
It's better when it's simple






本页面汇总了DokuWiki官方版本的变更信息,不过只列举了比较大的变更。完整的变更日志保留在 GitHub Repository Browser


:!: 标记的变更是在升级的时候需要留意的。

Release 2009-12-25c "Lemming"

  • :!: This release needs PHP 5.1.2 or later!
  • many Editor improvements
    • automatic list indention
    • better headline system
    • link wizard :!: template authors need to provide CSS 代码
  • compatibility fixes for IE8 and Chrome
  • PHP 5.3 compatibility fixes
  • row span support in tables
  • downloadable code blocks
  • fulltext search improvements
  • added filename search in media manager
  • new dformat function :!: plugin and template authors should replace strftime calls with this function
  • one click revert button for managers :!: template authors need to add this button
  • nicer admin screen :!: template authors need to provide CSS
  • XMLRPC improvements
  • many smaller feature enhancements
  • more plugin events
  • some performance optimizations
  • minor security enhancements
  • many, many, many bug fixes

Release 2009-02-14b

  • Flash Multiuploader
  • license selector :!: template authors need to make use of tpl_license()
  • compatibility fixes with Flash Player 10
  • internal changes to make farming easier
  • removed old upgrade plugins1) :!:
  • better support for non-default auth backends in ACL manager
  • jump to edited section after saving
  • much improved Japanese romanization
  • improved XMLRPC interface
  • improved search result display
  • many smaller feature enhancements
  • more plugin events
  • some performance optimizations
  • minor security enhancements
  • security fix for a local file inclusion issue 1700 (CVE-2009-1960)
  • many, many bug fixes

Release 2008-05-05

  • Improved RSS syndication, now supports diff views and full HTML, search results are available as RSS
  • Added AJAX to the index view
  • Show diffs between arbitrary page revisions
  • Improved search and result highlighting
  • Better plugin support for modifying DokuWiki forms :!: removes *FORM_INJECTION events
  • Separation of TOC from content for more template flexibility
  • Security measurements against CSRF attacks
  • X-Sendfile support for supporting Webservers
  • Use of UniversalWikiEditButton in default template
  • Complete rewrite of the ACL manager
  • Moved spell checker from core to plugin
  • Support for deep namespace templates
  • Popularity plugin added by default – please help us to improve DokuWiki with your data
  • Using locale aware strftime instead of date :!: Plugin authors may need to fix their plugins
  • Use fulltext index for media file usage scan for better scalability
  • Introduction of a temp folder :!: upgraders should make sure data/tmp exists and is writable
  • Many bugfixes, smaller features and performance improvements.

Release 2007-06-26

  • Revert Manager added to mass revert spam attacks
  • OpenSearch Support
  • DOMlib removed (smaller JavaScript footprint) :!:
  • Improved index method for the search :!: Upgraders make sure to have data/index directory
  • Improved page meta data support
  • Added a manager option to open certain admin functions to a given group
  • Pluggable renderers
  • TOC now can be separated from the content
  • MIME type heuristics to work around IE security flaws
  • include and include_once support for JavaScript files
  • A bucket load of smaller and bigger bugfixes and improvements
  • Some more bugfixes since RC1

Release 2006-11-06

  • automatic background draft saving
  • improved caching behavior for CSS, JavaScript and RSS, with correct IMS handling
  • various performance improvements including the changelog mechanism redesign
  • support for storing page metadata
  • improvements on the UTF-8 handling when no mb_string extension is available
  • improvements on the default management plugins
  • URL rewrite support for export formats
  • ATOM 1.0 support for syndication
  • better feed aggregation with SimplePie
  • optional gzip output compression if browsers support it
  • namespace restricted searchs added
  • completely rewritten mediamanager :!: template designer need to update their templates
  • namespace links
  • possibility to disable certain DokuWiki actions, when using it in a CMS-like environment
  • made password resetting a two-stage process with confirmation emails
  • webbased install wizard for first time setup
  • many many bug fixes, smaller improvements and language updates

Release 2006-03-09

  • Hotfix Release
  • Fixes various bugs (736 732 731 and others)
  • some language updates

Release 2006-03-05

  • JavaScript made unobtrusive
  • JavaScript and CSS compression, CSS variable replacements
  • New Toolbar
  • Fixes for the search indexer 563 575, commandline index updater added
  • search for word parts and other search fixes552 632 653
  • Completely reworked auth backend system :!: backend config may need to be adjusted
  • stricter XHTML compliance :!: Templates need to be adjusted
  • fixes for the HTTP library 626
  • Google sitemap generation
  • Admin plugins for managing users, configuration and plugins added
  • Pagelockrefresh through background AJAX
  • simple romanization support
  • optional hierarchical breadcrumbs added (aka. “You are here”)
  • simplified permission setting of files
  • ACL now works with user and groupnames which are not valid pagenames (for some auth backends)
  • XSS security fix for handling EXIF data in the mediamanager

Release 2005-09-22

  • various bugs fixed 550, 548, 529, “basedir” problem
  • GeSHi and language updates

Release 2005-09-19

  • page template support 104
  • added support for local configuration files 349
  • Image metadata support (EXIF/IPTC) and detailpage added
  • insitu footnotes
  • removed 2MB limit in 506
  • personal wordlist for spellchecker 488
  • feed caching
  • email subscription for pagechanges
  • commandline utilities for scripting
  • a new index based search
  • URL rewriting for media files
    • :!: Users of rewrite mode 1 need to adjust their .htaccess
  • Support for admin plugins added
  • Proxy support added
  • Optional ImageMagick support added
  • New options for image inclusion

Release 2005-07-13

Release 2005-07-01

  • Style fixes
  • TOC Translation Problem fixed 309
  • Various fixes for the getBaseURL autodetection
  • ACL: The password crypting method is configurable through passcrypt, defaults to salted MD5
  • ACL: The admin can create new users if openregister is disabled
  • ACL: Users can set their own password (autopasswd)
  • ACL: Added DELETE permission for media files :!:
  • fixed problems with footnote numbering
  • Various mysql changes, support for adding Users :!:
  • Hide IP for logged in users
  • Various ldap changes :!:
  • Fixed logout 319
  • AJAX pagename search added
  • Experimental syntax Plugin support added
  • Fix for <php> mode syntax
  • Directory layout was changed :!:
  • Experimental Spell Checker added
  • Fix for Sessionlocking 364
  • Removed short_opentag requirement
  • Fixed problem with ZendOptimizer 377 378
if you're upgrading from an older version upgrade to intermediate releases first
zh/changes.1430971545.txt.gz · 最后更改: 2015-05-07 06:05 由

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