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JSPWiki to DokuWiki Converter

I have to echo Charlie Youakim's sentiments and thanks all who have supplied scripts for the betterment of Dokuwiki.

I have just finished two scripts to aid in the migration of 1600+ pages from JSPWiki to Dokuwiki.

The scripts highlighted a multitude of sins which had been created, some of which I believe, due to swapping versions of JSPWiki, but most from just bad structure (must educate the editors).

I am sure that there are a number of bugs in the code, and to be frank, not all files are converted correctly, but it has done the majority of the task for me and I thought that someone else might find them useful.

Here's the download:

As I said, it's got some bugs still. You don't need to run this on your actual server as, whilst it copies files between the two file locations, the files can be copied over later.

I hope that this aids someone. :-)

2012-3-19 - Conrad Wadds (conrad at wadds dot net dot au)
2013-05-22 - Uploaded version 0.3 of scripts and make download available.


  • perl - any version above 5


It is able to transform:

  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Lists numbered and unnumbered
  • Tables
  • Monospaced
  • Links, including aliased links
  • Links to non-image files
  • Code
  • Images
  • Strike-through/deleted


More than a few, I'm sure.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: Conrad Wadds<conrad at wadds dot net dot au>
# This script is intended to migrate an existing JSPWiki to an existing Dokuwiki
# The input directory is (a copy of) the directory from which JSPWiki deploys/maintains its pages
# The output directory is (a copy of) the pages directory for Dokuwiki
# usage example: <path-to>/ /opt/jspwikiroot /opt/dokuwiki/data/pages
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
my $link  = '';
my %page  = ();
my %links = ();
my $newpage = '';
my ($apache_uid, $apache_gid) = (getpwnam('apache'))[2,3];
my $indir  = shift or die "what directory to process?\n";
my $outdir = shift or die "what directory to output?\n";
# This string contains all of the likely non-image, non-page link extensions.
# You may add to it if this does not cater for enough extensions.
my $matchstr="(avi|bat|bmml|doc|docm|docx|exe|gz|htm|html|ini|jar|jgp|jpeg|lnk|mov|mp4|pdf|pfx|ppsx|ppt|pptx|properties|ren|rpm|rtf|sxw|txt|vbs|vdx|vsd|vss|war|wgx|xls|xlsx|xml|xsd|zip)";
# Collect page links
foreach (<$indir/*txt>) {
    my $filein = $_;
    $page{$_} = 1;
    open INFILE, "< $filein" or die "cannot open $filein: $?\n";
    while (<INFILE>) {
        next unless /\]/;
        my $tag = '';
        my $rest = '';
        $link = '';
        my $tstlnk = '';
        # Links
        ($link) = m/\[ [^\]^\|]* \| (.*) \]/x;
        ($link) = m/\[ ( [^\]]* ) \]/x unless $link;
        next unless $link;
        $link =~ s/\'/ /g;
        $link =~ s/\"/ /g;
	# Create a dokuwiki style page name
        $newpage =  "$link";
        $newpage =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;	# Lowercase
        $newpage =~ s/\ /_/g;	# Spaces become underscores
        $newpage =~ s/\)//g;	# Throw away left and right parentheses
        $newpage =~ s/\(//g;
        $newpage =~ s/\%28//g;	# JSPWiki (some version of) seems to 
        $newpage =~ s/\%29//g;	# encode parentheses
        $newpage =~ s/\&\_//g;	# Remove ampersand + underscore
        $newpage =~ s/\&//g;	# or just ampersand
        $newpage =~ s/\%26_//g;	# or encoded ampersand + underscore
        $newpage =~ s/\%26//g;	# or just encoded ampersand
        $newpage =~ s/__/_/g;	# Merge multiple underscores into one
	# Lowercase to assist searching
	$link =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
	# Create JSPWiki style page links and store
	# the new page in the associative array.
        $tstlnk =  $link;
        $tstlnk =~ s/\ /\+/g;	# JSPWiki uses plus symbols to replace spaces
        $links{$tstlnk} = $newpage;
        $tstlnk =  $link;
        $tstlnk =~ s/\ //g;	# but sometimes just throws away spaces
        $links{$tstlnk} = $newpage;
    close INFILE;
# For each page we have read in the above link search
foreach my $filein (sort keys %page) {
    my $outfile = '';
    # Retrieve the original file modification time
    my $ftime = (stat $filein)[9];
    $newpage = $filein;
    $newpage =~ s/$indir\/(.*).txt$/$1/;	# Strip off directory and trailing ".txt"
    $newpage =~ s/\%28/\(/g;	# Unencoded parentheses
    $newpage =~ s/\%29/\)/g;
    $newpage =~ s/\%26_//g;	# Strip away encoded ampersands
    $newpage =~ s/\%26\+//g;
    $newpage =~ s/\%26//g;
    $newpage =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;	# And lowercase
    # Check for an already defined output page name
    if ( defined $links{$newpage} ) {
        $outfile = $links{$newpage};
    } else {
	# Or just perform minimal transform
        $newpage =~ y/A-Z/a-z/;
        $newpage =~ s/\ /_/g;
        $newpage =~ s/\+/_/g;
        $outfile = $newpage;
    # Display a page name to the screen.
    print STDOUT "$outfile\n";
    $outfile = "$outdir/$outfile.txt";
    open INFILE,  "< $filein"  or die "cannot open $filein: $?\n";
    open OUTFILE, "> $outfile" or die "cannot open $outfile: $?\n";
    # Ensure our output ends up in the correct place
    select OUTFILE;
    # For each line in the file,
    # perform all the appropriate transforms
    while (<INFILE>) {
        my $tag = '';
        my $rest = '';
        my $ext = '';
        my $tst = '';
        $link = '';
        # Remove any CR or CR/LF characters
        # Table of contents is not required in Dokuwiki
        next if m/\{\s*TableOfContents\s*\}/i;
        # Code
        # Monospaced
        # Links
        # Swap aliased links
        # Headings
        if (($tag, $rest) = /^(\!+)(.*)/) {
            $tag = (length($tag) + 2);
            $tag = "=" x $tag;
            $_ = "$tag$rest $tag";
            # Fixup for links in headings
            if (/\[\[/) {
	        ($link) = m/(\[\[.*\]\])/;
		if ($link =~ /\|/) {
		    ($rest, $tag) = ($link =~ m/\[\[ ( [^\|]+ ) \| ( [^\]]+ ) \]\]/x);
        # Links to non-page, non-image files (JSPWiki handles these like a page)
        if (/\[\[/) {
            ($ext) = m/\[\[ ( [^\]^\|]* ) \| .* \]\]/x;
            ($ext) = m/\[ ( [^\]]* ) \]/x unless $ext;
	    ($tst) = ($ext =~ m/.*\.([^\.]*)$/);
	    if ($tst and $tst =~ m/$matchstr/) {
        # Bulletted list
        if (($tag, $rest) = /^(\*+)(.*)/) {
            $tag = ("  " x length($tag)) . "*";
            $_ =  "$tag$rest";
        # Numbered list
        if (($tag, $rest) = /^(\#+)(.*)/) {
            $tag = ("  " x length($tag)) . "-";
            $_ =  "$tag$rest";
        # Italic
        # Bold
        # Image link in JSPWiki
        if ( m/\[\{Image/ ) {
            s/\[\{Image src=\'/\{\{:/;
	# JSPWiki 'file:\\' type shares
        # Tables require a closing "|"
        if (/^\|/) {
            $_ .= '|';
        # Table headings
        if (/\|\|/) {
            s/$/\|/ if not /\|$/;
        # Strikethrough/deleted
        s/\%\%\(text-decoration: line-through;\)([^\%]*)\%\%/<del>$1<\/del>/g;
        # Output the result
        print "$_\n";
	print "$link\n" if $link;
    close OUTFILE;
    close INFILE;
    # Change ownership to apache:apache to enable editing
    chown($apache_uid, $apache_gid, $outfile);
    # Maintain the original datetime stamp
    utime($ftime, $ftime, $outfile);
# All done
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Author: Conrad Wadds<conrad at wadds dot net dot au>
# This script is intended to assist in migrating an existing JSPWiki to an existing Dokuwiki
# The input directory is (a copy of) the directory from which JSPWiki deploys/maintains its pages
# The output directory is (a copy of) the pages directory for Dokuwiki
# usage example: <path-to>/ /opt/jspwikiroot /opt/dokuwiki/data/pages
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
use strict;
sub processFile($$$$$);
sub mangle($);
# Command for Unix/Linux
my $copycmd = "/bin/cp --force --preserve ";
# Command for Windows (?)
# my $copycmd = "COPY /Y "
my %att = ();
my $ext = '';
my $newpage = '';
my $firsttime = '1';
my $dir = '';
my $page = '';
my $file = '';
my $gen = '';
my $outfile = '';
my $lastdir = '';
my $lastpage = '';
my $lastfile = '';
my $lastext = '';
my $lastgen = '';
my $processed = 0;
my ($apache_uid, $apache_gid) = (getpwnam('apache'))[2,3];
my $indir  = shift or die "what directory to process?\n";
my $outdir = shift or die "what directory to output?\n";
# JSPWiki attachments have the format:
# <WikiRoot>/<PageName>-att/<NameOfFile>-dir/<GenerationNumber>.extension
# Where: PageName is the wiki name of the page the file is attached to
#        NameOfFile is the name of the file attached
#        GenerationNumber is a decimal number of the file generation
#        EG: if the attached file has been updated twice after the 
#            initial attachement and is a zip file:
print "Collecting all attachments.\n";
my @attachment = (<$indir/*-att/*-dir/[0-9]*>);
my $attachments = @attachment;
print "Processing $attachments attachments.\n";
foreach (@attachment) {
    # Split the filename into components
    ($dir, $page, $file, $gen) = ($_ =~ m#(.*)/(.*)-att/(.*)-dir/(.*)#);
    # and extract the attachment suffix.
    ($ext) = ($gen =~ m/.*\.([^\.]*)$/);
    if ( $firsttime ) {
        $firsttime = 0;
        $lastdir  = $dir;
        $lastpage = $page;
        $lastfile = $file;
        $lastgen  = $gen;
        $lastext  = $ext;
    if ($lastfile ne $file) {
        print ".";
        processFile($lastdir, $lastpage, $lastfile, $lastgen, $lastext);
        %att = ();
        $lastdir  = $dir;
        $lastpage = $page;
        $lastfile = $file;
        $lastgen  = $gen;
        $lastext  = $ext;
    $gen =~ s/\.$ext//;
    $att{$gen} = $file;
print "\n";
processFile($lastdir, $lastpage, $lastfile, $lastgen, $lastext);
print "Migrated $processed attachments.\n";
# Guts of the script
sub processFile($$$$$) {
    my $lastdir  = shift;
    my $lastpage = shift;
    local $_     = shift;
    my $lastgen  = shift;
    my $lastext  = shift;
    my $fname = '';
    my $infile = '';
    # Obtain the hightest numbered attachement
    foreach (sort rnum keys %att) {
        $fname = "$_.$lastext";
    # Re-assemble to input filename
    $infile =  "$lastdir/$lastpage-att/$lastfile-dir/$fname";
    # Create an output filename
    $outfile = mangle($lastfile);
    $outfile = "$outdir/$outfile";
    # Copy the file from old dir/fname to new dir/fname
    # (Hopefully) maintaining ownership, permissions and timestamps
    my $cmd = "$copycmd $infile $outfile";
    if (my $result = `$cmd`) {
        die "cannot copy $lastfile: $result\n";
    # Change ownership to apache:apache to enable editing
    chown($apache_uid, $apache_gid, $outfile);
# Reverse numeric sort subroutime
sub rnum { $b <=> $a; }
# Mangle the filename to strip out
# crud and lowercase the result.
# This should give us a Dokuwiki style name
sub mangle($) {
    local $_ = shift;
    return $_;
tips/jspwiki_convert.txt · Last modified: 2013-05-22 14:18 by

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