팁과 트릭
사용 팁
링크 | 간단한 설명 |
TailorWikiRules | 설치 후 모범 사례 |
Syncing with Unison | unison을 이용하여 2개의 Wiki를 동기화 |
timezone | 서버의 시간대 설정 |
mailconfig | 메일 작업을 위한 팁 |
commonlogin | 동일 서버에서 위키 간에 인증 데이터 공유 |
Displaying blank rows in tables | 테이블에 빈줄 표시 |
Good Style | 좋은 스타일을 만들기 위한 힌트 |
upgrading_old_versions | 오래된 DokuWiki (2005-*) 업그레이드 방법 |
ShowMediaFromExternalUpload | 미디어 매니저가 아닌 다른 방법으로 업로드한 파일이 표시되게 하는 법 |
브라우저 이슈
링크 | 간단한 설명 |
scrollposition | Firefox에서 DokuWiki가 스크롤 위치를 기억하지 않는 이유 |
preventing-postdata-has-expired | 'POSTDATA has expired' 메시지 방지하기 |
dom.disable_image_src_set | Firefox에서 편집화면의 툴바버튼이 보이지 않는 경우 |
위키 구문의 확장
이 팁들의 대부분은 새로운 Parser에 맞게 조정할 필요가 있습니다. 그리고, 즉시 작동하지는 않을 것입니다. 그래서 새로운 plugin 시스템을 사용하여 구현하는 것이 좋을 지도 모릅니다.
링크 | 간단한 내용 |
magnet links links-to-dokuwiki-commands | 외부 링크로 DC++ magnet links를 표시 |
위키 페이지 내에서 “DokuWiki actions” (?do=) 만들기 | |
tex_howto | DokuWiki에 AMSLaTeX 수식 구문을 추가를 지원하는 패치(2005-05-07 version 용) |
레이아웃과 스타일의 확장
이 팁의 일부는 새로운 template을 사용하여 구현하는 것이 더 나을 지 모릅니다. 적절히 고쳐 쓸 것을 권장합니다.
링크 | 간단한 설명 |
CustomQuoting | 인용스타일 변경 |
format_user | 사용자 이름을 표사할 때 클라이언트 인증서의 CN 사용 |
Pretty Recent | 최근 바뀜 페이지를 날짜 제목(Fix for July 1 Revision)을 포함한 것을 변경 |
'pre' section with wrap | <pre> section with wrapping |
Disabling link icons | interwiki와 wiki 이외의 링크 아이콘 비활성화 |
Descriptions in RSS aggregator | 각 RSS 기사의 첫부분을 목록에 추가 |
Code CSS | 구분 강조를 위한 CSS |
geshi_style_builder | Geshi 스타일 빌더 |
XHTML Strict | XHTML 1.0 로 전환 방법 |
image_nolink | 삽입한 이미지의 링크 기본 옵션을 링크 없음으로 만들기 |
Toc use position fixed | 페이지를 스크롤할 때 목차가 고정되어 스크롤 되지 않게 하기 |
numbered headings | CSS만으로 제목 번호 매기기 |
back to top | 각 제목 앞에 페이지 위로 링크r |
Local links with icons | 아이콘 사용 내부 링크 |
image-in-the-upper-right-corner | 상단 DokuWiki 로고를 자신의 이미지로 교체 |
code-in-ordered-lists | 번호 목록에 코드를 포함 |
prettyrecentfix | “최근 바뀜” 페이지를 더 보기 좋게 하는 팁 |
tableswithrowspans2 | 가로폭(Rowspan)을 지원하는 표 |
Tables with Rowspan | 가로폭(Rowspan)을 지원하는 표의 다른 방법 |
rowspansfix | 가로폭(Rowspan)을 지원하는 표의 다른 방법 |
rowspansfix2 | 가로폭(Rowspan)을 지원하는 표의 다른 방법 |
Adjust iframe heights | An additional JavaScript for the iframe plugin to make iframes as high as needed for their content |
Using CSS to Style Headers | General tips, case uses and structure info for styling headers with CSS. |
Display the changes for each entry in the recent list | Display a diff of the last and the current version for each entry in the recent list]] |
printpreview | Preview of the wiki body; Usage for printing or fullscreen-mode |
double-click-to-edit | Double Click to Open a Section Edit (improved) |
Adding new Functionality
Link | Short Description |
Auto Subscribe a Mailinglist | Auto Subscribe a user to a mailinglist after registration |
Better Email Notifications | Receive HTML-formatted email notifications for page changes |
Clean Notification Scheme | Clarify notification scheme: namespace subscribers on new page, page subscribers on update |
IP-based ACLs | Assign access rights based on IP or network of the connecting client. |
BrowserLanguageDetection | Change the UI language automatically |
transliteration | Transliterate Cyrillic texts to Latin |
PDF Export | PDF export using html2ps and pstopdf |
Print View Button | make use of ?do=export_html |
tpl_button for print view | Adds an tpl_button for print_view |
User Link | use an extra wiki-page for users |
.htaccess authentication | Use .htaccess authentication instead of the login form |
.htaccess authentication 2 | As above with support for UserManager |
HTTP-Auth Passthru | Adding http-auth-functionality to your existing ACL-setup |
Chained Authentication | Use a sequence of authentication backends (e.g. LDAP then plain ) |
StickyExportHtml | Make do=export_html “sticky” for HTML-only browsing |
Html only view | Similar to previous. uses .htaccess rewrite for that |
discussion | Creates a link or button in your template that leads to a separate discussion-page (like e.g. Wikipedia does provide) |
safely include php code | Allow PHP code to be included in pages created by superuser only |
Page Statistics | Add page and media file logging to DokuWiki |
Tiny Page Logging | Add simple logging to DokuWiki |
NLS | Adding unofficial National Language Support (NLS) for DokuWiki |
Summary Enforcement | Require the user to enter a summary (or check minor edit) |
ToolbarButton | How to add your own button to the toolbar |
homepages | Autocreate user homepages when add/modify user accounts |
wordcounter | Add a word-/charcounter to the edit form |
mediamanager and filesize | Append the size of the mediamanager selected file to the wikilink |
media_attached | media upload is attached to each page |
template_chooser | A simple dropdown box in editmode allows you to paste content from a template into the current document |
login_instead_of_forbidden | Show the login form when accessing a restricted page |
display_acls | Display ACLs in page footer |
action_menu | Action menu like in MoinMoin Wiki |
DELETE_THEM | Delete Apache owner:group files |
export_html | Export multiple pages to HTML |
newssystem | A News System |
subscription | Prevent Email Of Changes to Subscribed Author |
phashLogin | Allows “GET” login with a phash password. Useful with RSS readers for example. |
Integrate TinyURL | Automatically create a short URL for every page |
LDAP and usemanager | ldap.class.php modification so that the usermanager plugin can display the LDAP users |
usermanager and chained auth | Manage each authentication method used by the chained method through the usermanager |
| |
Filter Recent Changes | Allows you to filter the list of 'Recent Changes' by username (for version 2008-05-05) |
Filter Recent Changes | Allows you to filter the list of 'Recent Changes' by username (for version 2009-02-14) |
Separate Admin Login | Use a special admin login, which cannot read or edit pages |
User Pages | Give everyone AUTH_EDIT on a page within a special namespace, where that page is their name |
ClickNShow | Hide/Show Headers clicking on them |
Minor Edit by default | Set the “Minor Edit” check mark by default |
viewcounter | Adds a simple pageview counter |
Made a book | How to make a book with DokuWiki |
Namespace Clouds | DokuWiki Cloud Plugin Namespace Discrimination Patch |
Copy Section Link | An easy way to copy each section link (with JavaScript) |
pageaccueil | Creates a home page that lists categories of wiki to create a new page in the category chosen. Also allows to Create a new category. |
Integration with Other Software
Content Management Systems and Forums
Link | Short Description |
Mambo CMS | How to integrate DokuWiki with Mambo CMS (Spanish) |
XOOPS CMS | A complete integration of DokuWiki with XOOPS for XOOPS 2.2.x and 2.0.x only |
Joomla Bridge (german) | Bridge (authorization module) for using Joomla users in DokuWiki (Also available for Joomla 1.5) |
Joomla Integration | Full User Integration of DokuWiki and Joomla with no iframes! new |
Drupal | Authentication backend will enable your DokuWiki to authenticate using the Drupal database. |
Drupal | Integrate a DokuWiki installation into a Drupal front-end. |
BLOG:CMS | BLOG:CMS integrates DokuWiki with Weblog, Forum and Gallery in one package |
NucleusCMS (no deeplink) | NucleusCMS integrates DokuWiki |
OpenIMS CMS (no deeplink) | Authentication backend will enable your DokuWiki to authenticate using the OpenIMS database. |
PHP Fusion CMS (link removed unsecure) | The TWB DokuWiki Infusion integrates DokuWiki into the PHP Fusion CMS. View the demo: http://www.web-bureau.com/infusions/dokuwiki/. |
TextMate Bundle | Edit pages inside Textmate |
Absolut Engine | DokuWiki bridging module has been created to allow seamless integration of DokuWiki into Absolut Engine CMS. |
Zeroboard XE | Authentication backend for Zeroboard XE, one of the famous Korean forum/CMS code.(in Korean) Based on Mohammed Sameer's Drupal authentication backend source code |
glFusion CMS (no deeplink) | Nicely integrates DokuWiki with glFusion CMS. Authentication backend enables DokuWiki to authenticate using the glFusion database. Also supports all glFusion security groups and integrates glFusion's auto tag feature. |
Forum Systems only
Link | Short Description |
phpBB | How to integrate DokuWiki with phpBB's authentication |
phpBB 3.0.X | How to integrate DokuWiki with phpBB3s authentication |
Use DokuWiki Syntax in phpBB | Use DokuWiki Syntax in phpBB (in German) |
Invision Power Board IPB 2.x | How to integrate DokuWiki with IPB 2.x authentification |
PostNuke | A “bridge” to integrate the look and the user management of PostNuke and DokuWiki. Runs without modifications to DokuWiki files! |
XennoBB mysql_authentication | XennoBB MySQL Authentication |
PunBB (mod) | A mod to integrate DokuWiki to PunBB forum ( |
PunBB (mysql_auth) | PunBB MySQL Authentification [fr] |
SMF (Simple Machines Forum) | Authentication backend using SMF database. |
Vanilla | Lets Vanilla take care of all the user management, including sessions |
Blog Systems
Link | Short Description |
DokuWiki WordPress Plugin | How to add DokuWiki syntax to the WordPress blogging software |
dw2wp | A WordPress plugin to import content from DokuWiki |
dwBliki | A WordPress plugin. Downloadlink to the latest stable version (May 2005) |
DokuWiki Markup Plugin | Another Plugin for WordPress |
Wordpress (mysql_auth) | WordPress MySQL Authentication Integration |
Geeklog | Integrate DokuWiki in Geeklog |
Bug Trackers
Link | Short Description |
GForge | A plugin for using DokuWiki in GForge |
Mantis Integration | How to integrate DokuWiki with Mantis Bugtracker |
Flyspray | Flyspray Authentication Integration |
Eventum Integration | How to integrate DokuWiki with Eventum Issue Tracker |
eventum | Eventum link plugin |
Trac | A very dirty way to force Trac and DokuWiki to interact with each other. |
Link | Short Description |
Synchronise with Tomboy | How to synchronize Tomboy with DokuWiki |
Integrate DokuWiki to your website | As read-only pages |
Edit DokuWiki with text editors using FUSE and Python | Untested and potentially buggy. |
Researchr | Framework for integrating DokuWiki with BibDesk and Skim for academic note taking and citation management |
Interacting scripts and tools
Link | Short Description |
DokuWiki Setup | Easy/automatic installation/upgrade - also fixing safe-mode issues |
Maintenance | Cronjobs to keep your wiki clean |
Backup Script | A small shellscript to backup your wiki data and media, including rotation. |
BackupToS3 | A small ruby script to backup your wiki to Amazon's data storage system S3. |
UpgradeScript | A small script to make DokuWiki updates simpler |
Weblog bookmarklet | A JavaScript/PHP combination to post in DokuWiki like regular weblogs |
imap2wiki | A small PHP script to give users the opportunity to post by email |
DokuVimKi | VIM Plugin that allows editing of wiki pages over XML-RPC + Syntax highlighting for DokuWiki syntax |
vimkeys | Key Bindings for [G]Vim |
fixperms.php | make webserver created files writable by everyone |
mail2page | create pages and upload media by email |
romanize | romanize files in datadir |
DokuWiki2HtmlHelp | Converts a DokuWiki website into a Compiled HTML Help file (.chm) complete with table of contents and index |
jEdit | An edit mode for jEdit that does syntax highlighting for headlines, character formats, lists and links |
tofromdoku | A DokuWiki command line utility (discontinued, use dwpagephp instead) |
recreate wiki change log | How to recreate your wiki change log from individual page change logs |
readINIfile | How to solve problem with parse_ini_file disabled |
fixmtime | Fix modification times based on timestamps (to avoid the external edit syndrome) |
clean_acl | Clean up non-existing users and pages in the ACL |
Clean Media Directory | A little Perl script to clean up orphaned files in the Media-Directory |
Logging in to retrieve pages with cURL | Quick howto on retrieving pages that require logging in with curl. |
Extract external links | A small PHP script to extract all external links (with surrounding context) from the wiki |
Add an Autolink page | A small Perl Script to (re)builds link on chosen words each nights |
Automatic build reports | A bash script that compiles/builds a project and reports the result to the wiki |
GourceDoku | Picture of the edition of a wiki with Gource |
topcontributors | A shell snippet to create a list of the top contributors to the wiki |
locateorphanmedia | How to get a listing of all orphaned media ie.: media files that are not linked to in your wiki |
Page Annotate | A script to give you idea who edited which line in page. Uses git as a tool to do the trick |
Mysql For All | An off-wiki webpage script to provide users the ability to generate mysql queries for use in wiki plugins. Users do not need to know the database structure or mysql syntax. |
Importing from External Sources
Source Wiki | Description |
ChuWiki | A Python script for ChuWiki conversion |
ErfurtWiki | A PHP script for ewiki (ErfurtWiki) conversion |
JSPWiki | A plugin to import JSPWiki pages |
JSPWiki (again) | A pair of scripts to convert a directory of JSPWiki pages |
MediaWiki | Converts MediaWiki to DokuWiki |
MoinMoin | Python and PHP scripts for MoinMoin conversion. |
Perspective | A python script, must be run from Windows |
TikiWiki | A PHP script for TikiWiki conversion. |
trac | A PHP script for trac's wiki conversion |
TWiki | A TWiki to DokuWiki conversion script |
Wakka Wiki | A Perl script for Wakka Wiki conversion |
Zwiki | A Perl script for Zwiki conversion |
docpdf2dokuwiki | A Perl script for importing pdf and doc |
Link | Description |
uploadcodedir | Uploading a directory of code to DokuWiki |
doc_to_wiki_syntax | Convert folders with Ms Word Doc files to DokuWiki Syntax |
table_editing | How to import your data into tables |
Wikemail | a script to import email into DokuWiki |
OpenOffice Macro | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format |
OpenOffice v2 Macro | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format, adapted for OOo v2 |
OpenOffice v3 Macro | Plugins from OpenOffice to Dokuwiki |
OpenOfficeMacro | both of the above macros do not convert embedded pictures - this one does |
Writer2Dokuwiki | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format (doesnt fully support lists) |
Writer2Dokuwiki (IT-Bayer's version) | converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format |
Calc2Dokuwiki | Exports selected ranges of cells from OpenOffice.org Calc into tables formatted in DokuWiki code. Tool available as an extension (OOo 2.1.x) and a macro (OOo 1.x-2.x) |
| converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format |
Word Macro adaptation | converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format - improved conversion (for English Word) plus adaptation for German Word |
Word to DokuWiki Converter | improves upon the two macros above as it is a Word template that allows one to click a button in MS Word to convert a Word document, including images, to DokuWiki format (see Portfolio section on website) |
Excel Macro | An Excel macro to convert the selected cells into DokuWiki table syntax. exceldokuwiki. |
HTMLtoWiki | How to convert HTML to DokuWiki syntax |
csv2dwt | A script that converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT) |
csv2dokuwiki | Converts CSV input (tab separated) into DokuWiki's table syntax (in Java) |
xls2wiki | A script that converts XLS copied data to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT) and vice versa |
Link | Description |
blacklist_test | This little script helps to check a text against the blacklist |
blogging | This page describes the steps necessary to get you started with blogging in DokuWiki |
bookmarklets | JavaScript based wiki page editing helpers |
default text search | Add default text for the search box |
disabled_functions | Patch if your webhost doesn't support glob or readfile |
DwExport | DokuWiki export to static HTML pages including images and CSS formatting. ⇒ http://sourceforge.net/projects/dwexport/ Only v0.2 |
farm | How to make DokuWiki a wiki farm |
htdigestauth | Setting up htdigest user identification |
integrate_with_smf | SMF Integration |
simplegooglesearch | A simple Google search |
spell_checker_713 | Aspell Personal Wordlists and Release 2005-07-13 (seems old) |
svg.php | This is a plugin to DokuWiki to allow collaborative generation of SVG images. (Make it a plugin if possible/useful) |
utf8update | DokuWiki UTF8 conversion |
ko/tips.txt · 마지막으로 수정됨: 저자