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Tips and Tricks for DokuWiki

This is the place to collect all your Tips and Tricks for DokuWiki Usage.

:!: Steps for reorganization:

  • Add a description to each page, and categorize within this page. Almost done.
  • Review external links to remove broken ones, maybe integrate external link to have all content on
    If possible please rewrite content, and remove old things.

NOTE to translators: When updating your tips page, please use the index button to see what pages are within your locale :tips namespace. And please do include them into the tips page. Thank you.

Usage Tips

Link Short Description
TailorWikiRules Best-practices to follow after installing DokuWiki
Syncing with Unison Sync two wikis using unison
timezone Set the server's Timezone
mailconfig Tips on making mail work
commonlogin Sharing authentication data between wikis on the same server
Displaying blank rows in tables Displaying blank rows in tables
Good Style Hints on how to have good styles on DokuWiki
Accessibility Accessibility tips for editors
upgrading_old_versions How to upgrade from old DokuWiki (2005-*)
ShowMediaFromExternalUpload How to make files uploaded by other ways than mediamanager to appear

Extending the Syntax

Most of these tips need to be adjusted for the new Parser and will not work out of the box. They may be better implemented by using the new plugin system though.

Link Short Description
Show DC++ magnet links as external | | [[:tips:links-to-dokuwiki-commands make links to “DokuWiki actions” (?do=) from within your wiki content, aka. Action Modes, aka. Action Links (in general, URL tags)
This patch (to 2005-05-07 version) add AMSLaTeX mathematical expression support to DokuWiki

Extending Layout and Styling

Some of these tips may be implemented better by using the new template mechanism. You are encouraged to rewrite them accordingly.

Link Short Description
Top Bar Add a topbar like on
CustomQuoting Change the style of Quoting
format_user Using CN from client certificate when displaying username
Disabling link icons Disables interwiki and non-wiki link icons
Descriptions in RSS aggregator Add the beginning of every RSS article in the list
Code CSS CSS for use with Syntax Highlighting
geshi_style_builder Geshi Style builder
XHTML5 How to switch to XHTML 5
XHTML Strict How to switch to XHTML 1.0 Strict
Toc use position fixed When the user scrolls the page, the TOC does not scroll with it, the TOC is fixed.
numbered headings Numbered headings per CSS only
back to top back to top before every header
Local links with icons Local links with icons
Custom SVG icons Create your custom multi-color SVG icons for your DokuWiki
image-in-the-upper-right-corner replace top right DokuWiki logo by your own
code-in-ordered-lists Including Code in Ordered Lists
tableswithrowspans2 Tables with Rowspan Support
Tables with Rowspan Another way of providing Rowspan support in tables.
rowspansfix Yet another way to make rowspan possible
rowspansfix2 Yet another way to make rowspan possible
Adjust iframe heights An additional JavaScript for the iframe plugin to make iframes as high as needed for their content
Using CSS to Style Headers General tips, case uses and structure info for styling headers with CSS.
Display the changes for each entry in the recent list Display a diff of the last and the current version for each entry in the recent list]]
printpreview Preview of the wiki body; Usage for printing or fullscreen-mode
double-click-to-edit Double Click to Open a Section Edit (improved)
Simple Columns Implementation of columns without plugins
Button Align How to align a <button> element?
Additional InterWiki Shortcuts Share Your InterWiki Shortcuts
Hyphenations within headings and link texts (sorry, German only :-( ) Hyphenations within headings and link texts
(German: Worttrennungen innerhalb von Überschriften und Linktexten)

Adding new Functionality

Link Short Description
Auto Subscribe a Mailinglist Auto Subscribe a user to a mailinglist after registration
Better Email Notifications Receive HTML-formatted email notifications for page changes
Clean Notification Scheme Clarify notification scheme: namespace subscribers on new page, page subscribers on update
IP-based ACLs Assign access rights based on IP or network of the connecting client.
BrowserLanguageDetection Change the UI language automatically
transliteration Transliterate Cyrillic texts to Latin
PDF Export PDF export using html2ps and pstopdf
Print View Button FIXME Login needed make use of ?do=export_html
tpl_button for print view Adds an tpl_button for print_view
User Link FIXME Login needed use an extra wiki-page for users
StickyExportHtml Make do=export_html “sticky” for HTML-only browsing
Html only view Similar to previous. uses .htaccess rewrite for that
discussion Creates a link or button in your template that leads to a separate discussion-page (like e.g. Wikipedia does provide)
safely include php code Allow PHP code to be included in pages created by superuser only
Page Statistics Add page and media file logging to DokuWiki
Tiny Page Logging Add simple logging to DokuWiki
NLS Adding unofficial National Language Support (NLS) for DokuWiki
Summary Enforcement Require the user to enter a summary (or check minor edit)
ToolbarButton How to add your own button to the toolbar
homepages Autocreate user homepages when add/modify user accounts
wordcounter Add a word-/charcounter to the edit form
mediamanager and filesize Append the size of the mediamanager selected file to the wikilink
media_attached media upload is attached to each page
template_chooser A simple dropdown box in editmode allows you to paste content from a template into the current document
login_instead_of_forbidden Show the login form when accessing a restricted page
display_acls Display ACLs in page footer
action_menu Action menu like in MoinMoin Wiki
export_html Export multiple pages to HTML
newssystem A News System. Based on this a plugin was developed: a NEWS System.
subscription Prevent Email Of Changes to Subscribed Author
phashLogin Allows “GET” login with a phash password. Useful with RSS readers for example.
Integrate TinyURL Automatically create a short URL for every page
Filter Recent Changes Allows you to filter the list of 'Recent Changes' by username (for version 2009-02-14)
Separate Admin Login Use a special admin login, which cannot read or edit pages
User Pages Give everyone AUTH_EDIT on a page within a special namespace, where that page is their name
ClickNShow Hide/Show Headers clicking on them
Minor Edit by default Set the “Minor Edit” check mark by default
viewcounter Adds a simple pageview counter
Make a book How to make a book with DokuWiki
Namespace Clouds DokuWiki Cloud Plugin Namespace Discrimination Patch
Copy Section Link An easy way to copy each section link (with JavaScript)
pageaccueil Creates a home page that lists categories of wiki to create a new page in the category chosen. Also allows to Create a new category.

Integration with Other Software

Auth Plugins let you authenticate in DokuWiki with credentials of other software platforms. Look for available Auth Plugins in the plugin repository.


Link Short Description
Synchronise with Tomboy How to synchronize Tomboy with DokuWiki
Integrate DokuWiki to your website As read-only pages
Edit DokuWiki with text editors using FUSE and Python Untested and potentially buggy.
Researchr FIXME (broken) Framework for integrating DokuWiki with BibDesk and Skim for academic note taking and citation management

Interacting scripts and tools

Link Short Description
DokuWiki Setup Easy/automatic installation/upgrade - also fixing safe-mode issues
Maintenance Cronjobs to keep your wiki clean
Backup Script A small shellscript to backup your wiki data and media, including rotation.
BackupToS3 A small ruby script to backup your wiki to Amazon's data storage system S3.
UpgradeScript A small script to make DokuWiki updates simpler
Weblog bookmarklet A JavaScript/PHP combination to post in DokuWiki like regular weblogs
imap2wiki A small PHP script to give users the opportunity to post by email
DokuVimKi VIM Plugin that allows editing of wiki pages over XML-RPC + Syntax highlighting for DokuWiki syntax
vimkeys Key Bindings for [G]Vim
fixperms.php make webserver created files writable by everyone
mail2page create pages and upload media by email
romanize romanize files in datadir
DokuWiki2HtmlHelp Converts a DokuWiki website into a Compiled HTML Help file (.chm) complete with table of contents and index
jEdit An edit mode for jEdit that does syntax highlighting for headlines, character formats, lists and links
CLI DokuWiki command line utilities
recreate wiki change log How to recreate your wiki change log from individual page change logs
readINIfile How to solve problem with parse_ini_file disabled
fixmtime Fix modification times based on timestamps (to avoid the external edit syndrome)
clean_acl Clean up non-existing users and pages in the ACL
Clean Media Directory A little Perl script to clean up orphaned files in the Media-Directory
Logging in to retrieve pages with cURL Quick howto on retrieving pages that require logging in with curl.
Extract external links A small PHP script to extract all external links (with surrounding context) from the wiki
Add an Autolink page A small Perl Script to (re)builds link on chosen words each nights
Automatic build reports A bash script that compiles/builds a project and reports the result to the wiki
GourceDoku Picture of the edition of a wiki with Gource
topcontributors A shell snippet to create a list of the top contributors to the wiki
locateorphanmedia How to get a listing of all orphaned media ie.: media files that are not linked to in your wiki
Page Annotate A script to give you idea who edited which line in page. Uses git as a tool to do the trick
Mysql For All An off-wiki webpage script to provide users the ability to generate mysql queries for use in wiki plugins. Users do not need to know the database structure or mysql syntax.
Dokuwiki orphans FIXME (broken) Help you find pages with no links towards them and links to non existant pages in order to keep your Wiki clean.

Importing from External Sources


Source Wiki Description
ChuWiki A Python script for ChuWiki conversion
ErfurtWiki A PHP script for ewiki (ErfurtWiki) conversion
JSPWiki A plugin to import JSPWiki pages
JSPWiki (again) A pair of scripts to convert a directory of JSPWiki pages
MediaWiki Converts MediaWiki to DokuWiki
MoinMoin Python and PHP scripts for MoinMoin conversion.
Perspective A python script, must be run from Windows
TikiWiki A PHP script for TikiWiki conversion.
trac A PHP script for trac's wiki conversion
TWiki A TWiki to DokuWiki conversion script
Wakka Wiki A Perl script for Wakka Wiki conversion
Zwiki A Perl script for Zwiki conversion
docpdf2dokuwiki A Perl script for importing pdf and doc
Atlassian Confluence A Perl script for Atlassian Confluence conversion


Link Description
uploadcodedir Uploading a directory of code to DokuWiki
table_editing How to import your data into tables
Wikemail a script to import email into DokuWiki
OpenOffice Macro converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format
OpenOffice v2 Macro converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format, adapted for OOo v2
OpenOfficeMacro both of the above macros do not convert embedded pictures - this one does
Writer2Dokuwiki converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format (doesnt fully support lists)
Writer2Dokuwiki (IT-Bayer's version) (in German) converts an OpenOffice document to DokuWiki format
Calc2Dokuwiki Exports selected ranges of cells from Calc into tables formatted in DokuWiki code. Tool available as an extension (OOo 2.1.x) and a macro (OOo 1.x-2.x)
HTMLtoWiki How to convert HTML to DokuWiki syntax
Excel to DokuWiki converter This makro based tool contains parameters on first worksheet to allow the user some customization. Paste your table into another worksheet, select the cells as usual and run the makro to Export it as DW Syntax including styling. Information also available here within DokuWiki at: Excel Macro
csv2dwt A script that converts Comma Separated Values (CSV) to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT)
csv2dokuwiki Converts CSV input (tab separated) into DokuWiki's table syntax (in Java)
xls2wiki A script that converts XLS copied data to DokuWiki's Table format (DWT) and vice versa
doc to wiki syntax Convert folders with Ms Word Doc files to DokuWiki Syntax
Word to Dokuwiki converter Here you can download the latest Version of this Doc containing the makro to Export it as DW Syntax. Some Information provided here within the DokuWiki at word makro.
Former versions provided by Tania Hew ⇒ Word to DokuWiki Converter improves upon the two macros above as it is a Word template that allows one to click a button in MS Word to convert a Word document, including images, to DokuWiki format (see Portfolio section on website)
Word Macro adaptation converts an MS Word document to DokuWiki format - improved conversion (for English Word) plus adaptation for German Word
word2wiki Convert Microsoft Word document content to Wiki markup
google sheets macro Google Apps Script for exporting a selected cell range to DokuWiki
wordpress user export How to run a query to export users from Wordpress that can be imported in DokuWiki


Link Description
blacklist_test This little script helps to check a text against the blacklist
blogging This page describes the steps necessary to get you started with blogging in DokuWiki
bookmarklets JavaScript based wiki page editing helpers
default text search Add default text for the search box
disabled_functions Patch if your webhost doesn't support glob or readfile
DwExport DokuWiki export to static HTML pages including images and CSS formatting. ⇒ Only v0.2
farm How to make DokuWiki a wiki farm
simplegooglesearch Replace DokuWiki internal search form with Google search
spell_checker_713 Aspell Personal Wordlists and Release 2005-07-13 (seems old)
svg.php This is a plugin to DokuWiki to allow collaborative generation of SVG images. (Make it a plugin if possible/useful)
utf8update DokuWiki UTF8 conversion
export2twiki Convert DokuWiki syntax into twiki format for exporting
phpwithgd This page describes how to solve issues caused by missing gdlib support in PHP

How To

No plugin or modifications needed.

Link Description
weather Show weather info from
tips.txt · Last modified: by andi

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