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Preview of the wiki body; Usage for printing or fullscreen-mode

author : deshi

Download and Installation

Actually it isn´t a plugin as a hack of your template and your DW-core. As if there is somehow the need to have different views of the DW-content. It may be useful and maybe someone changes it to a real plugin.

You have to add the following line to your template: (e.g. Simple/ Line 105; 02/2010)

<a href="<?php echo exportlink($ID, 'html')?>"><img src="<?php echo DOKU_BASE?>lib/images/icons/print.png" alt="PRINT Preview" /></a>

To show an icon you have to copy the fileicon “print.png” to the folder “lib/images/icons/” of your DW-installation. In this case I have created the folder “icons”. Feel free to put it elsewhere. (e.g.

Syntax and Usage


Great ! exactly what i was looking for to include in the dokubook template's toolbox.

Thank's a lot ;-)

Hey guys, I'm not a power user or editor by any means and I'm not entirely sure where to add the code. Could you please specify the following just to make it easier for me and other users who might be having similar issues:

  • Where exactly I need to add this code? Is it in the template.php file?
  • If it is in the template.php file is there any particular location?
  • I don't understand the example (e.g. Simple/ Line 105; 02/2010)

What I'm trying to do is print off some of my own wiki pages, any help will be greatly appreciated :)

Cheers, Geoff

Main template file is lib/tpl/dokuwiki/main.php. “dokuwiki” subfolder mean name of template, used now.

tips/printpreview.txt · Last modified: 2022-11-19 08:39 by

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