Tato stranka obsahuje souhrn zmen mezi oficialnimi verzemi DokuWiki, uvedeny jsou jen nejvetsi zmeny. kompletni a detailni changelogy jsou dostupne zde GitHub Repository Browser.
Changelogy verzi starsich nez zde uvedench jsou zde Old Changes. Plugin a template vyvojaru je mozne cist, nebo odebirat zde detailed change log.
Zde jsou informace tykajici se samtneho upgradu.
Zmeny oznacene vyzaduji zvysenou pozornost!
Release 2012-01-25a “Angua”
- Zaplata, zverejneno 2012/04/19
- Opravy/zmeny: XSS bezpecnostni problem 2487
Release 2011-05-25c "Rincewind"
- Zaplata, zverejneno 2012/04/19
- Opravy/zmeny: XSS bezpecnostni problem 2487
Release 2012-01-25 “Angua”
- Media jsou verzovatelna stejne jako stranky/clanky (pages).
Pri upgradu bude potreba vytvorit nektere adresare (viz upgrade)
- Je zaveden vykonny AJAX media manager, puvodni flash uploader byl odebran.
Vyzaduje upravu sablon - do sablony je nutne pridat tlacitko manageru a CSS
- Podpora Drag & drop v media manageru (pracuje pouze ve Firefoxu a Chrome). A podpora uloadu vice souboru najednou.
Nastaveni a Administrace
- Kaskadova konfigurace dela administraci snazsi.
- (ORIG) Performance enhancement by using data uris. This will transfer small images together with the CSS, thus reducing the number of needed HTTP requests and avoiding the HTTP header overhead. Turn on cssdatauri for a more efficient install. (/ORIG tomu fakt nerozumim)
Vyvoj a Vyzkum
- Jadro ted pouziva JQuery, ale udrzuje puvodni javascript API pro zpetnou kompatibilitu pluginu
- XML-RPC byl ucesan
- Vice viz releases
a Konecne
- 25 ohlasench potizi bylo opraveno
- Ruzne mensi opravy a vylepseni
- Podekovani Kate a Piyush za jejich GSoC praci a Googlu za sponsoring!
Release 2011-05-25a “Rincewind” (Mrakoplas)
- Opravy/zmeny:
- CSS bezpecnostni problem
- Vyhledavaci/indexovaci problem s velkymi pismeny v nekterych verzich PHP
- Kodovani ne-ASCII znaku v predmetu mailu
- Pro povoleni lokalnich linku (jako
) potrebujes pridat 'file' do sveho conf/scheme.local.conf
Release 2011-05-25 “Rincewind” (Mrakoplas)
- Podpora IPv6
- Zobrazovani rozdilu po radcich
- Bezpecnejsi ulozeni hesel (WordPress, Django)
- Volitelny prefix pro predmet mailu
- Podpora pro volbu jezykove sady a preklady
- Zlepseni zabezpeceni cookies
- Zavedeno indexovani metadat
- Zlepseni podpory asijskych jazyku
- Ruzne mensi opravy a vylepseni
Chyba v „Rincewind RC1“ a nedavny vyvoj verzi mohl poskodit Tvoje vyhledavaci indexy.
Je doporuceno zkontrolovat zda je vse v poradku a pridat?do=check
do Tve DokuWiki URL. Index muze byt znovu vygenerovan pouzitim prikazu bin/indexer.php nebo Search Index Plugin.
Release 2010-11-07a “Anteater” (Mravenecnik)
- Zrychleni vyhledavacich algoritmu.
- Zlepseni mailovych notifikaci.
Autori sablon by meli zkontrolovat zda jsou spravne vlozena tlacitka.
- Stale odkazy (?permalinks) na zobrazeni rozdilu verzi.
- Vyjasneni licenci pro knihovny tretich stran.
- Predvyplnena sekce jmen ve shrnuti, pri jeji editaci.
- Vyber licence behem instalace.
- Nekolik oprav do IE7, IE8 a Chrome.
- Parametry uz mohou byt pouzity v internich odkazech (uzitecne pro pluginy).
- Nejake XMLRPC vylepseni.
- Nastavitelne kodovani jmen souboru.
- Podpora pro vlastni sekce editoru (pluginy), napriklad table editor plugin.
- Centralizovane nahravani knihoven.
- Spousty oprav a drobnych vylepseni.
Release 2009-12-25c “Lemming” (Lumik)
Tento release vyzaduje PHP 5.1.2 nebo vyssi!
- Mnoho vylepseni editoru:
- automaticke odsazovani (na to jsem si stale nezvykl :))
- lepsi system nadpisu
- pruvodce pripojovanim linku
tvurci sablon by meli zajistit CSS.
- Oprava kompatibility pro IE8 a Chrome
- Oprava kompatibility s PHP 5.3.
- Podpora velikosti radky v tabulkach.
- Stahovatelne bloky kodu.
- Vylepseni fulltextoveho vyhledavani.
- Pridano vyhledavani souboru v media manageru.
- Nova dformat funkce
Tvurci pluginu a sablon mohou nahradit volani 'strftime' touto funkci.
one click revert button for managers
Tvurci sablon by meli pridat toto tlacitko.
- Hezci administrativni prostredi
Autori sablon by meli poskytnout CSS
- Vylepseni XMLRPC.
- Mnoho mensich vylepseni vlastnosti.
- Vetsi podpora pluginu.
- Nejake vykonostni optimalizace.
- Drobne bezpecnostni vylepseni.
- Moc, moc, moc oprav.
Release 2009-02-14b
- Flash Multiuploader
- Vyber licence
Tvurci sablon by meli pouzit tpl_license()
- Opravy kompatibility s Flash Player 10
- internal changes to make farming easier
- removed old upgrade plugins1)
- better support for non-default auth backends in ACL manager
- jump to edited section after saving
- much improved Japanese romanization
- improved XMLRPC interface
- improved search result display
- many smaller feature enhancements
- more plugin events
- some performance optimizations
- minor security enhancements
- security fix for a local file inclusion issue 1700 (CVE-2009-1960)
- Moc, moc oprav.
Release 2008-05-05
- Improved RSS syndication, now supports diff views and full HTML, search results are available as RSS
- Added AJAX to the index view
- Show diffs between arbitrary page revisions
- Improved search and result highlighting
- Better plugin support for modifying DokuWiki forms
removes *FORM_INJECTION events
- Separation of TOC from content for more template flexibility
- Security measurements against CSRF attacks
- X-Sendfile support for supporting Webservers
- Use of UniversalWikiEditButton in default template
- Complete rewrite of the ACL manager
- Moved spell checker from core to plugin
- Support for deep namespace templates
- Popularity plugin added by default – please help us to improve DokuWiki with your data
- Use fulltext index for media file usage scan for better scalability
- Introduction of a temp folder
upgraders should make sure
exists and is writable - Many bugfixes, smaller features and performance improvements.
Release 2007-06-26
- Revert Manager added to mass revert spam attacks
- OpenSearch Support
- DOMlib removed (smaller JavaScript footprint)
- Improved index method for the search
Upgraders make sure to have
directory - Improved page meta data support
- Added a manager option to open certain admin functions to a given group
- Pluggable renderers
- TOC now can be separated from the content
- MIME type heuristics to work around IE security flaws
- include and include_once support for JavaScript files
- A bucket load of smaller and bigger bugfixes and improvements
- Some more bugfixes since RC1
Release 2006-11-06
- automatic background draft saving
- improved caching behavior for CSS, JavaScript and RSS, with correct IMS handling
- various performance improvements including the changelog mechanism redesign
- support for storing page metadata
- improvements on the UTF-8 handling when no mb_string extension is available
- improvements on the default management plugins
- URL rewrite support for export formats
- ATOM 1.0 support for syndication
- better feed aggregation with SimplePie
- optional gzip output compression if browsers support it
- namespace restricted searchs added
- completely rewritten mediamanager
template designer need to update their templates
- namespace links
- possibility to disable certain DokuWiki actions, when using it in a CMS-like environment
- made password resetting a two-stage process with confirmation emails
- webbased install wizard for first time setup
- many many bug fixes, smaller improvements and language updates
Release 2006-03-09
Release 2006-03-05
- JavaScript made unobtrusive
- JavaScript and CSS compression, CSS variable replacements
- New Toolbar
- Completely reworked auth backend system
backend config may need to be adjusted
- stricter XHTML compliance
Templates need to be adjusted
- fixes for the HTTP library 626
- Google sitemap generation
- Admin plugins for managing users, configuration and plugins added
- Pagelockrefresh through background AJAX
- simple romanization support
- optional hierarchical breadcrumbs added (aka. „You are here“)
- simplified permission setting of files
- ACL now works with user and groupnames which are not valid pagenames (for some auth backends)
- XSS security fix for handling EXIF data in the mediamanager
Release 2005-09-22
Release 2005-09-19
- page template support 104
- added support for local configuration files 349
- Image metadata support (EXIF/IPTC) and detailpage added
- insitu footnotes
- removed 2MB limit in fetch.php 506
- personal wordlist for spellchecker 488
- feed caching
- email subscription for pagechanges
- commandline utilities for scripting
- a new index based search
Template editors need to add the tpl_indexerWebBug() function to their main template
- Upgraders should read Some Background on the searchindex
- URL rewriting for media files
Users of rewrite mode 1 need to adjust their .htaccess
- Support for admin plugins added
- Proxy support added
- Optional ImageMagick support added
- New options for image inclusion
Release 2005-07-13
- some fixes for the safemodehack option 179
- some spellchecker fixes 448
Release 2005-07-01
- Style fixes
- TOC Translation Problem fixed 309
- Various fixes for the getBaseURL autodetection
- ACL: The password crypting method is configurable through passcrypt, defaults to salted MD5
- ACL: The admin can create new users if openregister is disabled
- ACL: Users can set their own password (autopasswd)
- ACL: Added DELETE permission for media files
- fixed problems with footnote numbering
- Various mysql changes, support for adding Users
- Hide IP for logged in users
- Various ldap changes
- Fixed logout 319
- AJAX pagename search added
- Experimental syntax Plugin support added
- Fix for <php> mode syntax
- Directory layout was changed
- Experimental Spell Checker added
- Fix for Sessionlocking 364
- Removed short_opentag requirement
if you're upgrading from an older version upgrade to intermediate releases first
cs/changes.txt · Poslední úprava: autor: ach