Malnovaj ŝanĝlistoj
Tiu paĝo enhavas ŝanĝojn de pli malnovaj DokuWiki-versioj. The complete changelog for the current Development Version is available through the git Repository Browser. Resumita ŝanĝlisto de plej aktualaj versioj estas havebla tie.
- 2005-03-31… and ongoing
- Integrating the new Parser
- 2005-05-30
- fix for uploaded media permissions
- 2005-04-29
- Added new PHP only userewrite option
- 2005-04-23
- linkto param to RSS feed added
- 2005-04-22
- backlinks for camelcase
- 2005-04-17
- 2005-04-16
- alphachannel saving for PNG resizing
- 2005-04-11
- pgsql by Alexander Marx added
- 2005-04-09
- New logo by Esther Brunner added
- 2005-04-06
- 2005-04-04
- Patch by Norbert Tretkowski to reject empty LDAP passwords
- 2005-04-03
- Fix for lock files (thanks to jorda [at] ettin [dot] org
- 2005-03-31
- 2005-03-30
- 2005-03-29
- More RTL support 89
- 2005-03-28
- 2005-03-26
- Hopefully fixed a problem with pathnames in Windows 213
- Added a patch by Jan Decaluwe to optionally use the first heading instead of the pagename in links without explicit title
- 2005-03-21
- Fixed two small bugs introduced in devel with authcheck and the cancel action (thanks to Eric ter Haar)
- Another bug in devel with buggy image handling fixed (thanks to Eric ter Haar and Guy Brand)
- 2005-03-20
- empty namespaces are now deleted when the last page in it is removed 201
- The filename displayed in the footer now always shows the name in UTF-8 instead URL-encoded - this is not really correct, but filenames with a lot of Unicode (e.g. Russian) get annoyingly big
- 2005-03-18
- Fixed RSS link when useslash is enabled 184
- 2005-03-16
- 2005-03-09
- 2005-03-04
- rel=nofollow and delayed indexing 181
- 2005-03-03
- safemode hack added 179
- 2005-02-28
- 2005-02-27
- handling of of mailheader encoding was tweaked to prefer ASCII when possible (also forceable with a define) 168
- 2005-02-26
- The feed now includes the favicon as image object
- 2005-02-25
Release 2005-02-18
- 2005-02-18
- check for existing and readable/writable changes.log 136
- 2005-02-17
- some getBaseURL changes (maybe fixes 123)
- 2005-02-16
- transparency added to interwiki.png 150 (thanks to Kieron Wilkinson)
- added a better function for removing specialchars from pagenames 152
- 2005-02-15
- fixed slash in pagenames 144
- 2005-02-14
- 2005-02-09
- 2005-02-08
- fix for a problem in the message function (thanks to Martin Prikryl) 124
- 2005-02-07
- fixed a clash in the accesskeys 122
- added a workaround for PCRE limitations in old PHP versions 119
Release 2005-02-06
- 2005-02-05
- removed XML declaration header for better compatibility with MSIE
- the summary now turns red if missing to remind you to fill it
- 2005-02-04
- support for much bigger blacklists like the one from chongqed.org which now is included by default 99
- 2005-02-03
- editor names for all revisions 85
- 2005-02-01
- 2005-01-30
- extended the available placeholders in interwiki links to be able to add a Coral Cache shortcut
- 2005-01-29
- renamed the Taiwanese language folder to be ISO compatible
- fix for non-cached external images 95
- InsertTag selection patch (thanks to Jim Raynor) 48
- workaround for PHP umask bug 97
- LDAP debugging added #98
- 2005-01-27
- 2005-01-26
- a patch for a silly error in cleanID introduced yesterday (thanks to Jeff Krause)
- correct notify page URLs 72
- 2005-01-25
- usernames in notifymails 66
- 2005-01-24
- the versionstring is now read from a
file or darcs inventory
- 2005-01-23
- UTF-8 support added
Upgraders need to utf8update their data
Release 2005-01-16a
Release 2005-01-16
Release 2005-01-15
Release 2005-01-14
- 14.01.2005
- Proper PHPdoc comments added
- wrapper divs for simpler styling added
- final fix for 4
- 13.01.2005
- Revamp of the cookie system (fixes 13)
- fixed a problem with magpie
- 12.01.2005
- doku.php now includes a version string (currently only used in META tag)
- & is replaced by & in URLs now - should fix 8
- added useslash option for even cooler URLs when rewriting (thanks to Meilof Veeningen)
- 11.01.2005
- some additions to the ldap backend (thanks to Philip Brown)
- 12 fixed
- The
parameter can be given asX-DOKUWIKI-DO
HTTP header as well (useful for wget based export scripts)
- 09.01.2005
- fixed bug 4 (View Source locks page)
- 07.01.2005
- fix for media namespace permissions by Christian
- 06.01.2005
- mysql added
- 05.01.2005
- The feed now uses the correct character set
- GeSHi updated to 1.0.4
- workaround for weird basepath behaviour on Windows/Apache2/VirtualHost/Whatever
- Fix for highlighting on multiple word searches (thanks to Martin Prikryl)
- 27.11.2004
- Breadcrumbs are shown without namespace - the full name is shown as title
- Added title tags to most links
- 24.11.2004
- overall div added for simpler CSS changes
- 23.11.2004
- Links in the RSS feed now contain the revision
- Patch by Gwenn Gueguen to set the
address for outgoing emails added - CSS fix for aligned images
- 12.11.2004
- Fix for image resizing when the GD extension was compiled with libGD <2.0
- Added ~~NOCACHE~~ syntax to disable caching of single pages (thanks to Premysl Fara)
- automatically added SESSIONID now uses XHTML compliant & separator
Release 2004-11-10
- 10.11.2004
- CSS bugfix for mixed type lists
- configurable signature string
- workaround for PHP bug #21531: file_exists() displays warning
- some .htaccess changes (hopefully fixing some Apache2 problems)
- change in ACL behaviour
- resorted locales in language files to avoid PHP/Windows bug on Win98 (thanks to J. Siekmeyer)
- characters now are deaccented only when encoding is iso-8859-15
- 08.11.2004
- small IE CSS bugfix by Anika Henke added
- 07.11.2004
- fixed JavaScript bug for mediaselection
- fixed realpathproblem with attic (again)
- fixed PNG problem with IE
- 06.11.2004
- ldap backend added
- 1st version of UTF8 converter
- 05.11.2004
- fixed print.css – thanks to Randy Brown
- added charset header to media.php – thanks to Vlad
- style fixes for the login form
- 04.11.2004
- security issue with ACL fixed
- 02.11.2004
- slash is converted to underscore in cleanID() again
- added
Release 2004-11-02
- 02.11.2004
- two bugfixes for the ACL feature
- no need to upgrade if you don't use it
Release 2004-11-01
- 31.10.2004
- mixed type lists now work
- metainfo is in it's own function now
- CSS fixes by Anika Henke
- current namespace shortcut by Jone Marius Vignes added
- more feedback is given
- new users can register online
- fixed cursor positioning on sig button
- 27.10.2004
- Syntax Highlighting updated to GeSHi 1.0.2
- 26.10.2004
- The TOC is now tableless
- minor fixes for media embedding
- 24.10.2004
- changed authentication from HTTP auth to a session/cookie based solution
- added signature button for logged in users
- fixed index view to display basenames only
- 22.10.2004
- language updates
- 21.10.2004
- edit summary field is hidden on readonly pages when viewing the source
- changed namespace separator to
for windows systems - some CSS fixes
- Automatic plural linking added
- Edit summary is prepended to the newsfeed item description
- 20.10.2004
- Added <link> headers for export (thanks to Tero Ykspetäjä)
Release 2004-10-19
- 19.10.2004
- 18.10.2004
- empty search bugfix
- 17.10.2004
- Type of uploadable files can be restricted (extension matching)
- 14.10.2004
- Edit summary added
- locking now uses the username if available
- 13.10.2004
- 10.10.2004
- Mediaselectiondialog completely redone (uses ACL now)
- 07.10.2004
- When a page is emptied it is deleted on the file system now. The attic remains intact so it's always possible to restore the page. (thanks to JET)
- 05.10.2004
- The Auto-TOC links now use speaking names
- linking to sections now is possible using the # separator as known from HTML
- 03.10.2004
- local characters (e.g. äüö) are now optionally supported in pagenames (See Localization)
- login backend (reading flatfiles)
- ACL checks (again flatfiles) not complete yet
- 01.10.2004
- slash is used as namespace separator on Windows systems
Release 2004-09-30
- 30.09.2004
- fixed style issues for mediaselection dialog
- 28.09.2004
- bugfix for wl() function
- 27.09.2004
- locking now additionally uses the
header set by some proxies - added debug page
- fixes for call time reference stuff
Release 2004-09-25
- 24.09.2004
- Added tableless headers and footers submitted by moraes
- more include hooks added
- abbreviations added
- 23.09.2004
- Edit button changes according to mode
- list of documents in a given namespace can be exported (see syndication)
- 22.09.2004
- CSS problem with large aligned images fixed
- table parser is less picky about trailing spaces
- 21.09.2004
- Backlinks added
- 20.09.2004
- Internal code cleanup
- Fixed a problem with caching and the RSS feed
- 19.09.2004
- PHP only search added
- Section Editing links with formbuttons replaced (search engines did lock the pages)
- 18.09.2004
- 16.09.2004
- JavaScript warning when leaving the edit page without saving
- 14.09.2004
- Added correct paragraph markup
- Search queries are now highlighted in the found page (DokuWiki search and Google search)
Release 2004-09-12
- 12.09.2004
- Pagelocking added
- All buttons are now <input> buttons for two reasons:
- Searchengine bots shouldn't follow Forms so no locking by them
- all buttons finally look the same
- fixed a really nasty bug introduced yesterday which killed + chars in section editing
- 11.09.2004
- fixed problem with underscores_in_italics
- fixed problem with namespaces starting with the same word on index
- IE media select fixed (thanks to jet)
- IE conflict corruption bug fixed (thanks to sb)
- Dependency on GNU diff or zdiff removed
- Cleaned up JavaScript for Quickbuttons
- Section editing now is disabled when parsing language files.
- namespaces are included when displaying search results and recent changes again
- 26.08.2004
- Added french translation by Sébastien Bauer
- 25.08.2004
- Cache names are now created with servername and port, too. This ensures links are correct when running DokuWiki with multiple servernames or ports
- now using popen instead of backticks for running external commands as suggested by Harry Brueckner
- 24.08.2004
- Optional CamelCase links
- cleanID() now converts accented chars to unaccented ones – sorry if this breaks some links for you
- 23.08.2004
- some nicer smileys added (hmmm… eye candy
- fixed broken umask config (thanks to Helmut Franzke)
- © ™ and ® added to typography support
Release 2004-08-22
- 22.08.2004
- definable level for Section Editing
- fixes and updates for German language
- InterWiki links linking to the same Wiki (e.g.
) use the target defined for Wiki links
- 20.08.2004
- simpler nowiki syntax by using double percent signs
- much smaller stylesheet for GeSHi
- GeSHi higlight files for Perl and Bash added (sent to upstream author)
- finally lineendings are preserved correctly (this whole lineending stuff is just completely braindead
- added
quoting (<qt> quoting removed)
- 19.08.2004
- Section editing added
- attic mkdir bug fixed
- config option for maximum TOC level
- GeSHi Syntax highlighter added
- 18.08.2004
- Changed
in RSS and ATOM feeds to pseudo email address to satisfy requirements - ErrorReporting is set to sane values
- gzip is disabled if not available even if enabled in the config
- syntax for forced newlines added
- breadcrumbs don't have duplicates anymore
Release 2004-08-15a
- 16.08.2004
- Fixed two typos with io_makeFileDir
- 15.08.2004
- now only existing documents are saved to the breadcrumbs
- placeholders can now be used in the interwiki configuration file
- vertical tableheaders added
- title support for images
- 14.08.2004
- saves with no changes are silently ignored
- 13.08.2004
- emails are now optionally obfuscated against address harvesting spammers
- 12.08.2004
- added simple table syntax submitted by Patrick Cole
- 10.08.2004
- gzip compression for the attic added (thanks to sb) – to convert your old attic use this command:
find attic/ -name '*.txt' -exec gzip -9 {} \;
- some fixes and additions to the XML Feed
Release 2004-08-08
- 07.08.2004
- some linkformating fixes
- autogenerated Table of contents can be disabled with
- some more typography (see syntax)
- 05.08.2004
- fixed another XHTML bug in listparsing (i hope)
- another small typography fix: 640×480
- added subscript and superscript
- added custom textreplacement
- pagecaching using foocache
- 04.08.2004
- favicon added
- Editbox size is now stored in a persistent cookie
- 03.08.2004
- Bug on image resizing to new aspect ratio fixed (Delete
) - Replaced the logo image by the title configured in the config file
- 01.08.2004
- Imagecaching can be disabled with
parameter - Sessionname now uses
– multiple installations on the same server are now possible - added
as special case for interwiki
Release 2004-07-25
- 25.07.2004
- 24.07.2004
- Index added
- Parser bugfixes
- Footnotes added
- 23.07.2004
- added IP and remote user to recent changes and feed
Release 2004-07-21
- 20.07.2004
- fixed https support
- 19.07.2004
- Added a stylesheet for print
- Always clean the id before it is displayed anywhere
- 18.07.2004
- Anti WikiSpam changes
- Renamed Sandbox to PlayGround
- added an optional blacklist for known spam
- Fixed problem with nested lists like this one
- 17.07.2004
- correct META headers for search engine robots
- only index existing pages, ignore old revisions and edit pages
- set date META header
- 16.07.2004
- Typographically correct characters
- Logging is done with clean ID
- 15.07.2004
- Better handling of codeblocks marked by indention
- two spaces of indention are required now
- indention is removed on show
- 13.07.2004
- Fixed problem with smileys in lists
Release 2004-07-12
- 11.07.2004
- Deleted pages are not shown in
Recent changes
anymore - fixed some IE display problems
- 10.07.2004
- disable full document path in footer
- configurable start pagename (thanks to Alexander Pärsch)
- images in link possible
- some internal code cleanup
- title tags for AccessKeys
- translation of QuickButtons
Release 2004-07-07
- 07.07.2004
- added breadcrumbs
- 05.07.2004
- added preview function
- 04.07.2004
- fixed list markup to be XHTML compliant again
- fixed missing charset definition
- optional email notify added
- fixed links on webservers running on ports other than 80
Versio 2004-07-04
- Plej unua versio de DokuWiki
eo/old_changes.txt · Lastaj ŝanĝoj: de Aleksandr