always show main sidebar in every namespace (default)
Namespace for user sidebars defaults to user
Namespace for group sidebars defaults to group
Left sidebar order comma separated list of sidebars (have a look at the following ficture)
Content of the left sidebar multicheckbox to select the different sidebar types which should be active inside the left sidebar
Right sidebar order comma separated list of sidebars (have a look at the following ficture)
Content of the right sidebar multicheckbox to select the different sidebar types which should be active inside the right sidebar
Show no sidebar to non logged in users Show sidebar to non logged in users (default)
Sidebar shows only the login link to non logged in users Sidebar doesn't show only the login link to non logged in users (default)
Hide all wiki actions to non logged in users Don´t hide all wiki actions to non logged in users (default) (If selected: Hide all actions to non logged in users (this makes sense if you have a read only wiki). The login form is only available by appending ?do=login to the URL
Show userbar on top
Show sitemap-button in navigation Show sitemap-button in navigation (default)
The logo consists of text or an image text/image
Path to the logo-image (only if you select image) lib/tpl/scanlines/user/logo.png
Your definitin in the logo (only if you select text) our little definition (default)
Your name in the logo (only if you select text) by your name (default)
Navibutton1 in the navigation:

[[start|Internal Link]]


[[|External Link]
defaults to
Navibutton2 in the navigation: -“- defaults to
Navibutton3 in the navigation: -”- defaults to
Navibutton4 in the navigation: -“- defaults to
Navibutton5 in the navigation: -”- defaults to
[[another link|another link]]
Navibutton6 in the navigation: -“- defaults to
[[another link|another link]]
Show rocket with top-link Show rocket with top-link (default)
Load 'scanlines/user/user.js'? defaults to off

The structure of the template

A picture is worth a thousand words. Dowload The structure of the template (svg)


These are the different sidebar types.

Type Description
main see main sidebar
user see user sidebar
group see group sidebar
namespace see namespace sidebar
index shows the DokuWiki index
toc shows the TOC of the current page inside the sidebar (if don´t select this the TOC (Table of Contents) will be hidden, because there isn´t enough place for the sidebar, the document and inside it the TOC. Only if the sidebar is disabled (general or in a namespace) the TOC is inside the document.
trace shows the trace
toolbox shows the set of “action links” (login, edit, index, etc.) inside the sidebar
extra some user information
custom see custom sidebar

Source: Arctic Template. Thanks ;-)


The place for *all* userdefined, custom stuff is “scanlines/user”. Reason: this folder will not be touched on updates. Therefore you may delete everything except “scanlines/user” and copy all new files into “scanlines/” to update without loosing your changes. Do not forget to empty your browser's cache afterwards.

The default logo consists of text. You can add in the DokuWiki Config Manager your own definition and your name for the default text logo. If you want to replace the default text showed in the headline, simply overwrite or delete logo.png in “scanlines/user”. Paste your “logo.[png|gif|jpg|jpeg]” in “scanlines/user” and slect “The logo consists of text or an image” image in the DokuWiki Config Manager. The template recognizes the file and will use it instead of the default text.

:!: Do not forget to empty your browser's cache afterwards.

own favicon

If you want to replace the default favicon, simply create a “favicon.ico” in “scanlines/user”. The template recognizes the file automatically and will use it instead of the default one. Do not forget to empty your browser's cache afterwards. By the way: you might find the following online tool useful:

:!: Note: “favicon.png” is also possible but not recommended (cause it is not supported by most MSIE versions).

own Apple Touch Icon

If you want to replace the default Apple Touch Icon, simply create a “apple-touch-icon.png” in “scanlines/user”. The template recognizes the file automatically and will use it instead of the default one. Have a look at Apple's developer database if you need more information (“Configuring Web Applications”

own CSS

To apply additional CSS rules, edit “scanlines/user/screen.css” (influences normal layout) and/or “scanlines/user/print.css” (influences print layout) and/or “scanlines/user/rtl.css” (influences “right-to-left” languages like hebrew). These files will be included automatically (as the last ones for the relevant media, therefore you are able to overrule existing styles).

:!: Do not forget to empty your browser's cache afterwards.

own JavaScript

To load additional JavaScript, edit “scanlines/user/user.js”. Do not forget to empty your browser's cache afterwards.

:!: Attention: Do not forget to activate the template option “scanlines_loaduserjs” (→“Load 'scanlines/user/user.js'?”) in the DokuWiki Config Manager!

Web analytics software (Piwik, Google Analytics etc.)

Tools like Piwik and Google Analytics normally provide a small code snippet (“tag”) which you have to include at your website to make everything work. If you want to use such software with this template, have a look at “scanlines/user/tracker.php”. This file exists to make it easier for you. You don't have to deliberate where you have to copy and paste the code, simply do it there.

Source: mnml-blog Template. Thanks ;-)

Plugins compatibility

Browser compatibility

This topic is very special. I used wonderful css3, but this isn't understood by every browser.

Please note:

  • Browser compatibility is hard, it's very hard, beacause there is MSIE. It kills every beautiful design.
  • I used Cufón and css3pie for some css3 like border-radius to make IE (not < IE 6) compatible.

In brief:

  • This template is designed for mordern browsers.
  • Have a look at Whats up, IE6 ? (


Thanks to Andreas Haerter's mnml-blog template, Michael Klier's arctic template and Anika Henke's starter template.
I used these templates as a starting point (mainly the configuration, sidebar, and customizing.

Sites using this Template


template/scanlines.1417445339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-12-01 15:48 by Klap-in

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