Compatible with DokuWiki? 2024-02-06 "Kaos"A2S Plugin DownloadConvert ASCII art diagram to nice embedded SVG images. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ascii, diagram, image, images, media, svg
- Author:
- Schplurtz le Déboulonné
| 2022-06-21 | |
ApexCharts Plugin DownloadInteractive and responsive charts powered by ApexCharts.JS - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, diagram
- Author:
- Karl Nickel
| 2022-10-08 | |
AcMenu Plugin DownloadAn accordion menu for namespaces and relative pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, navigation
- Author:
- Torpedo
| 2023-11-22 | |
Add New Page Plugin DownloadPut ‘add new page’ forms within pages, with optional namespace selection - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- button, create, form
- Author:
- Damien Regad, Benjamin Santalucia, Sam Wilson and other contributors
| 2025-03-07 | |
addnewpagedeluxe Plugin DownloadPut ‘add new page’ (deluxe) forms within pages, with optional namespace selection - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- button, create, form
- Author:
- C0DE8
| 2024-02-26 | |
Ad-Hoc MathML Plugin DownloadEnables MathML tags with the Ad-Hoc HTML plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formula, html, math, mathml, syntax
- Author:
- sascha-leib
| 2023-05-08 | |
Ad-Hoc Tables Plugin DownloadAdds table syntax to the Ad-Hoc HTML plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, syntax, tables
- Author:
- sascha-leib
| 2023-04-20 | |
Ad-Hoc HTML Plugin DownloadA secure but flexible way to insert HTML tags into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, syntax
- Author:
- Sascha Leib
| 2023-10-14 | |
Ad-Hoc Wrap Plugin DownloadSelected and modernized styles and functions of the Wrap plugin, re-implemented on top of the Ad-Hoc HTML plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- Author:
- sascha-leib
| 2025-02-11 | |
Advanced Plugin DownloadImport/Export utility and Control the advanced settings of your DokuWiki from Admin page - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- abbreviations, acronyms, admin, backup, blacklist, config, css, entities, export, hook, htaccess, import, interwiki, javascript, mime, plugins, scheme, styles
- Author:
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
| 2022-12-10 | |
AIchat Plugin DownloadChat with a LLM about your DokuWiki contents - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, CLI, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, ai, anthropic, chatgpt, gemini, llm, mistral, ollama, openai
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-03-10 | |
Anchor Plugin DownloadAdd HTML anchors to a page. Useful when section headers are really long - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- anchor, bookmark, links
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-02-10 | |
anonprotect Plugin DownloadBan anonymous users from accessing wiki content regardless of ACLs - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2024-03-19 | |
Approve Plugin DownloadAn approval/draft system for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- moderation
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-06-25 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, chained
- Author:
- Philipp Neuser, Christian Marg, Pawel Jasinski
| 2024-09-23 | |
MantisBT Authentication Plugin DownloadEnables single sign-on to DokuWiki using MantisBT as authentication back-end. - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, integration, mantis
- Author:
- Damien Regad, Victor Boctor and other contributors
| 2020-06-14 | |
authserversso Plugin DownloadUse server side variables to provide user identity (logon) for Dokuwiki - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, shibboleth, sso
- Author:
- majic79
| 2024-04-25 | |
authssocas Plugin DownloadCAS authentification plugin - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, cas, plain, sso
- Author:
- Xylle
| 2024-03-20 | |
WordPress Authentication Plugin DownloadProvides authentication against a WordPress MySQL database backend - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, wordpress
- Author:
- Damien Regad
| 2025-01-05 | |
AutoLink 4 Plugin DownloadAutomatically link text in your wiki to pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-05-12 | |
Auto-Tooltip Plugin DownloadManually create tooltips, or generate them off of the title and abstract of a wikilink - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action, Render
- Tags:
- abstract, tooltip
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-11-28 | |
Avatar Plugin DownloadInsert a gravatar into a wiki page, also needed by the discussion plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- !discontinued, avatar, discussion, embed, images, media
- Author:
- Daniel "Nerun" Rodrigues (previous authors: Dokufreaks, Michael Hamann, Esther Brunner, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier)
| 2023-12-04 | |
AV Bar Chart Plugin DownloadGenerates a simple HTML/CSS bar chart. Supports colored bars. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, diagram, images, media
- Author:
- Sherri Wheeler
| 2025-01-21 | |
AV Task Box Plugin DownloadGenerates nicely formatted boxes for describing project tasks or user stories - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, gtd, pm, projects, task, todo, userstory
- Author:
- Sherri W. (
| 2022-08-08 | |
BackupTool for DokuWikiBackup your site and configuration data to a file - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- archive, backup, maintenance
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-10-21 | |
barcodes Plugin DownloadBarcodes (1D & 2D) for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- barcode, barcodes, datamatrix, qr, qrcode, qrcodes
- Author:
- MatthiasLohr
| 2024-09-17 | |
BatchEdit Plugin DownloadEdit wiki pages using regular expressions - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- editing, regexp, replace, search
- Author:
- Mykola Ostrovskyy
| 2024-11-24 | |
bez Plugin DownloadSQLite based application helping in managing nonconformities and customers complaints - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action, Render
- Tags:
- data, sqlite, task
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-03-28 | |
BlockQuote Plugin DownloadWrite quotations in a semantically correct way - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- quotes
- Author:
- Anika Henke (previous author: Gina Häußge)
| 2020-09-27 | |
Blog Plugin DownloadUse DokuWiki as blogging tool - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- blog, news
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Michael Hamann, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-10-24 | |
BookCreator Plugin DownloadAllow to select some pages and create a book (PDF, ODT or text) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- books, export, odt, pdf
- Author:
- Gerrit Uitslag (original author: Luigi Micco)
| 2024-02-07 | |
bpmnio Plugin DownloadRenders BPMN or DMN xml using the toolkit - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bpmn, bpmnio, diagram
- Author:
- Jaap de Haan
| 2025-03-03 | |
breadcrumbdeluxe Plugin DownloadA better breadcrumb variant show page title rather than url key (from the original). - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- Author:
- C0DE8
| 2024-02-29 | |
Bureaucracy Plugin DownloadEasily create HTML forms to collect data which can be sent via email or used to create pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- create, email, form, poll
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-03-06 | |
catlist Plugin DownloadList pages and namespaces recursively in nested lists - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- create, links, list, listing, namespace, navigation, page, recurse, tree
- Author:
- Félix Faisant
| 2023-12-16 | |
charpicker Plugin DownloadModify character selection in the DokuWiki Special Chars picker - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- picker
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-09-06 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- cli, code, highlighting, syntax
- Author:
- Schplurtz le Déboulonné
| 2020-08-18 | |
clock Plugin DownloadDisplay a clock in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- time
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2024-01-21 | |
Cloud Plugin DownloadShows a word cloud from different sources (used words, tags, searched words) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, navigation, search, tags
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Michael Hamann, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-02-11 | |
Code Replacement Plugin DownloadEnhancements for the normal <code> syntax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Christopher Smith, LGnap
| 2020-07-28 | |
codebuttonmodbash Plugin DownloadInserts a bash code button into the toolbar. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bash, button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- Simon Jacob
| | |
CodeMirror Plugin DownloadEnhances DokuWiki's Editor with syntax highlighting - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, codemirror, editing, editor, syntax
- Author:
- albertgasset, Cosmocode - Andi (only for Hogfather Support)
| 2020-09-05 | |
codeprism Plugin DownloadProvide nice syntax highlighting using Prism.js - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- code, prismjs, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- siyuanliu
| 2023-12-03 | |
color Plugin DownloadOpportunity to write colored text in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- color, highlight, text, typography
- Author:
- Harald Hanche-Olsen
| 2022-10-19 | |
Combo Plugin DownloadPublication framework (Bootstrap and Material Design UI components, URL Management, Web Metadata, SEO and more) - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, CLI, Action, Render
- Tags:
- analytics, animation, backlinks, badge, blockquote, bnf, bootstrap, box, boxes, button, cache, canonical, card, class-diagram, code, collapsible, diagram, disqus, erd, fixed-top-bar, flowchart, fold, gallery, gantt, header, heading, headings, hide, icon
- Author:
- ComboStrap
| 2024-05-13 | |
combonav Plugin DownloadSimple plugin for quick navigation using combobox - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, navigation
- Author:
- michalrada
| 2024-12-30 | |
Comment Plugin DownloadAdd comments / notes to your wiki source that won't be shown on the page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, comment, hide
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-08-18 | |
Comment Syntax Plugin DownloadAllow to use source comment syntax to leave edit instructions of the page. Comments are visible only in the source view, not rendered as any page elements. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, comment, hide
- Author:
- Satoshi Sahara
| 2022-01-01 | |
confmanager Plugin DownloadPlugin to manage various .conf files - Provides:
- Admin, Action, Remote
- Tags:
- admin, configuration
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann, Julian Heise, Michael Große
| 2023-07-08 | |
copy2clipboard Plugin DownloadAdd a clipboard button to <code> and <file> blocks that copies text to the clipboard - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, copy
- Author:
- Schplurtz le Déboulonné
| 2024-12-01 | |
corsharing Plugin DownloadEnable/disable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing). - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cors
- Author:
- Cyrille37
| 2024-12-12 | |
CosmoCode Plugin DownloadAccess DokuWiki services provided by CosmoCode - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-14 | |
Creole Plugin DownloadCreole Markup for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, headings, lists, markup_language
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2020-12-13 | |
cspheader Plugin DownloadInjects the Content Security Policy (CSP) header in DokuWiki pages. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- header, http, policy, security
- Author:
- Damien Regad (original author: Matthias Schulte)
| 2024-04-13 | |
CSV Plugin DownloadDisplay CSV as table - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- csv, file, tables
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-01-03 | |
CSV to DW Pages Exploder Plugin DownloadAllows managers to explode csv files into multiple DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- csv, exploder
- Author:
- Dave H - The Life Ninja
| 2024-09-23 | |
Custom Meta Plugin DownloadSimple plugin to add metadata to a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- meta, metadata
- Author:
- Kromtar
| 2024-09-20 | |
DataTables Plugin DownloadEnhance tables with sorting, paging, filtering and more - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- datatables, filter, jquery, tables
- Author:
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
| 2023-08-31 | |
davcal Plugin DownloadAdd a synchronisable Calendar to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, caldav, calendar, ical
- Author:
- DokuFreaks (previous: Andreas Böhler)
| 2022-08-04 | |
dbquery Plugin DownloadSecurely display query results from a database - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- database, db, mysql, pdo, postgres, sql, sqlite
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-03-10 | |
Delete Page Button Plugin DownloadAdds a PageMenu button to Delete the current page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- delete, page
- Author:
- Damien Regad
| 2022-06-08 | |
Description Plugin DownloadCopies a page's abstract, a global description, or individual text to a meta header line that is visible in the page source. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- meta, seo
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya, Matthias Schulte, Mark Prins
| 2025-02-07 | |
distributedACL Plugin DownloadAn enhanced ACL management system - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- acl
- Author:
- Dael Maselli
| 2024-03-29 | |
dlcounter Plugin DownloadRecord media library download counts for named extensions e.g. zip, gzip, tar etc. - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- counter, download
- Author:
- Zen
| 2024-07-27 | |
Documentation Includer Plugin DownloadIncludes documentation pages for templates (template:doc) into a documentation template or the template page itself. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- documentation, include, template
- Author:
- LM_Harommel
| 2025-02-05 | |
DocNavigation Plugin DownloadAdd navigation links to previous and next page at the top and bottom of wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- browse, listing, navigation
- Author:
- Gerrit Uitslag
| 2024-02-08 | |
DOI Plugin DownloadEasily link to publications based on DOI (or ISBN) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- citation, doi, isbn, publications, references
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-02-15 | |
dokucrypt2 Plugin DownloadA plugin to support client side cryptography - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- encryption, password
- Author:
- Scott Moser (, maintained by Sherri Wheeler. (Twitter @SyntaxSeed /
| 2024-05-01 | |
doxycode Plugin DownloadParse code snippets in dokuwiki with cross referencing to doxygen documentation. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Admin, Action, Remote
- Tags:
- ajax, code, crossreferencing, documentation, doxygen, javascript, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Lukas Probsthain
| 2024-02-16 | |
dropfiles Plugin DownloadDrop files into the edit area to upload them - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- drag-and-drop, media, upload
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2020-03-18 | |
dtable Plugin DownloadSimplify managing DokuWiki tables by adding intuitive GUI - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- database, tables
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-06-11 | |
DW2PDF Plugin DownloadExport DokuWiki content to PDF - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- export, pdf
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr and Gerrit Uitslag
| 2023-11-25 | |
dwtimeline Plugin DownloadProvides a timeline in the style of DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- timeline
- Author:
- saggi
| 2023-04-19 | |
EditTable Plugin DownloadProvides a visual table editing and inserting interface - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, tables, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-01-14 | |
ElasticSearch Plugin DownloadIntegrate an external Elasticsearch engine into DokuWiki - Provides:
- CLI, Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Anna Dabrowska
| 2025-01-07 | |
Embedded PHP PluginAllow embedded PHP on a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- php
- Author:
- fiwswe
| 2023-04-06 | |
Emphasis Plugin DownloadSeveral degrees of text highlighting - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- highlight, marking
- Author:
- G. Uitslag
| 2023-08-18 | |
EnforceSummary Plugin DownloadEnforce summary or minor change on all edits with optional preview enforcement - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte
| 2020-10-25 | |
Faster DokuWiki Plugin DownloadSpeed up DokuWiki through inline section edit, inline previews, AJAXed page loads, and pre-loading. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, editing, fast, navigation, preview, section
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-02-10 | |
feedmod Plugin DownloadAction plugin which modifies parts of the full HTML feed to make it suitable for blogging with DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- blog, feed, rss
- Author:
- Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Rainer Kaufmann
| 2023-02-04 | |
filelist Plugin DownloadProvides a syntax for adding linked and sorted lists of files as selected by wildcard based glob patterns to a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- download, file, filter, listing, odt
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge)
| 2024-07-03 | |
filelisting Plugin DownloadShow a searchable and sortable list of media files in the current namespace and subnamespaces. With dropfiles plugin allows Drag'n'Drop upload of media files. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- download, file, filter, listing, media
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2023-09-27 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- fold, hide, list
- Author:
- medmen
| 2024-09-02 | |
Folded Plugin DownloadFoldable page sections - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- collapsible, fold, hide, section
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Michael Hamann, Fabian van-de-l_Isle, Christopher Smith, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-07-22 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- color, highlight, typography
- Author:
- Thorsten Stratmann
| 2024-07-26 | |
fulldisplay Plugin DownloadShow the current page in an autorefreshing fullscreen display - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- fullscreen
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-01-06 | |
Gallery Plugin DownloadThis Syntax Plugin allows you to embed an automatically created image gallery into a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, feed, gallery, images, listing, media, namespace
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-04-30 | |
Google Auto Ads Plugin DownloadAdds Google Auto Ads scripts to your DokuWiki template. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- adsense, advertising, google
- Author:
- Herbert Schiller
| 2024-08-25 | |
Google Chart Plugin DownloadAllows to embed simple chart graphics using the Google Chart API - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- barcode, chart, diagram, embed, google, images, media
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-05-05 | |
genericsso Plugin DownloadAllows to authenticate against any SSO system that set environment variables - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- auth, shibboleth, sso
- Author:
- Etienne Méléard
| 2024-07-23 | |
golocal Plugin DownloadOpen local network resources through a custom protocol handler - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, locallinks, share, unc
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-31 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- analytics, google
- Author:
- i-net /// software
| 2024-06-03 | |
googlemaps3 Plugin DownloadGoogle Maps Plugin for Google Maps API Version 3 - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- maps
- Author:
- Bernard Condrau
| 2021-05-12 | |
hidden Plugin DownloadLet use portion of text that can be hidden/displayed, to ease reading - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- collapsible, hide
- Author:
- Guillaume Turri
| 2023-11-07 | |
hiddenheader Plugin DownloadCreate invisible section headers. Useful companion to the include plugin. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- header, include, section, title
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-02-10 | |
HtmlMetaTags Plugin DownloadAdds some (open graph) meta tags to the html header (e.g. keywords, description or any others) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- graph, html, info, meta, open, search, semantic, seo
- Author:
| 2024-03-04 | |
htmlok PluginAllows to embed HTML and PHP in Wiki Pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, php
- Author:
- saggi, glen
| 2023-05-10 | |
iconify Plugin DownloadAdd Iconify icons in your Dokuwiki pages with customizable color and size. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- customization, iconify, icons
- Author:
- Tokano
| 2024-12-13 | |
IfAuthEx Plugin DownloadToggle DokuWiki page content based on users and groups with arbitrary boolean expressions - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- acl, groups, hide, if, users
- Author:
- Pietro Saccardi
| 2023-02-08 | |
Imagebox Plugin DownloadSyntax for display an image with a caption, like - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- caption, images, media, mediawiki
- Author:
- Lukas Rademacher, FFTiger & myst6re
| 2023-08-21 | |
Image Map Plugin DownloadCreate client-side image maps - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, links, media
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach
| 2023-03-14 | |
imapmarkers Plugin DownloadCreate Image Maps with Markers - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- image-map, images, links, media, references
- Author:
- Kai Thöne
| 2023-05-25 | |
ImgPaste Plugin DownloadAdd images and media via cut'n'paste - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, image, paste
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-21 | |
improg Plugin DownloadImplementation progress - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- progressbar
- Author:
- Wolfgang Wolf
| 2024-10-28 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- form, include, php
- Author:
- cziehr, Kite
| 2016-10-02 | |
Include Plugin DownloadInclude another wiki page into the current one - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- embed, include
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Michael Hamann, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-09-22 | |
IndexMenu Plugin DownloadShow a customizable and sortable index for a namespace - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- index, listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Samuele Tognini, Gerrit Uitslag
| 2024-01-05 | |
Ireadit Plugin DownloadAllow dokuwiki users confirm that they have read the page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- annotations, page, statistic, users
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-06-11 | |
jplayer Plugin DownloadPlugin allows embedding jplayer playlists on your wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, media, music, namespace
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2020-11-10 | |
JSON Data Plugin DownloadBuild JSON database inside DokuWiki page and use the data in the page - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action, Remote
- Tags:
- data, database, json, listing, tables, template, xmlrpc
- Author:
- Janez Paternoster
| 2024-03-11 | |
jsoncode Plugin DownloadView JSON data in an expandable tree - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- code, json
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-14 | |
latexcaption Plugin DownloadAdds syntax for latex-like figure captions and numbering - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- caption, figure, tables
- Author:
- Ben van Magill, Till Biskup
| 2025-01-10 | |
LaTeX Plugin DownloadRenders inline LaTeX code - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- formula, latex, math
- Author:
- Wizardry and Steamworks (original by Alexander Krause, Michael Boyle, Mark Lundeberg)
| 2011-04-29 | |
LegalNotice Plugin DownloadAdds a legal (or other) notice below the login form - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- legal, login, notice
- Author:
- Christian Marg
| 2023-07-31 | |
lightmenu Plugin DownloadVery simple plugin which display pure CSS tree menu (inspired from "bisserof" of wiki hierarchy. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- Author:
- Michel Gravier
| 2025-02-27 | |
linkfavicon Plugin DownloadReplace the default icon for external links by each link's favicon. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- ym2ha0
| 2024-10-27 | |
Links with titles Plugin DownloadCreate link with origin webpage title as link text - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, prettylinks
- Author:
- michalrada
| 2024-12-30 | |
Login/Logoff Logging Plugin DownloadLogs all login/logout actions and usage of admin tools with time, IP and username - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, logging
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-11-16 | |
Log Statistics Plugin DownloadThis plugin provides a log file (NCSA combined i.e. like Apache) of all access to DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- logging, statistics
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-07-06 | |
Marked text display Plugin DownloadLists all MARKed texts from whole page to highlight them - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- highlight, mark, marked, summary
- Author:
- michalrada
| 2024-12-30 | |
MathJax Plugin DownloadEnables MathJax [] parsing of TeX math expressions in wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- latex, math, mathjax, tex
- Author:
- Mark Liffiton
| 2021-11-20 | |
mathpublish Plugin DownloadPHP only solution for including mathematical formulae into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formula, math
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-05-23 | |
MatrixNotifier Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin that notifies a Matrix room of wiki edits - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- matrix, notification
- Author:
- TurtleWilly
| 2024-10-11 | |
matrixnotifierwas Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin that notifies a server room of wiki edits - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- discord, notification
- Author:
- Wizardry and Steamworks (Original by zTeeed <
| 2024-04-18 | |
Mermaid Plugin DownloadProvides support for the diagramming tool Mermaid - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, flowchart, graph, mermaid, sequence
- Author:
- Robert Weinmeister
| 2024-10-15 | |
mikioplugin Plugin DownloadMikio Plugin adds a heap of layout and Bootstrap 4 elements that can be used on your DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- alerts, anchor, badge, blockquote, bootstrap, box, button, cards, carousel, chart, columns, diagram, dropdown, grid, headings, icon, list, placeholders, progressbar, quiz, rows, slides, statistics, style, tabs
- Author:
- nomadjimbob
| 2024-06-05 | |
Mizar Verifiable Docs DownloadProvides dynamically verifiable documentation of mathematics using Mizar - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- math, mizar, proof, theorem, verifier
- Author:
- Yamada, M.
| 2025-01-22 | |
Move Plugin DownloadMove pages, media files and namespaces while maintaining the link structure - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- maintenance, move, namespace, rename
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2024-05-07 | |
newpagetemplate Plugin DownloadLoads predefined page content from a given template - Provides:
- Syntax, CLI
- Tags:
- button, editing, post, template, url
- Author:
- Damien Regad, Jason Grout, Myron Turner
| 2023-10-19 | |
nosidebar Plugin DownloadDisables the internal sidebar for individual pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- sidebar
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte
| 2013-07-14 | |
Note Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to create nice “notes” like this in your DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, icons, toolbar
- Author:
- Anael Mobilia
| 2024-04-15 | |
notification Plugin DownloadDisplay notifications from other plugins to DokuWiki users - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- notification
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-06-11 | |
nspages Plugin DownloadPresent a table of contents of the pages of a selected namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Guillaume Turri
| 2024-10-07 | |
nssearch Plugin DownloadLimit searches to within a namespace - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- namespace, search
- Author:
- Eli Fenton
| 2024-02-10 | |
numberof Plugin DownloadSimple plugin that counts the number of pages & media files in your DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- report, statistics
- Author:
- S.C. Yoo
| 2024-05-01 | |
oAuth Plugin DownloadAllow users to login through various oAuth1 and oAuth2 compatible authentication providers. Requires additional plugins. - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-02 | |
oauthazure Plugin DownloadAzure Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, azure, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-29 | |
oauthdiscord Plugin DownloadDiscord Service for use with the oAuth2 Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- divadsn
| 2024-08-06 | |
oauthosm Plugin DownloadOpenStreetMap Service for use with the oAuth2 Plugin, based on the oauthgeneric plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth, openstreetmap
- Author:
- strubbl
| 2024-02-16 | |
OpenLayersMap Plugin DownloadAdd maps (OpenStreetMap, Google, Bing and your own data) to your wiki pages using the OpenLayers toolkit - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- embed, geo, maps, media, spatial
- Author:
- Mark Prins
| 2025-01-31 | |
OrphansWanted Plugin DownloadFind Orphan pages, Wanted pages with reference counts. Also shows reference counts for linked pages (previous authors: Doug Edmunds) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, listing, maintenance, orphan, search
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte (maintainer), Christian 'Jaller' Paul (maintainer) and various community members
| 2023-05-30 | |
PageHere Plugin DownloadAdds a form to create a new page in the current namespace - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- form, pagecreate
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-04-24 | |
PageImage Plugin Downloadpageimage is a syntax/helper plugin which gets an image related to a page for displaying it with pagelist - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- image, pagelist
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2018-10-12 | |
Page Redirect Plugin DownloadRedirect a wiki page to another wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- redirect
- Author:
- Elan Ruusamäe, David Lorentsen
| 2024-03-01 | |
ParserFunctions Plugin DownloadProvides additional parser functions for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, include, template, variables
- Author:
- Daniel "Nerun" Rodrigues
| 2025-01-19 | |
PDF.js Plugin DownloadEmbed PDF files using PDF.js - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, html5, pdf
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2020-06-29 | |
pegel Plugin DownloadDisplay current water level measurements as reported by Pegel Online - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- pegel, pegelonline, wsv
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-12-19 | |
PiwikTagManager Plugin DownloadDokuWiki plugin to add a Piwik Tag Manager tag to each wiki page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- google, statistics, tags
- Author:
- Alexander Lehmann
| 2024-04-01 | |
pixelyear Plugin DownloadKeep track of and have a nice looking, easy to understand at a glance chart of something. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- tracking
- Author:
- Paul Brownsea
| 2019-05-01 | |
PopUpViewer Plugin DownloadEver wanted to not just to have pop-up images from your website, but whole pages? PopUpViewer can do that for you on a click! - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- imageflow, lightbox, popup
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2022-02-17 | |
Prosemirror Plugin DownloadA WYSIWYG editor for DokuWiki, usable but currently only in beta state - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, editing, editor, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Michael Große
| 2024-11-21 | |
QnA Plugin DownloadCustom formatting for Q&A (FAQ) sections - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, formatting
- Author:
- Mykola Ostrovskyy
| 2023-06-18 | |
questionnaire Plugin DownloadCreate simple questionnaires and collect data from your users - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- poll, questionnaire, survey
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-06-24 | |
Radarchart Plugin DownloadA flexible DokuWiki plugin for creating radar charts with multiple datasets, custom styling, and extensive configuration options. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- charts, radar, spider_web
- Author:
- HeinrichKrupp
| 2024-11-10 | |
randompage2 Plugin DownloadSelect DokuWiki page at random using special link - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- mediawiki, page, random, wikipedia
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-06-09 | |
recommend Plugin DownloadAllows to recommend a page via email - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, email, groupmail, recommend
- Author:
- Adrian Lang, Andreas Gohr, Anna Dabrowska
| 2025-01-09 | |
RefNotes Plugin DownloadExtended syntax for footnotes and references - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, footnotes, formatting, references
- Author:
- Mykola Ostrovskyy
| 2024-02-12 | |
renderrevisions Plugin DownloadAutomatic creation of new page revisions when the render output changed - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- rendering, revisions
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-03-11 | |
rndtxt Plugin DownloadOutput a random text choice - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- random, rpg
- Author:
- andi
| 2021-03-31 | |
robot404 Plugin DownloadSend 404 (page-not-found) to webcrawlers (aka robots) for disabled actions and hidden pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- header, meta, robots, seo, spiders
- Author:
- Ahmet Sacan
| 2024-09-20 | |
sapnotelink Plugin DownloadSimply create links to sap notes - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hinweis, links, note, sap
- Author:
- Florian Lamml
| 2022-08-24 | |
searchform Plugin DownloadAdds the search form to any page. Namespace configurable. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- form, search
- Author:
- Gerrit Uitslag (original author: Adolfo González Blázquez)
| 2024-02-08 | |
- Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- index, search
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-20 | |
searchns Plugin DownloadLets you set apart and emphasize certain namespaces in quick search - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2024-07-08 | |
searchtablejs Plugin DownloadFilter tables in DokuWiki based on JavaScript - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- filter, javascript, search, tables
- Author:
- Robert Henjes
| 2024-06-12 | |
secedit2head Plugin DownloadRelocate section edit buttons to the header of the corresponding section - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- page, section
- Author:
- Jef Shilt
| 2024-03-30 | |
Semantic Plugin DownloadAdd semantic data to your DokuWiki for SEO - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- dublincore, json-ld, opengraph,, semantic, seo, webservice
- Author:
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
| 2024-10-05 | |
Simple Box Plugin DownloadA plugin that adds support for displaying boxes in various sizes and colors with text. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- box, drawing, image
- Author:
- Marc Ole Bulling
| 2024-05-09 | |
singlesearchresult Plugin DownloadRedirects directly to found page when only one page is found - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Greg Loichot
| 2024-06-11 | |
Site Export Plugin DownloadExport your site or a namespace to standalone HTML pages – including images and media. This plugin is capable of creating an Eclipse Plugin help including the context.xml. You can also select the template to which you want to export your content - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- eclipse, export, html, statichtml, template
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2023-07-07 | |
SketchCanvas Plugin DownloadWrite SketchCanvas documents embedded in DokuWiki. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- editing, graphics, paintbrush, pencil, sketch, vector
- Author:
- Masahiro Sakuta
| 2024-05-21 | |
slacknotifier Plugin DownloadNotify page events via Slack - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- notification, slack
- Author:
- Elan Ruusamäe
| 2024-03-01 | |
slider Plugin DownloadAdd a slider element to any DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- carousel, slider
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-07-08 | |
Snippeter Plugin DownloadAdd document snippets into an existing page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editor, namespace, snippets
- Author:
- Andreas Eisenreich
| 2024-02-13 | |
sortablejs Plugin DownloadJavaScript for sortable tables - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- javascript, listing, sort, tables
- Author:
- vaxquis (AKA FyiurAmron)
| 2023-04-20 | |
sqlite Plugin DownloadA helper plugin to easily access a SQLite database - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- database, sqlite
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-06-25 | |
Stellarium Link Plugin DownloadAdds a link to open an object in Stellarium - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- astro, astrophotography, starchart, stellarium
- Author:
- Marc Ole Bulling
| 2023-03-25 | |
struct Plugin DownloadA new structured data plugin - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action, Remote
- Tags:
- data, database, sqlite
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska, Michael Große, Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-08 | |
structpublish Plugin DownloadManage publishing workflow using struct - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- moderation
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska, Andreas Gohr
| 2024-05-20 | |
tabbox Plugin DownloadCreate tabbed boxes in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- tabs
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2018-04-29 | |
TabInclude Plugin DownloadTab control for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, include, jquery, navigation, tabs
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2024-08-07 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- tags
- Author:
- Louis Ouellet
| 2024-10-18 | |
talkpage Plugin DownloadGenerate a link to a talk page for each page in the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- discussion, mediawiki
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2018-11-18 | |
Task Extra Plugin DownloadThis Plugin adds forms to the task so you can easily edit a task without going through the wikitext. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- task
- Author:
- Louis Ouellet
| 2024-10-18 | |
TemplatePageName Plugin DownloadRenames the template pages _template.txt and __template.txt (only editable as server admin) to the configurable names c_template and i_template which are normal wikipages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- page, template
- Author:
- Gerrit Uitslag (Original author: Martin Hamant)
| 2024-02-08 | |
Templater Plugin DownloadAllows DokuWiki pages to be used as templates for insertion into other pages, similar to Wikipedia - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, !experimental, include, template, variables
- Author:
- Daniel "Nerun" Rodrigues (previous author: Jonathan Arkell)
| 2024-05-19 | |
tgnotify Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin that notifies a Telegram channel of page edits - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- notification, telegram
- Author:
- Ivan Smirnov
| 2023-12-24 | |
toc-shortcode Plugin DownloadReplaces {inhaltsverzeichnis} with an nspages String - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- replace, shortcode
- Author:
- benks
| 2025-03-10 | |
TocTweak Plugin DownloadShow tailored table of contents (TOC) of specified page/section in the page content - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- toc
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2018-01-08 | |
ToDo Plugin DownloadCreate a simple, checkbox based ToDo List - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- task, taskmanagement, todo
- Author:
- Leo Eibler, Christian Marg, Markus Gschwendt
| 2024-05-10 | |
tokenbucketauth Plugin DownloadPrevent brute force attacks by delaying them using a token bucket - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, blacklist, bruteforce, ip, security, tokenbucket
- Author:
- Aorimn
| 2014-09-25 | |
toucher2 Plugin DownloadTouch config file after page edit - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- admin, config, touch
- Author:
- Phil Ide / Andriy Nych
| 2024-07-28 | |
tplmod (template modifier) Plugin DownloadModify template features based on ACL, IP-addresses, days of week. Features include page and site tools, logos, taglines, wiki titles, user interface language. Controls access to "do=actions". Adds optional sidebar toggle. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cms, disable-actions, hide-menus, language, logo, sidebar, tagline, template, title, toggle, tools
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-09-20 | |
Two Factor Authentication - Core Plugin DownloadProvides modular two factor authentication functionality to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, security, two-factor
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Michael Wilmes
| 2024-03-27 | |
Two Factor Authentication - Telegram Plugin DownloadTelegram support plugin for the Two Factor Authentication plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, security, telegram, two-factor
- Author:
- Tyler Durden, Andreas Gohr, Michael Wilmes
| 2022-10-06 | |
upgrade Plugin DownloadUpdate your DokuWiki with a few clicks from the admin interface - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, CLI
- Tags:
- update, upgrade
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-02-06 | |
versionswitch Plugin DownloadEasily switch between different documented versions - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- navigation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-06-19 | |
Video Share Plugin DownloadEasily embed videos from various Video Sharing sites like YouTube or Vimeo - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, gdpr, media, video, youtube
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2025-02-21 | |
WebDAV Plugin DownloadWebDAV server for DokuWiki - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- !experimental, odt, share, tag, webdav
- Author:
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
| 2021-01-10 | |
whennotfound Plugin DownloadConfigurable actions for when a page is not found. Actions include redirecting to the sub-startpage (if available), showing a translation (if available), showing list of sub-pages, triggering a search, or sending 404 error. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 404, namespace, redirect, search
- Author:
- Ahmet Sacan
| 2024-08-09 | |
Wideredit Plugin DownloadMulti-Section Editing, ideal for mobile devices, also good for desktops - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- editing, mobile, section, sectionediting
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-04-11 | |
wikindx plugin Downloadinteract with a wikindx site - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibliography, quotes, references, wikindx
- Author:
- Andreas Wagner, Stéphane Aulery
| 2024-01-27 | |
wordimport Plugin DownloadImport Microsoft Word Documents into DokuWiki - Provides:
- CLI, Action
- Tags:
- docx, import, word
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-25 | |
Wrap Plugin DownloadUniversal plugin which combines the functionality of many other plugins. Wrap wiki text inside containers (divs or spans) and give them a class (choose from a variety of preset classes), a width and/or a language with its associated text direction. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- anchor, annotations, bookmark, boxes, columns, formatting, hide, highlight, icons, instructions, language, printing, style, tabs, typography
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2023-08-13 | |
Wrap Plus Plugin DownloadAdds a few extra styles for the Wrap-plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- Gero Gothe
| 2021-11-12 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- command, include, mediawiki, template, wikimedia, wikipedia
- Author:
- Vitalie Ciubotaru
| 2018-07-22 | |
yourip Plugin DownloadShow the ip information of visitor to visitor, IPv6 and IPv4 - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ip, status
- Author:
- Hella Breitkopf
| 2022-08-07 | |
Compatible with DokuWiki? 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum"ABC 2.0 Plugin (for displaying sheet music) DownloadDisplays sheet music (input ABC, output SVG and MIDI) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- export, markup_language, media, music
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2024-01-21 | |
Acknowledge Plugin DownloadManage page acknowlegments by assigning users and groups - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- acknowledge, confirm
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Anna Dabrowska
| 2023-12-07 | |
aclinfo Plugin DownloadShows who has which permissions for the current page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- acl, sidebar
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-10-01 | |
API Plugin DownloadA plugin that implements a Rest API - Provides:
- Action, Remote
- Tags:
- api, cms, rest
- Author:
- gerardnico
| 2023-06-29 | |
asciidocjs Plugin DownloadUse asciidoc in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- asciidoc, markup
- Author:
- Rüdiger Kessel
| 2023-09-24 | |
Attribute Plugin DownloadArbitrary attribute definition and storage for user associated data - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- data, persistent, storage, users
- Author:
- CosmoCode & Michael Wilmes
| 2023-07-11 | |
AuthAM Plugin DownloadLogin to DokuWiki with Minecraft AuthMe account - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, minecraft
- Author:
- Mr_Fang
| 2024-02-04 | |
authcas Plugin DownloadCAS authentication plugin with LDAP attributes for ACL - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, cas, plain
- Author:
- Mathieu Hetru
| 2024-02-22 | |
authdrupal8 Plugin DownloadAuthenticate using Drupal 8 to Drupal 10 with changed password hash - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, drupal, drupal10, drupal8, drupal9, login, users
- Author:
- jjancel
| 2024-01-25 | |
HTTP Authentication Plugin DownloadAuthenticate against HTTP authentication credentials - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, http
- Author:
- Pieter Hollants
| 2023-09-20 | |
Split Authentication Plugin DownloadSplits DokuWiki authentication among auth plugins - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, split
- Author:
- Pieter Hollants
| 2023-07-28 | |
Backlinks Plugin DownloadLists all pages that link back to a given page using the first headline as link title - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- backlinks, include, links, listing, meta
- Author:
- Mark C. Prins
| 2023-06-27 | |
bb4dw Plugin DownloadCreate publication lists from Bibtex using BibtexBrowser - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, publications
- Author:
- Hans-Nikolai Viessmann
| 2024-01-07 | |
bibtex4dw Plugin DownloadHandling references stored in BibTeX (text) databases in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, literature, references
- Author:
- Till Biskup
| 2024-02-24 | |
button Plugin DownloadCreate buttons for links - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- button, links
- Author:
- Rémi Peyronnet
| 2023-08-18 | |
caption Plugin DownloadProvide figure and table captions with reference and automatic numbering - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- caption, figure, tables
- Author:
- Till Biskup
| 2024-11-22 | |
Cell Background Plugin DownloadAllows user-defined background colored cells in tables - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- color, formatting, highlight, tables
- Author:
- dr4Ke
| 2013-10-09 | |
Changes Plugin DownloadList the most recently changed pages and media-files of the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- changelog, listing
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-12-14 | |
CKGEdit Plugin DownloadWYSIWYG editor based on the CKEditor - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- editing, editor, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-10-06 | |
cleanup Plugin DownloadPerform file cleanup in the wiki - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- cleanup, maintenance
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-07-06 | |
cmsmode Plugin DownloadHide Wiki Features from non-logged in users - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cms, disable-actions, hide-menus
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-08-16 | |
Columns Plugin DownloadArrange information in multiple columns - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, columns
- Author:
- Mykola Ostrovskyy
| 2023-06-16 | |
DokuWiki Commonmark Plugin DownloadAdd (almost complete) Commonmark compatibility on DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- markdown
- Author:
- Sungbin Jeon
| 2023-09-16 | |
Copycode Plugin DownloadCopy code block to clipboard with just a click - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, code, copy
- Author:
- Nicolas Prigent
| 2023-11-08 | |
CustomButtons Plugin DownloadA plugin for adding custom buttons to the toolbar, to shortcut commonly used code blocks - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- button, shortcut, toolbar
- Author:
- Constantinos (ConX) Xanthopoulos
| 2021-02-28 | |
DeepL Autotranslate Plugin DownloadThis plugin automatically translates wiki pages using the DeepL API - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- deepl, language, translation, translator
- Author:
- Jennifer Graul
| 2024-10-01 | |
dev Plugin DownloadThe DokuWiki CLI developer's tool for extensions - Provides:
- Tags:
- development, extensions, plugins, templates
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-03-18 | |
diagrams Plugin DownloadIntegrate service to create and edit diagrams in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- diagram
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Anna Dabrowska
| 2023-12-14 | |
DiffPreview Plugin DownloadAdds a new button to show a diff-like preview of all changes while editing a page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- diff, editing, preview
- Author:
- Mikhail I. Izmestev, Tilwa Qendov
| 2023-06-18 | |
Do Plugin DownloadThe do plugin allows users to create simple tasks in wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- list, task, todo
- Author:
- Adrian Lang, Andreas Gohr, Dominik Eckelmann
| 2024-05-12 | |
DokuPrism Plugin DownloadUse prism.js for syntax highlight - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, documentation, formatting, prismjs, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- amnemonic
| 2023-11-25 | |
DokuSIOC Plugin DownloadDokuSIOC makes your wiki part of the Semantic Web. It integrates SIOC Ontology within DokuWiki. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, data, export, meta, ping, rdf, semantic, sioc
- Author:
- Mark C. Prins
| 2024-06-10 | |
Editions Plugin DownloadCompare several editions of the same text in different versions or languages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- comparison, edition, version
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2016-04-03 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, email, spam
- Author:
- Phil Underwood
| 2024-01-26 | |
Extended List Syntax Plugin DownloadExtend writing style of lists in DokuWiki; multilined items, arbitrary number of ordered items, etc. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- definitions, list
- Author:
- Satoshi Sahara
| 2023-08-22 | |
Farmer Plugin DownloadEasier creation and maintenance of animals in a dokuwiki farm - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- farm
- Author:
- Michael Große, Andreas Gohr
| 2024-11-12 | |
flowchartjs Plugin DownloadDraw flowchart (SVG) based on flowchart.js - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, flowchart
- Author:
- Hua Gao
| 2023-08-07 | |
FontFace Plugin DownloadEmbed fonts (via uploaded fonts or Google Fonts) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- fonts, style, typography
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2016-04-06 | |
Footer Plugin DownloadAdd footer text to pages as a footer template for a specific namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, embed, footer, header, include, template
- Author:
- Juergen_aus_Zuendorf
| 2020-12-17 | |
geophp Plugin DownloadProvides access to the geoPHP library - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- geo, spatial
- Author:
- Mark Prins
| 2023-11-08 | |
GeoTag Plugin DownloadAllow a user to annotate pages with a geotag - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- annotations, geo, meta, seo, spatial, tags
- Author:
- Mark Prins
| 2024-08-24 | |
gh Plugin DownloadEmbed files from a GitHub repository - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, github, repository
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-11-27 | |
gitbacked Plugin DownloadSync/store DokuWiki pages and media in a git repository. On saving page edits or on media file uploads DokuWiki will commit these changes to a git repository. If configured, commits will be pushed to a remote repo. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- collaboration, git, storage
- Author:
- Wolfgang Gassler, Markus Hoffrogge
| 2025-02-26 | |
heatmap Plugin DownloadShowing heatmap of yearly pages (posts) based on created date. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- echarts, graph, heatmap
- Author:
- H.-H. PENG (Hsins)
| 2024-10-30 | |
highlight2wiki Plugin DownloadTo highlight any page on the web - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bookmark, highlight
- Author:
- dodotori
| 2023-11-29 | |
HowHard Plugin DownloadAdd difficulty level to article - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- difficulty, rating, toolbar
- Author:
| 2023-03-05 | |
Icons Plugin DownloadEmbed icons in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- flag, font-awesome, font-linux, fugue, glyphicon, icons, mdi, oxygen, rpg-awesome, silk
- Author:
- Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
| 2024-10-30 | |
Imagereference Plugin DownloadCreates numbered references to images/tables in your text by unique reference names. Supports also LaTeX output. (previous authors: Martin Heinemann, Christian Moll) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- caption, images, latex, links, media, references
- Author:
- G. Uitslag
| 2023-09-28 | |
InterWiki Helper Plugin DownloadInterwiki links insert helper button on toolbar - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, interwiki, toolbar
- Author:
- haobug
| 2022-03-22 | |
IPA Plugin DownloadPseudo-Plugin for adding an IPA Typewriter to the Toolbar - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, language, toolbar
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2011-05-22 | |
iphelper Plugin DownloadProvides tools on automatically detected IP addresses within the wiki text. searches for IP addresses like and inserts a customizable menu. Secondly searches for network addresses like and inserts a link to a subnet calculator - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ipadress, ipcalculator, menu, overlay, subnetmask, toolbox
- Author:
- An-Dir
| 2023-12-19 | |
isauth Plugin DownloadTemporarily hide portions of the content which is not finished yet. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- acl, groups, hide, if, users
- Author:
- Kai Peter
| 2023-07-20 | |
JSON Editor Plugin DownloadIntegrate schema based JSON editor into json plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- data, database, json, listing, tables
- Author:
- Janez Paternoster
| 2023-10-26 | |
JSON Generate Document Plugin DownloadIntegrate "Generate new document" JSON based functionality into json plugin. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- button, create, data, database, form, json
- Author:
- Janez Paternoster
| 2023-10-26 | |
JSON Table plugin DownloadIntegrate Excel like spreadsheet into json plugin - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- data, database, editing, json, tables
- Author:
- Janez Paternoster
| 2023-10-26 | |
KaTeX Plugin DownloadParsing TeX expressions and rendering them into math/chemical equations with KaTeX and mhchem - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- chemical, equation, latex, math, physics, tex
- Author:
- H.-H. PENG (Hsins)
| 2023-04-15 | |
keyboard Plugin DownloadMarks text as keyboard keys - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- keyboard, odt, pdf
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge)
| 2023-02-23 | |
konsole Plugin DownloadKonsole look like terminal, with bash syntax highlight - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, syntaxhighlight, terminal
- Author:
| 2016-05-15 | |
LastPages Plugin DownloadShows a list of last added pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- last10, lastpages, latest, pages
- Author:
- andev
| 2023-04-19 | |
linksuggest Plugin DownloadAutosuggestion for links in texteditor - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- autocomplete, links
- Author:
- lisps
| 2023-10-07 | |
LiveMark Plugin DownloadThis plugin will put a watermark on your images on-the-fly and caches the results. Orginal images are preserved. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- images, watermark
- Author:
- S.C. Yoo
| 2014-10-08 | |
Loadskin Plugin DownloadChange the skin/template/theme; admins can select templates per page/namespace, or users can select a template for the whole wiki - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- skin, template, theme
- Author:
- Anika Henke (previous author: Michael Klier)
| 2017-01-15 | |
localexplorer Plugin DownloadThis plugin creates a localexplorer link directly to files stored in your local Windows system, including shared network storage. It requires the Local Explorer Chrome or Edge extension plus the Windows integration module in order to work. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- localexplorer
- Author:
- Leonard Heyman
| 2023-08-12 | |
manlink Plugin DownloadAutomatically links manpages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- David Marec
| 2020-04-30 | |
MediaSyntax Plugin DownloadMediaWiki syntax for DokuWiki. Comes with a converter. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- converter, formatting, markup_language, mediawiki, syntax, toolbar
- Author:
- Thorsten Staerk
| 2023-08-04 | |
MetaHeaders Plugin DownloadLets you add/remove meta headers dynamically - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- htmlheaders, meta
- Author:
| 2020-08-05 | |
Mobile Tables Plugin DownloadRearranges tables to be responsive - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- mobile, responsive, tables
- Author:
- Bleistivt
| 2023-04-18 | |
MultiOrphan Plugin DownloadAdministrative GUI to find all sorts of orphaned or wanted pages and media. This works using AJAX instead of loading everything into one page. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- admin, media, orphan, pages, search
- Author:
- i-net software
| 2021-12-20 | |
nobadbrowser Plugin DownloadDisplays a warning when the visitor uses a bad web browser. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- maintenance
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2024-08-22 | |
Numbered Headings Plugin DownloadAdds numbered headings to DokuWiki without changing the actual behavior of the standard headings. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- headings, style
- Author:
- Lars J. Metz, Satoshi Sahara
| 2023-09-12 | |
oAuthKeycloak Plugin DownloadKeycloak Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Naoto Kobayashi
| 2024-05-06 | |
LibreOffice / OpenOffice Export DownloadExports a page to the Open Document Format (ODF) used by LibreOffice and other word processors - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- export, odt, pdf
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Aurélien Bompard, Florian Lamml, Lars (LarsDW223)
| 2023-03-03 | |
OpenID Plugin DownloadAllow users to authenticate with OpenID. (previous authors: Andreas Gohr, François Hodierne) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, embed
- Author:
- usr-local
| 2023-02-19 | |
OrgChart Plugin DownloadCreate an Org Chart from a table - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- chart, orgchart, relation, staff
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2016-04-06 | |
PageList Plugin DownloadLists pages in a nice looking table or unordered list - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- formatting, list, page, tables
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Matthias Schulte, Michael Hamann, Esther Brunner, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier)
| 2023-08-27 | |
pagequery Plugin DownloadAn all-in-one multipurpose navigation plugin to create index pages; search/filter by full-text or page name; display in columns, grouped, sorted, even has content preview tooltips. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- list, navigation, search
- Author:
- Mark Prins, previously Symon Bent
| 2025-03-04 | |
Password Generator Plugin DownloadJavaScript password generator. Simply creates new password or validates selected text against complexity requirements and replaces selection with generated password if necessary. Password contains at least some defined special chars. Please be aware that - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- generator, javascript, password, validator
- Author:
- An-dir
| 2020-08-02 | |
passwordgrey Plugin DownloadDisplays text (passwords) in light grey, click to copy to clipboard - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, color, highlight, password, protection, text, typography
- Author:
- Michael Schreiber
| 2023-10-12 | |
PHP WikifyAllows one the possibility of having output of PHP scripts parsed - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- php
- Author:
- Trailjeep
| 2020-06-05 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, uml
- Author:
- kylec32
| 2023-11-02 | |
preview Plugin DownloadShow a preview popup on link hover - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- hover, mouseover, preview
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-07-17 | |
Pubchem Plugin DownloadPlugin that create the link and retrieve chemical structure image from PubChem with only CID, compound ID - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- biology, chemistry, science
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2023-08-07 | |
Pubmed Plugin DownloadPlugin that retrieves the information of scientific journals from PubMed with PMID - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- biology, chemistry, medical, references, science
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2023-08-07 | |
pureldap Plugin DownloadA new LDAP/AD auth plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- !experimental, activedirectory, ad, ldap, sso
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-12-05 | |
PurpleNumbers Plugin DownloadAdds “Purple Numbers” (granular IDs) and optionally comment links to every block level element - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- links, section
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2024-01-21 | |
randomtables Plugin DownloadDefine and roll on entries from Random Tables - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- rpg, tables
- Author:
- omerida
| 2023-07-20 | |
scriptheader Plugin DownloadAdd script headers to each page rendered by DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- header, script
- Author:
- sflitman
| 2023-07-02 | |
SearchStats Plugin DownloadThis plugin records the search words and displays stats in the admin section - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- search, statistics
- Author:
- Imho
| 2011-06-29 | |
SelectionSearch Plugin DownloadEasily search for selected text on wiki pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, search, tooltip
- Author:
- movatica
| 2023-10-06 | |
shell Plugin DownloadAccess a simple, web based shell via the admin interface - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- shell
- Author:
- andi
| 2023-07-02 | |
simplenavi Plugin DownloadCreate a simple navigation tree based on namespaces - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, navigation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-11-13 | |
Snippets Plugin DownloadAdds a button to the editor toolbar which enables easy insertion of (updatable) snippets while editing a page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- editing, macro, shortcut, snippets, toolbar
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-10-07 | |
Snow Plugin DownloadProvides a snowstorm for your wiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- seasonal_decoration, snow
- Author:
- Mark C. Prins
| 2023-01-27 | |
SocialCards Plugin DownloadAdds social media cards and semantic data to your wiki pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- facebook, google+, meta, opengraph, search, semantic, seo, social, twitter
- Author:
- Mark C. Prins
| 2023-06-30 | |
SpatialHelper Plugin DownloadProvides utility functions such as spatial indexing and search - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, geo, meta, search, spatial
- Author:
- Mark Prins
| 2025-02-08 | |
sql2wiki Plugin DownloadSave results of sqlite queries into page syntax - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- database, db, pdo, sql, sqlite
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2023-08-03 | |
StepByStep Plugin DownloadDisplays step-by-step tutorials, spoilers, or more information about a topic - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hidden, spoiler
- Author:
- saggi
| 2023-09-25 | |
stlviewer Plugin DownloadShow stl files using excellent lib - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- rendering, stl
- Author:
- Damien Degois
| 2024-03-09 | |
Stopwatch Plugin DownloadMeasure execution time of PHP code. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- time
- Author:
- Janez Paternoster
| 2023-10-26 | |
Strata Plugin DownloadAdd and query semi-structured data in your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- data, database, listing, mysql, postgresql, sqlite, tables
- Author:
- François Kaag
| 2024-09-27 | |
structgroup8 Plugin DownloadPHP 8.0+ fork of structgroup plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Armandos Stylianakis
| 2023-12-21 | |
structodt Plugin DownloadAllows to generate odt files based on template file, filled with struct data. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, data, database, odt, sqlite
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2023-08-29 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- progress, progressbar
- Author:
- saggi
| 2023-06-21 | |
structtasks Plugin DownloadSend notification and reminder emails for tasks stored as struct data - Provides:
- CLI, Action
- Tags:
- data, database, sqlite, struct, task
- Author:
- Chris MacMackin
| 2023-06-05 | |
SubPages Plugin DownloadShow subpages as a list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- create, links, list, listing, namespace, navigation, page, subpages
- Author:
- andev
| 2023-04-19 | |
svgEmbed Plugin DownloadAllows the use of the standard media syntax (with some extensions), but SVG files are placed with the <object> or <embed> tag, not the <img> tag - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- diagram, image, images, media, svg
- Author:
- Emma Bowers
| 2021-06-09 | |
tablecalc Plugin DownloadAdds ability to use Excel-style formulas in tables - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, math
- Author:
- Sergey Gryaznov
| 2020-08-27 | |
Table Width Plugin DownloadAllows to specify width of table columns - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- tables
- Author:
- Mykola Ostrovskyy
| 2022-08-09 | |
Tag Plugin DownloadAssign category tags to wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- blog, listing, navigation, tags
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Michael Hamann, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2023-10-17 | |
TagFilter Plugin DownloadAllows to create custom dropdown fields to easily filter pages based on tags - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action, Remote
- Tags:
- ajax, filter, tags
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2023-10-21 | |
Textrotate Plugin Downloadrotate text by creating an rotated image for using in tables - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- tables
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2021-10-24 | |
Two Factor Authentication - Google Authenticator Plugin DownloadGoogle Authenticator support plugin for the Twofactor authentication plugin. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, authenticator, google, otp, security, totp, two-factor
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska, Michael Wilmes
| 2022-04-07 | |
Userpage Plugin DownloadAdd link to user page in user menu - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- home, page, userpage, users
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2021-01-25 | |
Vertical Plugin DownloadSimple plugin to configure vertical-align in tables - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- align, tables, vertical
- Author:
- outdead
| 2023-07-11 | |
webmaster Plugin DownloadAdd WebmasterTools ownership verify headers - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bing, google, metaheaders, pinterest, seo, webmaster, yandex
- Author:
- Mark C. Prins (previously Marius Rieder)
| 2023-06-30 | |
WikipediaSnippet Plugin DownloadIncludes a snippet from a Wikipedia article. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- include, wikipedia
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2016-04-07 | |
xlsx2dw Plugin DownloadImport XLS, XLSX or ODS tables to a page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- import, ods, tables, xls, xlsx
- Author:
- Computer Science Department of SPbETU
| 2023-06-10 | |
xref Plugin DownloadAllows easy linking to a PHPXref generated documentation - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, internal, links, php
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-04-30 | |
External Link Check DownloadChecks external links for connection errors, with tools for fixing them - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-02-14 | |
yalist Plugin DownloadSimple universal list plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- definitions, list
- Author:
- Mark Prins (previously Ben Slusky)
| 2023-06-30 | |
Compatible with DokuWiki? 2020-07-29 "Hogfather"AbortLogin Plugin DownloadRestricts login access to designated IP addresses - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- login
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2020-07-05 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- peterfromearth
| 2021-10-29 | |
Access Counter and Popularity Plugin DownloadExport the number of those who visited a specified page in your wiki today, yesterday, or in whole period. You can also show the list of the popularity according to the log data taken by the plugin. This plugin is ported from those of PukiWiki (with some - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, statistics, users
- Author:
- HokkaidoPerson
| 2020-06-11 | |
addressbook Plugin DownloadAdds an sqlite-based addressbook to DokuWiki. The search results can be displayed on the search page. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- address, contact, vcard
- Author:
- Gero Gothe
| 2021-06-01 | |
ADFS Plugin DownloadProvides user authentication against Active Directory Federation Service via SAML 2.0 - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- ad, adfs, saml, sso
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-10-22 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- box, note
- Author:
- Klaus Vormweg
| 2020-10-22 | |
Airtable Sync Plugin DownloadSync data from airtable to any dokuwiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- airtable, database, sync
- Author:
- cameronward
| 2021-07-01 | |
AJAXEdit Plugin DownloadHelper-Framework for easy ajax editing for other plugins - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- ajax
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2021-10-24 | |
Allow Indentation Plugin DownloadAllow using indentation in wiki text and disable rendering indented blocks as a preformatted text. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- indentation, wikitext
- Author:
- dlisin
| 2021-04-27 | |
Annotate Plugin DownloadCreates configurable annotation boxes that function like tooltips. The boxes open in place on mouseover, beneath the text being annotated, and close out-of-sight on the click of a button or mouseout. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotate, annotation, tooltip
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2019-03-28 | |
appendtoquery Plugin DownloadAppend a fixed string to all search queries. Can be used to restrict search to a single namespace. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- namespace, search
- Author:
- melangercz
| 2021-11-13 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- auth, authentication, django
- Author:
- Robert Czechowski
| 2018-03-30 | |
authenvvars Plugin DownloadAuthentication over webserver environment variables - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, environment, variables, webserver
- Author:
- Christian Hoffmann
| 2020-05-02 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- authentication
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2022-06-21 | |
AuthLDAP & Local Plugin DownloadAuthentication against corporate LDAP and DokuWiki plain text files - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, ldap, plain
- Author:
- Klaus Vormweg
| 2016-07-26 | |
OpenLDAP + Kerberos Auth Plugin DownloadProvides user authentication against a OpenLDAP + Kerberos server using GSSAPI - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, gssapi, kerberos, ldap, openldap
- Author:
- Sebastián Santisi
| 2021-12-15 | |
AuthRemoteUser Plugin DownloadProvides single sign-on authentication via an environment variable which is set through authentication systems like HTTP-Auth, LDAP, CAS, Cosign, NTLM, PAM, WebAuth, SSPI, and so on - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, cas, cosign, http-auth, ldap, ntlm, pam, plain, remote_user, sspi, webauth
- Author:
- Karl-Wilhelm Rips
| 2021-08-30 | |
autostart Plugin DownloadHandles non-existent pages by redirecting to the namespace's start page if available - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- redirect
- Author:
- Jesús A. Álvarez
| 2024-03-15 | |
AutoTabber Plugin DownloadUse Tabs inside your DokuWiki editor - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- editor, tabs
- Author:
- MarcosBL
| 2021-09-01 | |
BBCode Plugin DownloadMakes the use of BBcode syntax possible. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, markup_language
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Luis Machuca Bezzaza, Esther Brunner)
| 2017-01-23 | |
bible Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin that recognizes bible verses in prose and converts them to acronyms displaying the verse - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bible, catholic, christian, religious
- Author:
- Allen Stetson
| 2012-10-17 | |
Bookmark Plugin DownloadInsert a link anchor into the page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- anchor, bookmark, links
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2020-07-14 | |
Bookmarkfile Plugin DownloadConvert a bookmark file into a hierarchic link list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bookmark
- Author:
- LarsDW223
| 2019-01-18 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bpmn, bpmnio, diagrams, inlineeditor
- Author:
- peterfromearth
| 2022-02-22 | |
c3chart Plugin DownloadInserts interactive data charts rendered by C3.js - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- c3, chart, diagram, embed
- Author:
- Jason Xun Xu
| 2022-05-15 | |
Cache and Revisions Eraser Plugin DownloadErase entire cache and/or old wiki revisions - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- !discontinued, cache, maintenance, revisions
- Author:
- JustBurn
| 2010-11-22 | |
CAPTCHA Plugin DownloadUse an image verification (CAPTCHA) to defeat spambots - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- captcha, spam
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-12-06 | |
Citations for DokuWiki DownloadThis plugin creates citations of multiple formats for your wiki pages. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bibtex, latex, quotes, references
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-09-22 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Zaher Dirkey
| 2020-11-15 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, code, copy, paste
- Author:
- seb
| 2020-06-25 | |
cookiebanner Plugin DownloadA Consent Banner Plugin that actually controls JS loading - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- consent, cookie
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2021-07-21 | |
credits Plugin DownloadDisplay Credits for installed plugins - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, plugins
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-05-24 | |
CSSPerPage Plugin DownloadEnables setting of CSS on a per page, per section basis - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- css, html, style
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-09-15 | |
Currently Reading Plugin DownloadDisplays a box with a book cover image that says ‘Currently Reading’ linked to a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- books, box, image, reading
- Author:
- Charles Fewlass
| 2021-08-07 | |
Dataplot Plugin DownloadPlot tabular data using Gnuplot - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- data, images, media, plot, science
- Author:
- Yann Pouillon
| 2020-07-30 | |
datasearchform Plugin DownloadAdds a special search form to search through the data entries of the Data Plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- data, search
- Author:
- Juergen_aus_Zuendorf
| 2018-02-06 | |
deletehistory Plugin DownloadDeletes old versions and edit history - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- admin, history
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-04-08 | |
DeniedPage Plugin DownloadThis DokuWiki plugin show a specific page instead of denied message - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- denied
- Author:
- Benjamin Renard
| 2020-08-04 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- diagram, visio
- Author:
- todag
| 2020-08-12 | |
dirtylittlehelper Plugin DownloadEnhances editor, can build a navi-tree, mermaid editor integration, design fine tuning and some other cool stuff - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editor
- Author:
- KalleAPunkt
| 2021-05-11 | |
disabledelete Plugin DownloadPrevent users except admins from deleting a page or a section - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- admin, delete
- Author:
- melangercz
| 2021-11-01 | |
DiscordNotifier Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin that notifies a Discord channel room of wiki edits - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- discord, notification
- Author:
- zTeeed
| 2022-03-20 | |
Discussion Plugin DownloadAdds a comments section to Wiki pages. (previous authors: Esther Brunner) - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- discussion
- Author:
- Michael Hamann, Gina Häußge, Michael Klier
| 2021-12-31 | |
Display File Plugin DownloadThe Display File Plugin displays the content of a specified file on the local system using a displayfile element - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, display, file, include, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- jeckel
| 2021-01-28 | |
Display Orphans Plugin DownloadThe Display Orphans Plugin can display tables of orphaned, wanted, and linked pages. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- display, links, listing, maintenance, missing, orphan, pages, search
- Author:
- jeckel
| 2021-02-05 | |
Display Wiki Page for DokuWiki DownloadPlugin that defines an additional template function such that you can display more than one wiki page at a time on any given document. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- include, sidebar
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-09-19 | |
DivAlign2 Plugin DownloadAlign content left, right, center, or justify - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- odt, style, toolbar, typography
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2020-06-11 | |
DocSearch Plugin DownloadSearch through your uploaded documents - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2016-07-18 | |
Doodle Plugin DownloadHelps to schedule meetings or making other decisions in a team. (previous authors: Esther Brunner, Jonathan Tsai) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, calendar, doodle, form, poll, tables, todo
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2021-03-21 | |
download code block Plugin DownloadAdds buttons to download code blocks - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- code, download
- Author:
- Thomas Weber
| 2020-10-22 | | Plugin DownloadThis plugin brings embedded interface directly into DokuWiki, so one can draw images directly from web interface while writing a text - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- diagram, media, uml
- Author:
- Miloš Kozák
| 2021-02-21 | |
Dump Plugin DownloadDump the callstack (instructions) in a json format - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- debug, devel
- Author:
- ComboStrap
| 2021-06-04 | |
DWCommits Plugin DownloadSearchable database of git/gitHub repositories - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- database, git, github
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-06-05 | |
DynContent Plugin DownloadSelected content will be displayed in different wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, dynamic, include, syntax
- Author:
- Fr1z
| 2020-08-02 | |
Editsections2 Plugin DownloadMoves and change section edit buttons - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- button, editing, section
- Author:
- Kazutaka Miyasaka
| 2012-10-13 | |
elwikiupgrade Plugin DownloadFork of the upgrade-plugin, which fetches a modified DokuWiki called Einsatzleiterwiki, including wiki-pages and -media with information for firefighters. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- update, upgrade
- Author:
- Christoph Ziehr
| 2020-12-06 | |
entitiesbutton Plugin DownloadAdds a button which will let you insert 'entities' defined in your DokuWiki - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- button, toolbar
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-04-07 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- books, ebook, epub, export
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-10-05 | |
extendpage Plugin DownloadExtend/replace pages with id matching a regex by content from a different page - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- include, regexp, replace
- Author:
- Frieder Schrempf
| 2021-01-16 | |
Airtable Sync Plugin DownloadEmbed content from a domain using iframes to any dokuwiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, embed, embedded, iframe, privacy, videos, youtube
- Author:
- cameronward
| 2021-08-26 | |
Extended Table Syntax 3 Plugin DownloadImplement extended (MediaWiki-style) table syntax in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- mediawiki, tables
- Author:
- Satoshi Sahara
| 2021-03-24 | |
Feed Plugin DownloadThe Feed Plugin is a helper plugin that generates RSS and Atom feeds for other plugins. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- feed
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2020-10-26 | |
fields Plugin DownloadAllows storage and retrieval of user-defined fields throughout the page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- meta, odt, replace
- Author:
- Aurélien Bompard, lpaulsen93
| 2021-03-27 | |
Formatplus2 Plugin DownloadAdds useful HTML styles not already in DokuWiki (fork of formatplus Plugin) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, quotes, style, typography
- Author:
- G.HS.Robert Ciang (a.k.a. MilchFlasche)
| 2020-06-26 | |
GeoGebrEmbed DownloadEmbed GeoGebra applets into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- geogebra, math
- Author:
- Philipp Imhof
| 2021-10-19 | |
Glossary Plugin DownloadManage glossary for translation - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, style, translation
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2019-09-25 | |
Google Adsense for DokuWiki DownloadThis tool allows you to set a code for use with Google AdSense, which allows you to put targeted advertisements on your site. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- advertising, embed, google
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-09-15 | |
Google Analytics for DokuWiki DownloadThis tool allows you to set a code for use with Google Analytics, which allows you to track your visitors. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- embed, google, statistics
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-11-03 | |
GOTO Plugin DownloadEasily have a page redirect to another page in the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- redirect
- Author:
- Allen Ormond, cziehr, turnermm,
| 2021-03-01 | |
Groupmanager Plugin DownloadGroup-admins can easily administer the users of their group and assign them roles without interference of - or interfering with - a super-admin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- administration, collaboration, collaborative_projects, groupmanager, groups, usermanager, users
- Author:
- Harald Ronge
| 2013-05-27 | |
groupmatrix Plugin DownloadConfigurable listing of DokuWiki users and their group memberships - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- groupmail, groups, listing, users
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-01-10 | |
groupusers Plugin DownloadList members of the given group(s) in a table - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- groups, listing, users
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2023-09-28 | |
Hide Menus Plugin DownloadIf the user is not logged in, hide the page and site tools - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cms, hide-menus
- Author:
- Daniel Weisshaar
| 2022-03-16 | |
Hiding IPs Plugin DownloadAvoid IP addresses shown to public. Admins can view IPs even with this plugin. - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- anonymous, ip
- Author:
- Hokkaidoperson
| 2018-11-05 | |
HTML Details Tag Plugin DownloadUse the HTML <details> and <summary> tags for toggling information - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- collapsible, hide, html, spoiler, toggle
- Author:
- Sascha Klawohn
| 2021-03-18 | |
- Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- analytics, google, hubspot, piwik, statistics, tracking
- Author:
- Pieter van Os
| 2020-07-20 | |
idcount Plugin DownloadGenerates ongoing numbers to be uses as id for different purposes - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, macro
- Author:
- Gero Gothe
| 2021-06-01 | |
Ikso Plugin DownloadPseudo-plugin for typing Esperanto letters with "X-code" - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- esperanto, keyboard, language
- Author:
- Moisés Braga Ribeiro
| 2020-06-08 | |
Infomail Plugin DownloadYou can send mails directly from your wiki with recommendations for the page viewed - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- email, groupmail, recommend
- Author:
- Frank Schiebel, Andreas Gohr
| 2020-11-18 | |
inseecity Plugin DownloadImport INSEE cities code - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2021-03-29 | |
instructions Plugin DownloadProvides highly customizable, standardized instructions - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, macro, replace
- Author:
- Juergen_aus_Zuendorf
| 2022-04-20 | |
Interwiki Formatting Plugin DownloadThe Interwiki Formatting Plugin automatically produces formatted titles for interwiki links. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, interwiki, links
- Author:
- jeckel
| 2021-01-25 | |
IP Banning Plugin DownloadAllows administrators and managers to ban certain IP addresses from accessing the wiki - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, blacklist, ip, spam, users
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2019-07-31 | |
IP Group Plugin DownloadAllows administrators to map (anonymous) users from specified networks to a single group. - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, groups, ip
- Author:
- Forschungsgemeinschaft elektronische Medien e.V. (Sascha Bendix, Marcel Pennewiß, Peter Große, Jonas Licht)
| 2021-04-18 | |
ipmap Plugin DownloadCreates a table/map of the IPv4 Address space as desired - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ip, maps
- Author:
- Michaela Wheeler
| 2021-06-21 | |
IPTrust II Plugin DownloadRestricts anonymous access to given set of IP addresses - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, ip
- Author:
- Gero Gothe
| 2021-11-11 | |
latexport Plugin DownloadA latex export renderer plugin to export latex documents from DokuWiki - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- ebook, export, latex
- Author:
- Jean-Michel Gonet
| 2020-08-15 | |
linkpagechild Plugin DownloadLinks & media inclusions whose target path starts with '::' resolve to the namespace with the name of the current page, under the current namespace. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, media, syntax
- Author:
- Brendan Kidwell
| 2021-10-03 | |
linkscollection Plugin DownloadEasily create link lists from page tree - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- editor
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-12-06 | |
Listusergroup Plugin DownloadDisplays the users from one or more groups with options (e.g. link to homepage) via a table. Group members attributes and their order can be defined, Table can have a header. Email and homepage can be shown as link. Homepage can have an icon. List can be - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- groups, listing, users
- Author:
- richig_vienna
| 2020-12-21 | |
LMS Plugin DownloadLesson management system - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- management
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-29 | |
log Plugin DownloadA simple log facility for individual pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- blog, log, news, users
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2019-02-27 | |
Logger Plugin DownloadThis plugin logs every request into a CSV file - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- logging
- Author:
- Jens Brokfeld
| 2021-01-10 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-04-06 | |
maplink Plugin DownloadLinks an address or other search text directly to Google maps - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, maps
- Author:
- chlw
| 2021-05-01 | |
Markdown Page Plugin DownloadShow markdown block as a DokuWiki content - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, markdown, markup_language
- Author:
- mizunashi_mana
| 2021-01-09 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- media, mediamanager, tooltip
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2021-04-15 | |
metadisplay Plugin Downloadprovides an administration app that searches meta files for metadata and displays results in table format; can also be used from the command line - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- list, metadata
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2021-12-09 | |
Multi Line Lists Plugin DownloadAllows a list item to break into multiple lines with indentation on non-bullet lines - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, list
- Author:
- Adrian Sai-wah Tam
| 2021-02-02 | |
MRedirect Plugin DownloadRedirection plugin - any page containing nothing but a standard link will auto-redirect instantaneously - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- redirect
- Author:
- Morten Nielsen
| 2014-05-10 | |
Multilingual Plugin DownloadCollects mechanisms that converts DokuWiki into a multilingual wiki. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- language, translation
- Author:
- Daniel Stonier
| 2020-12-15 | |
multiselect Plugin DownloadCreates a Multiselectbutton for different Icons/Text - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2021-10-24 | |
namespacemessage Plugin DownloadDisplay a message in certain namespaces - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- maintenance, message
- Author:
- Christoph Ziehr
| 2017-03-06 | |
Navpath Plugin DownloadCreate a navigation path in DokuWiki like "First > Second > Third" - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, navigation, path
- Author:
- ABAPCoder
| 2021-03-26 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2020-10-07 | |
No Abstract Plugin DownloadAllows you to exclude certain parts of page from the abstract in metadata - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- metadata
- Author:
- Jumptohistory
| 2021-03-29 | |
NoWiki Plugin DownloadAdd NoWiki buttons to the toolbar - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, nowiki, toolbar
- Author:
- Petr Blaha
| 2014-11-04 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- invoice, invoicing, numbering
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2020-02-25 | |
oAuthCognito Plugin DownloadCognito Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-12-16 | |
oAuthDoorkeeper Plugin DownloadDoorkeeper Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2021-12-04 | |
oauthdrkserver Plugin Downloaddrkserver Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Daniel Weisshaar
| 2022-03-16 | |
oAuthFacebook Plugin DownloadFacebook Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-01-13 | |
oAuthGeneric Plugin DownloadGeneric Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-03-21 | |
oAuthGitHub Plugin DownloadGitHub Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2021-12-05 | |
oAuthGoogle Plugin DownloadGoogle Service for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-08-12 | |
oauthwechange Plugin DownloadSupports the WECHANGE.DE platform as identity provider - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth, wechange
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2022-01-18 | |
ODP Plugin DownloadExports a page to the Open Document Presentation format (ODP) used by LibreOffice - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- export, odp, slideshow
- Author:
- Damien Clochard
| 2010-10-03 | |
oEmbed Plugin DownloadEmbed media from oembed providers - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, flickr, images, media, music, video
- Author:
- Dwayne Bent, Nik Gaffney
| 2021-06-07 | |
ol3 Plugin DownloadImport openlayers3 - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, geo, maps, media, spatial
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2021-04-01 | |
The Number of Online Plugin DownloadExport the current number of those who is browsing your wiki, in plain text. This plugin is ported from that of PukiWiki (with some customizing). - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- online, statistics, users
- Author:
- HokkaidoPerson
| 2019-11-19 | |
openas Plugin DownloadFile utility for moving/renaming files, saving copies, creating new pages from templates - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- file, form, move, pagemove, rename, template
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-02-14 | |
Outliner Plugin DownloadEnable collapsible outline tree page layout - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- collapsible, hide
- Author:
- Vincent31FR (Previous author: Michael Hamann, Pavel Vitis)
| 2024-01-23 | |
DokuWiki Nav Overlay Plugin DownloadCreates floating window at the template level that can be toggled open and closed into which navigation plugins (or any other pages) can be inserted. Can be configured for multiple namespaces, each with its own overlay. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- layers, menu, navigation, overlay, popup, sidebar
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2020-08-03 | |
Page Templater Plugin DownloadUse pages as template - and define either the namespace where to use them, or configure a page using the META plugin to have a template - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, include, meta, page, template
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-05-15 | |
PassPolicy Plugin DownloadBetter password security for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- password
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-01-11 | |
pdftools Plugin DownloadAdditional features for dw2pdf - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- pdf
- Author:
- Gero Gothe.
| 2021-11-11 | |
PGList Plugin DownloadList a pages or directories inside the current namespace or selected namespace. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- file, listing
- Author:
- Zaher Dirkey
| 2020-11-15 | |
prettyphoto Plugin DownloadAdds prettyPhoto support for images - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- ajax, gallery, images, javascript, lightbox, media, popup, prettyphoto
- Author:
- lpaulsen93 (previous author: Marcus von Appen)
| 2020-10-03 | |
PrettyTables Plugin DownloadToolbar button that fixes the source code of a table by aligning the columns - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, tables, toolbar
- Author:
- Constantinos (ConX) Xanthopoulos
| 2016-06-21 | |
publistf Plugin DownloadShameless copy of publist/publistx (but with caching and more) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, publications
- Author:
- Hans-Nikolai Viessmann
| 2021-02-03 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- barcode, bitcoin, qr, qrcode
- Author:
- Daniel Pätzold
| 2019-12-08 | |
QuickStats Plugin DownloadA statistics generator for web traffic on DokuWiki sites - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- statistics
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2023-02-28 | |
randomquote Plugin DownloadTo show random quotes on the wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- quotes, random
- Author:
- IngoK
| 2020-07-13 | |
Referrers Plugin DownloadThis plugin logs referrers for your site to the page :wiki:referrers, so you can easily see where your traffic comes from - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- logging, statistics
- Author:
- Terence J. Grant
| 2020-09-19 | |
reqlang Plugin DownloadSwitch the interface language according to the accept-language request header - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- language, localization, translation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2021-11-01 | |
Media Resize Blacklist Plugin DownloadAllows you to block certain file extensions from being resized on the server - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- gif, image, media
- Author:
- Sam Yelman
| 2020-09-27 | |
SAML Plugin DownloadProvides user authentication via SAML 2.0 - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- ad, adfs, authentication, login, saml, sso
- Author:
- Sam Yelman
| 2020-10-22 | |
SaveAndEdit Plugin DownloadAdds a checkbox to the edit mode in order to continue editing after the page has been saved. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2024-05-07 | |
Schedule Plugin DownloadSchedule (for instance social events) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, calendar, geo, maps, spatial, style
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2021-03-31 | |
SearchText Plugin DownloadSearches pages rendered as text instead of raw wiki. Displays search result snippets from rendered text. (Original author: Todd Augsburger) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2015-04-19 | |
ShortcutKey Plugin DownloadPress “E” key to edit the current page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- shortcut
- Author:
- S.C. Yoo
| 2017-05-24 | |
showinitpage Plugin DownloadIf access to a page is denied (i.e. user not logged in), redirect to a defined page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- login, redirect
- Author:
| 2020-12-01 | |
ShowSamples Plugin Downloadcarousel to show samples from a website - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- carousel
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2021-03-31 | |
simplemap Plugin Download[PHP 7.2 - 8.0] ?️ Embed a simple OpenStreetMap in your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- maps
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2021-03-13 | |
skipentity Plugin DownloadCreates monospaced text without processing entities as well as other markup - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, entity, formatting, typography
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2021-12-26 | |
Socialite Plugin DownloadAdds responsive lightweight social share buttons anywhere on page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- button, share, social
- Author:
- Fernando Ribeiro
| 2019-01-01 | |
Spoiler2 Plugin DownloadAdds initially hidden sections - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide
- Author:
- halbbit
| 2021-03-03 | |
Stale Plugin DownloadMake your cache stale in one click - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cache, devel
- Author:
- ComboStrap
| 2023-02-20 | |
Stars2 Plugin DownloadThe Stars2 plugin let you add Rating, Difficulty, etc. stars - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- difficulty, rating, toolbar
- Author:
- Zahno Silvan
| 2025-02-07 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- aggregation, color, conditional, css, data, strata, struct, style, tables
- Author:
- larsOhne
| 2022-06-02 | |
structgroupby Plugin DownloadGroups rows that have the same values into summary rows - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- solewniczak
| 2021-01-14 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-03-26 | |
structsection Plugin Download[PHP 7.2] New Section-Type to show struct wiki fields as actual sections of the page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2021-01-02 | |
Struct Template Plugin DownloadUse struct data to fill in a template, as many times as there are results - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, struct, template
- Author:
- Iain Hallam
| 2022-03-11 | |
structupdate Plugin DownloadAdds action to bureaucracy forms that allows to update struct data of the page - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2021-02-18 | |
Automatic Subscription Manager Plugin DownloadAutomatically subscribe users to pages and namespace based on set rules - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- subscription
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-09-02 | |
subnumberlist Plugin DownloadChange numbering style in ordered list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- list
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2017-09-29 | |
survey Plugin DownloadDokuWiki plugin to generate user surveys with multiple levels of questions and answers - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- survey
- Author:
- Donovan Ringot
| 2021-06-23 | |
symbols4odt Plugin DownloadProvides symbols that can be exported into ODT files with the odt plugin. For example, the plugin can create checkboxes in wiki pages, as well as in an exported ODT file. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- export, odt, symbols
- Author:
- Thomas Schäfer
| 2021-11-01 | |
Synchronization Plugin DownloadSynchronize two Wiki installs via XMLRPC - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- sync, xmlrpc
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-09-06 | |
SyntaxMantis Plugin DownloadCreates links into Mantis BT from ~~Mantis:123~~ - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, mantis
- Author:
- Jan Müller
| 2017-09-04 | |
tagentry Plugin DownloadAssign tags by clicking from list - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, javascript, navigation, tags
- Author:
- Trailjeep
| 2019-10-17 | |
Tagging Plugin DownloadAllows users to annotate pages with tags, search for tags and show all tags one user has used - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- annotations, cloud, tagcloud, tags
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2025-01-21 | |
tCycle Plugin DownloadA minimalist jQuery slideshow plugin based on Mike Alsup's Javascript-Plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, javascript, media, slideshow
- Author:
- Trailjeep
| 2020-05-24 | |
text (export / renderer) Plugin DownloadExports or Renders a page as plain text (previous author: Todd Augsburger) - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, search
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2022-07-07 | |
Text Module Plugin DownloadAdd user defined text modules to the editor - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- macro, snippets
- Author:
- Gero Gothe
| 2021-06-01 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- blog, boxes, style
- Author:
- François Merciol
| 2020-07-19 | |
timezoneco Plugin DownloadThis plugin add a timezone configuration field for you to set up your dokuwiki timezone - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- timezone
- Author:
- beco
| 2022-02-24 | |
TitlesAnchorLink Plugin DownloadDisplays Anchors links when hovering DokuWiki Sections titles, in a similar way to GitHub - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- anchors, javascript, links, menu, section
- Author:
- Dric
| 2021-12-23 | |
tocselect Plugin DownloadCreate table of contents for any wiki page in sidebar or in a wiki page. The TOC can be set using a textbox selection, the wiki:id for which can be changed as needed either manually or from its index of pages and namespaces, or it can be set to automatica - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- index, sitemap, toc
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2017-12-07 | |
today Plugin Download[PHP 7.2 - 8.0] Quick plugin that adds syntax to create a link to today's page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- navigation
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2021-03-13 | |
Toolbox Plugin DownloadAdds various tools to the editor toolbar - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- find, findandreplace, indent, javascript, list, replace, sort, toolbar, toolbox, wordcount
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2017-03-18 | |
ToolButtonDel Plugin DownloadRemoves buttons from toolbar, enabling customization of the toolbar; 'users only' branch can hide media manager and linkwiz from non-logged in users. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- toolbar
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-05-24 | |
Top Plugin DownloadShow the top most visited pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- statistics
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-11-24 | |
topbarsyntax Plugin DownloadDelivers horizontal/vertical, css based menu on DokuWiki page wherever you want to have it - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- css, menu, template
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2016-06-02 | |
TOS Plugin DownloadHave users accept the Terms of Service on login - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- tos
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-08-25 | |
Translation Plugin DownloadHelp with translation efforts in a multilingual wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- language, translation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-04-30 | |
twistienav4bootstrap3 Plugin DownloadAdds drop-down navigation menus to breadcrumbs when Bootstrap3 template is used - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- breadcrumb, index, menu, navigation
- Author:
- Trailjeep
| 2020-06-06 | |
Two Factor Authentication - Alternate Email Plugin DownloadAlternate email support plugin for the Two Factor Authentication plugin. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, email, security, two-factor
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Mike Wilmes
| 2023-01-08 | |
Two Factor Authentication - Email Plugin DownloadEmail support plugin for the Twofactor authentication plugin. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, email, security, two-factor
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Michael Wilmes
| 2023-07-11 | |
Text Configuration Files Manager DownloadManage your wiki's text configuration files - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- !experimental, configuration
- Author:
- Stephane Chamberland
| 2006-07-04 | |
Typography Plugin DownloadEnable typesetting capabilities with CSS font properties such as font face, size, weight, and color of text - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- fonts, style, typography
- Author:
- Pawel Piekarski, Satoshi Sahara
| 2020-07-31 | |
usermanagerextended Plugin DownloadGives managers restricted rights to manage user accounts. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- users
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2020-10-15 | |
userpagecreate Plugin DownloadCreates a user page or user namespace when a user first logs in - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- home, page, users
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2021-07-15 | |
virtualgroup Plugin DownloadCreate virtual user groups in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, groups, users
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2023-12-13 | |
Webcode Plugin DownloadMoved to the Combo Plugin (Display the result of CSS and HTML code) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, code, css, html, iframe, javascript, jquery, rendering
- Author:
- gerardnico
| 2021-02-02 | |
xbr Plugin DownloadReplacement renderer, preserves line breaks present in raw wiki data - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2012-06-30 | |
xcom Plugin DownloadAn xmlrpc cross-communication facility that enables two wikis to interact by means of a dashboard interface, including administration, importing of pages and media, and editing on the remote wiki - Provides:
- Admin, Remote
- Tags:
- import, metadata, xmlrpc
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2022-02-13 | |
xkcd Plugin DownloadWill show a new xkcd comic every MON-WED-FRI - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- comic, images, media, random
- Author:
- Zahno Silvan
| 2020-09-02 | |
yearbox Plugin Download[PHP 7.2 - 8.0] Create simple year or recent month(s) calendars, with a new page link for each day - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, diary
- Author:
- Michael Große (formerly: Symon Bent)
| 2021-03-19 | |
ZWIdoku Plugin DownloadExports DokuWiki articles to the ZWI files for the Encyclosphere network - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, network, zwi
- Author:
- S.Chekanov (KSF)
| 2022-04-08 | |
Compatible with DokuWiki? 2018-04-22 "Greebo"404Manager Plugin DownloadHandle the soft 404 (file not found) for user and writer of DokuWiki by redirecting according to a configuration - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- namespace, redirect, search
- Author:
- Nicolas GERARD (aka gerardnico)
| 2018-08-21 | |
Abbreviation Tooltip Plugin Downloadabbr tag for abbreviation in Wiki text to show the whole phrase when you mouse over the shortened word - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, tooltip
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2015-09-25 | |
aclplusregex Plugin DownloadDynamically extend DokuWiki ACLs based on regex rules - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- acl
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska + Andreas Gohr
| 2023-11-13 | |
acronym4glossary Plugin DownloadPlugin that uses the acronyms to let you easily create a glossary - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, acronym, glossary
- Author:
- Imho
| 2010-06-16 | |
actionrenderer Plugin DownloadAllow overwriting default XHTML render actions - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- rendering, xhtml
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-07-15 | |
AIMG Plugin DownloadFlickr-like Annotated Image Plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, annotations, images, media, notes
- Author:
- Itay Donenhirsch
| 2009-05-07 | |
alertbox Plugin DownloadAdd Bootstrap style alert boxes to your wiki! - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- alert, alertbox, alerts, bootstrap, box, boxes
- Author:
- Steve Levine
| 2015-03-15 | |
AlphaList2 Plugin DownloadSimple plugin which allows display ordered and unorderd lists in alphabetical order - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- list, order, sort
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-08-02 | |
Amazon Plugin DownloadDisplay product information fetched from Amazon for single products or lists - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- books, embed, images, listing, media, music, video
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-06-09 | |
AmazonLight Plugin DownloadA drop-in replacement for the amazon plugin that does not use the product advertisement api - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- amazon, asin, isbn
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-03-22 | |
AmCharts Plugin DownloadInserts interactive data charts rendered by AmCharts - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart
- Author:
- Sylvain Menu
| 2017-03-17 | |
AuthClientCert Plugin DownloadAuthenticate and create user from client x509 certificate - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, smartcard, x509
- Author:
- Pawel Jasinski
| 2019-03-30 | |
AuthDiscourse Plugin DownloadAuthenticates users with a Discourse SSO provider - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- sso
- Author:
- Lukas Werling
| 2019-05-23 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- joomla
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2018-05-07 | |
AuthPHPBB3 Plugin DownloadProvides user authentication against phpBB 3.x - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, phpbb, phpbb3, sso
- Author:
- Eole
| 2019-04-17 | |
AuthSAML Plugin DownloadProvides external authentication via simpleSAMLphp Service Provider instance - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, saml, simplesamlphp
- Author:
- smartin
| 2018-05-17 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- auth
- Author:
- realdigger
| 2018-02-01 | |
AutoGroup Plugin DownloadProvides a way to automatically group users based on account values - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- groups
- Author:
- Michael Wilmes
| 2018-08-06 | |
AutoTweet 2 Plugin DownloadPost the information of changes to Twitter. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- api, notifications, twitter
- Author:
- HokkaidoPerson
| 2018-10-30 | |
barcode (2D-Barcodes) Plugin DownloadCreate 2D-Barcodes using different providers. See 'Fork' below for maintained version. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- barcode, images, media, qrcode
- Author:
- eIrOcA
| 2019-02-24 | |
Bloglinks Plugin DownloadDisplays a link to the previous and the next blog entry above posts in configured namespaces - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- blog, menu, navigation
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge)
| 2023-12-28 | |
booking Plugin DownloadBook a resource through the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- booking, reservation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-06-03 | |
BookmarkMe Plugin DownloadCreates links to various social bookmark services - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bookmark, embed
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2008-12-25 | |
Bureaucracy-AU Plugin DownloadEasily create HTML forms to collect data which can be sent via email or used to create pages. Australian date format dd/mm/yy. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, create, email, form, poll
- Author:
| 2019-06-14 | |
changemarks Plugin DownloadThis plugin is used to mark portions of text as inserted, deleted or highlighted - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- highlight, typography
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2017-02-25 | |
Chessdiagram Plugin DownloadFormat a chess board using FEN notation or an alternative 8x8-layout - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chess, diagram, game, images, media
- Author:
- Michael Arlt
| 2016-11-08 | |
chordsheets Plugin DownloadMake your DokuWiki to your song book by adding chord sheets or chords. This is an early beta state, so please report bugs at the bugtracker link. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chord, guitar, music, sheet, tab
- Author:
- apazureck
| 2018-08-01 | |
ckgdoku Plugin DownloadA version of ckgedit which enables the use of DokuWiki’s media manager and linkwiz - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- deprecated, editing, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-10-07 | |
CodeButton Plugin DownloadIn the default toolbar there is no code button available. This plugin will add one. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- Heiko Barth
| 2018-09-17 | |
codebuttontrumod Plugin DownloadPlugin add button to create code tag into editor - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- Alexey Trushnikov
| 2019-08-04 | |
Code Prettifier Plugin DownloadSyntax highlighting of source code snippets in wiki page using google-code-prettify (javascript module with CSS files) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- s.sahara
| 2023-09-16 | |
colorswatch Plugin DownloadDisplay a color swatch of the given color - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- color, color_palette, color_scheme, colour, colour_palette, colour_scheme, syntax
- Author:
- henning.kockerbeck
| 2019-05-19 | |
Countdown Plugin DownloadCountdown to a specific date - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, date
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza (previous authors)
| 2020-11-01 | |
csstimeline Plugin DownloadCreate a simple, CSS-only timeline - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, timeline
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2017-01-06 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- date
- Author:
- Milosz Galazka
| 2018-04-24 | |
Datefilter Plugin DownloadRemoves lines with dates in the past - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, date, filter
- Author:
- Michael Arlt
| 2020-06-04 | |
Datepicker Plugin Downloaduse a calendar popup to pick a date - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, date
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2018-10-09 | |
Definition List Syntax Plugin DownloadFull range (X)HTML style definition list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- definitions, formatting, list
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2007-08-15 | |
Denyactions Plugin DownloadDeny some actions from not logged in users - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, cms, disable-actions
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2018-12-30 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, revisions, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2007-08-15 | |
disableactionsbygroup Plugin DownloadAllows you to disable actions for particular user groups - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, cms, disable-actions, hide-menus
- Author:
- adron
| 2018-12-28 | |
Disqus Plugin DownloadAdd Disqus powered comments to your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- discussion, disqus, embed
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-08-09 | |
doodle3toolbar Plugin DownloadToolbar extension for doodle3 Plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- doodle, toolbar
- Author:
- Matthias Jung
| 2016-02-02 | |
dwMenu Plugin DownloadThis plugin displays a menu in a cool way with differents parts - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, navigation
- Author:
- Progi1984
| 2015-08-28 | |
EBNF Plugin DownloadRenders syntax diagrams in EBNF - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media
- Author:
- Vincent Tscherter
| 2023-09-27 | |
editonlink Plugin DownloadAdds a popover button "Edit" to inner wiki links, so you can go edit that page in one click - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, css, editing, links, shortcut, tooltip
- Author:
- Constant Illumination (Chang Zhao)
| 2019-02-16 | |
embedover Plugin DownloadDisplay an external URL in a popup over DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, javascript, links, popup
- Author:
- Rémi Peyronnet
| 2016-02-07 | |
Emoji Plugin DownloadEmoji substitution plugin using graphics from EmojiOne - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- emoji, smileys, unicode
- Author:
- Patrick Brown
| 2019-05-14 | |
facebook Plugin DownloadAdd Facebook Fan Boxes to your DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- facebook, social
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
file2dw Plugin DownloadCreate a dokuwiki page by importing a file - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- docx, import, odt, pandoc, soffice
- Author:
- qky666
| 2019-03-20 | |
findologic-xml-export Plugin DownloadCreates an XML file based on the pages of the wiki - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- export, xml
- Author:
| 2019-03-08 | |
FontFamily Plugin DownloadWith fontfamily you can control the typeface of your text - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Thorsten Stratmann
| 2019-03-19 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- style, typography
- Author:
- Thorsten Stratmann
| 2017-01-07 | |
forceuserchange Plugin DownloadEnforce password change before user can log in. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- auth
- Author:
- phy25
| 2020-03-09 | |
freechat Plugin DownloadAllow to insert and use phpFreeChat on DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chat, discussion
- Author:
- Roland Wunderling
| 2015-09-29 | |
GDPR Plugin DownloadImprove GDPR compliance by removing usernames of deleted users from changelogs - Provides:
- CLI, Action
- Tags:
- gdpr, privacy
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2019-03-21 | |
googleverify Plugin DownloadVerify site ownership on the Google Search Console - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- google, metaheaders
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2018-11-27 | |
GPlusOne DownloadGenerate the "+1" button using the Google API. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- google, social
- Author:
- eIrOcA
| 2019-02-24 | |
GPSies Plugin DownloadEmbed tracks from in a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, gps, gpsies, maps
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2009-05-21 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- archiving, email, groupmail, groups
- Author:
- David Cabernel
| 2020-04-03 | |
Highlight Plugin DownloadEnables a simple mark-up syntax for highlighting text in various colors - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, highlight, marking
- Author:
- Joseph Nahmias
| 2013-10-24 | |
highlightparent Plugin DownloadAdd “backto” links in the header of pages in subnamespaces of defined parent namespaces - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- namespace
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2018-09-05 | |
HtmlOKay Plugin DownloadControls HTML access, so that only designated users and groups may use HTML at one of four access levels - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, configuration, groups, html, htmlok, users
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2017-12-07 | |
IfAuth Plugin DownloadSet portion of page to be displayed/hidden for authorized group - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- acl, groups, hide, if, users
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2005-09-23 | |
Imagecarousel Plugin DownloadCarousel for images with imagebox - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- carousel, image, imagebox
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2020-02-29 | | Plugin DownloadMake your Wiki faster with just-in-time preloading by - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- performance
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2022-02-04 | |
interwikipaste Plugin DownloadURLs pasted into the DokuWiki editor are transformed on-the-fly into interwiki or local links - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, interwiki, paste, url
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2021-05-25 | |
issuelinks Plugin DownloadShow styled links with detailed popups for issues of project management services (GitHub, GitLab, Jira) - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- bugtracker, github, issue, project_management
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2020-08-11 | |
Jirainfo Plugin DownloadShow Jira issue description in popover when hovering or click over an issue key. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, issue, jira
- Author:
- vadim balabin
| 2019-03-09 | |
jquerymigrate Plugin DownloadAdds production/development version of jquery-migrate script to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- embed, javascript
- Author:
- phy25
| 2020-02-23 | |
jQuotes Plugin DownloadDisplay a random quotation and update it every few seconds with a new one - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, quotes, random
- Author:
- trailjeep
| 2020-05-12 | |
JS replacements Plugin DownloadExtends JSINFO with 'replacements' for usage in JS scripts - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- javascript, jquery
- Author:
- Oscar Segura Samper
| 2020-05-10 | |
Lastmod-Plugin DownloadDisplays the timestamp of the last modification of the current or another page (if you need it directly in the text and not only at the end of the page). - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- changelog, include, time
- Author:
- Dennis Ploeger
| 2016-02-03 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- geolocalization, leaflet
- Author:
- asere
| 2020-05-14 | |
LikeIt Plugin DownloadAdd likeit button(s) to a page - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, like, poll, vote
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2018-10-28 | |
linkprefix Plugin DownloadThis plugin adds a custom string in front of all external URLs. That is useful for referer remove services. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- links, privacy, referer
- Author:
- Heiko Barth
| 2019-01-02 | |
links4pages Plugin DownloadAdd custom links in all PageMenus - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, icons, links, menu, navigation
- Author:
- albinou
| 2018-08-09 | |
linksenhanced Plugin DownloadEnhance internal link syntax by allowing wiki markup in the title - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, links
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2019-05-29 | |
Localization Plugin DownloadTranslate the title and tagline for each language separately - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- config, language, localization, tagline, title
- Author:
- Victor
| 2019-02-27 | |
Mark To Memorize Plugin DownloadAllow you to show and hide words more easily. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- highlight, marking
- Author:
- shimamu
| 2018-09-29 | |
Matomo Plugin DownloadPlugin for the new 3.x version of Matomo (formerly Piwik), the open source Google Analytics alternative. It's the followup version of - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- analytics, piwik, statistics, tracking
- Author:
- Bravehartk2 (Marcel Lange)
| 2018-05-19 | |
mcitem Plugin DownloadAdds Minecraft item link with icon to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- minecraft
- Author:
- drcrazy
| 2020-01-30 | |
Message Plugin DownloadDisplays a message on all pages, for all users - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- annotations, maintenance, notification
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2009-08-04 | |
metaeditor Plugin DownloadAdmin Interface to edit metadata - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- !discontinued, !experimental, meta
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2019-01-25 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formula, latex, math, mimetex
- Author:
- Michael Gritsaenko
| 2018-09-17 | |
minical Plugin DownloadA simple calendar where each day is represented by a wiki page (forked from WikiCalendar by Michael Klier) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- calendar
- Author:
- Alexandre Bastien
| 2021-11-29 | |
Mini-Map Plugin DownloadShows the pages of the current namespace in a list bootstrap format, generally used in a side bar - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, menu, namespace, navigation, page, sidebar
- Author:
- Nicolas GERARD
| 2020-06-02 | |
mtg Plugin DownloadProvides syntax for creating Magic the Gathering cards references within DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- mtg
- Author:
- jamin.collins
| 2018-06-09 | |
MultiPoll Plugin DownloadLets you add slightly extended polls to a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, extended, poll
- Author:
- Etienne MELEARD
| 2010-04-12 | |
NewLine Plugin DownloadAdd toolbar button for simply adding \\ for new line - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- toolbar
- Author:
- xarkam
| 2019-02-28 | |
news Plugin DownloadNews feed generator - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- feed, news
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2016-08-09 | |
nextday Plugin DownloadDisplay the date of the closest $WEEKDAY - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- date, include
- Author:
- Pavol Rusnak
| 2018-05-31 | |
noprint Plugin DownloadHides parts of a page on printout - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- export, hide, printing
- Author:
- Dennis Ploeger
| 2016-03-14 | |
nsiconinsearch Plugin DownloadShow an icon for search results from certain namespaces - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Christoph Ziehr
| 2019-05-28 | |
odtplus2dw Plugin DownloadCreate a dokuwiki page from a file - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- docx, import, odt, pandoc, soffice
- Author:
- Jose Torrecilla, contributor Georges Khaznadar
| 2022-06-05 | |
OrgApp (Organization Charts) Plugin DownloadCreate organization charts using OrgApplet ( - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, charts, images, organization, orgchart
- Author:
- eIrOcA
| 2019-02-24 | |
OrphanMedia Plugin DownloadFind orphan and missing media files. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, listing, maintenance, missing, orphan, search
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2016-06-02 | |
Page Navigation Plugin DownloadDisplays links to the next or previous alphabetically ordered page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- browse, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2020-12-07 | |
PageTitle Plugin DownloadDefine a title of the wiki page by <title> tag. This plugin allows to write decorative title on the page with setting plain title text in metadata storage. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- breadcrumb, title
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2023-08-30 | |
partialsearch Plugin DownloadEnables partial search by surrounding internally each word in the search box with asterisks (*) without need the user to write the asterisks - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- partial, search
- Author:
- David Roy
| 2018-05-20 | |
pgn4web Plugin DownloadChess games viewer, displays chess games notated in PGN in a nice interactive way - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chess, pgn
- Author:
- Michael Arlt
| 2018-05-12 | |
{php}IPAM DownloadFetch subnet hosts from a {php}IPAM instance into your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- cage, database, ip, ipam, network, rack, server, subnet
- Author:
- GilCot
| 2020-08-27 | |
[DEPRECATED] piwik2 Plugin DownloadPlugin for the new 2.0 version of Piwik, the open source Google Analytics alternative - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- analytics, piwik, statistics, tracking
- Author:
- Bravehartk2 (Marcel Lange)
| 2016-10-15 | |
plaintext Plugin Download<text> tag that embeds plain text with linebreaks - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2018-05-20 | |
PreRegister Plugin DownloadExtra registration layer with confirmation link for added security, optional captcha support - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- captcha, registration, spam
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2021-12-08 | |
prespan Plugin DownloadCreate text spans with preserved spaces - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- LarsDW223
| 2018-09-23 | |
progrecss Plugin DownloadCreate CSS-based progress bars - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, diagram
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2018-03-27 | |
PubMed2020 Plugin DownloadRetrieves and creates publication citations from NCBI PubMed - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- citation, medical, pubmed, references, science
- Author:
- Eric Maeker, MD
| 2023-01-13 | |
pwaoffline Plugin Download❗ Experimental ❗ Transform your DokuWiki into a full progressive web app with offline mode (WIP) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, offline, pwa
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2018-06-20 | |
Quality Check Plugin DownloadAnalyzes the structural quality of an article and gives feedback to the users - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- gardening, quality, statistics
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-05-02 | |
quicksubscribe Plugin DownloadA simpler interface to page subscriptions - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- popup, subscription
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2023-09-12 | |
reCAPTCHA Plugin DownloadUses reCAPTCHA ( for the registration form and edit forms - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- captcha, spam
- Author:
- Adrian Schlegel, Robert Bronsdon
| 2009-12-10 | |
revealjs Plugin DownloadConverts a DokuWiki page into a Reveal.js slideshow - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- javascript, presentation, slideshow
- Author:
- Emmanuel Klinger, Ottmar Gobrecht
| 2020-05-27 | |
Rowmove Plugin DownloadMoving table-rows up and down by clicking - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, tables
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2018-10-06 | |
Renderer Plus Plugin DownloadThis plugin will add numbering to the headers and places the TOC below the first header - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- heading, numbering, toc
- Author:
- Nicolas GERARD
| 2018-07-22 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action, Render
- Tags:
- graph, images
- Author:
- Daniel Goß
| 2019-01-12 | |
Ruby Plugin DownloadAdd ruby (normally used to display Japanese Kana on Chinese characters to describe how to read the Chinese characters. This plugin is mainly for Japanese surroundings) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- furigana, japanese, ruby
- Author:
- Hokkaidoperson
| 2018-08-08 | |
runcommand Plugin DownloadExecute a program on the fly and show its output - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- command, jquery, program
- Author:
- Alessandro Celli
| 2014-04-01 | |
schemadata Plugin DownloadFetches metadata in's json+ld format from datacite and embedds them into the website - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- datacite, doi, json+ld, metadata,
- Author:
- Kilidsch
| 2020-03-24 | |
searchdefaults Plugin DownloadOffers some more ways to configure the default search behaviour - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- config, search
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2018-05-08 | |
SearchPattern Plugin DownloadSearch a specified pattern inside wiki pages (standard or regex) and display the results as a table inside a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- pattern, search, searchpattern
- Author:
- Matthieu Rioteau; Leo Eibler
| 2013-06-16 | |
SearchResultsWithPath Plugin DownloadDisplays Pages in Search Results with their containing Namespace when use_heading is on - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search, searchresult
- Author:
- Sam B
| 2016-02-20 | |
SecureLogin Plugin DownloadNot Maintained. This plugin encrypts submitted passwords, giving you and your users an extra layer of security. - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, javascript, security
- Author:
- Mikhail I. Izmestev
| 2020-05-27 | |
Select Plugin DownloadCreate pull-down menu that navigates users to the selected link - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, menu
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2019-11-30 | |
sentry Plugin DownloadLog errors to Sentry - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- devel, logging
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr, Michael Große
| 2020-07-02 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, sequence, syntax
- Author:
- K.-M. Hansche
| 2019-08-03 | |
serverinfos Plugin DownloadAllow you to check some information about your DokuWiki's server - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- informations, server
- Author:
- Laurent Bisson
| 2019-10-01 | |
showif Plugin DownloadShows some text of a page only if a list of conditions is true - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- acl, hide, text
- Author:
- Harald Ronge
| 2013-10-15 | |
Showpageafterlogin Plugin DownloadRedirects the user to a configureable page after login - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- landingpage, login, redirect
- Author:
- Sam B.
| 2019-01-09 | |
sincetil Plugin DownloadShows remaining time until or how long since a specified date and time - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- date
- Author:
- Paul Brownsea
| 2019-05-06 | |
SneakyIndexFix Plugin Downloadshow namspace path when sneaky_index enabled if user has deeper READ access - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- sneaky_index
- Author:
- lisps
| 2018-09-26 | |
Spoiler Plugin DownloadAdds initially hidden sections - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide
- Author:
- Heikki Hokkanen
| 2007-07-19 | |
SQL Query Plugin DownloadProcessing query to MySQL databases and display results as a table. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- database, mysql, query, sql
- Author:
- George P.
| 2019-05-03 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, statistics
- Author:
- Emanuele, Thomas
| 2010-05-23 | |
StopForumSpam Plugin 2 DownloadChecks whether or not the user is a spammer. The investigation results can be used in many parts of the wiki, via helper plugin support. - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- anti-spam, spam, stopforumspam
- Author:
- HokkaidoPerson
| 2019-02-06 | |
strreplace Plugin DownloadDoes search and replace on up to 4 strings when file is loaded into the editor - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- regexp, replace, search, string, text
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2019-10-08 | |
structat Plugin DownloadStruct table page aggregator with additional at parameter. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2020-07-18 | |
structcombolookup Plugin DownloadAdds two struct types: ComboLookup, NarrowingLookup - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-11-29 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- geo, geolocalization, map, struct
- Author:
- asere
| 2020-05-14 | |
structgroup Plugin DownloadNew struct type - dokuwiki user groups - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-02-05 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2019-05-30 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- struct
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2020-07-29 | |
structstatus Plugin DownloadDisplay a document status using struct data - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- status
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-06-21 | |
StylingPages Plugin DownloadAllows users to change the css/js files of this plugin with wikitext - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- css, javascript, style, styling
- Author:
- flaviojs
| 2018-10-06 | |
SubjectIndex Plugin DownloadHierarchical structured tagging: create A-Z subject index pages for your wiki by adding subject entries|tags anywhere in your wiki. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- index, links, navigation, tags
- Author:
- Symon Bent
| 2014-05-04 | |
swarmwebhook Plugin DownloadA webhook endpoint for foursquare swarm checkins forwarded IFTTT into a struct table - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ifttt, journal, swarm, webhook, zapier
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2019-05-29 | |
SyntaxHighlighter4 Plugin DownloadSyntaxHighlighter 4.x plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- code, highlight, highlightjs, prettify, source, sourcecode, syntax, syntaxcode, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- CrazyMax
| 2020-05-13 | |
Tab Plugin DownloadInserts 5 non-breaking spaces to 'force' a tab - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Juergen_aus_Zuendorf (previous Tim Skoch)
| 2020-05-14 | |
tablefilterjs Plugin DownloadFilter DokuWiki table using JavaScript regexps - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- filter, javascript, tables
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2017-09-29 | |
tagadd Plugin Downloadadd tags via a popup-dialog, which shows existing tags - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, dialog, tags
- Author:
- lisps, peterfromearth
| 2020-02-29 | |
Tagalerts Plugin DownloadAdds alerts to tags (as system messages or simple tag styling) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- alert, tags
- Author:
- Simon DELAGE
| 2021-10-05 | |
Target Link Plugin DownloadMake links with specified targets not depending on the configuration. e.g.: The links usual open in the same tab, but this link opens in a new tab. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, target
- Author:
- HokkaidoPerson
| 2019-03-13 | |
Task Plugin DownloadIntegrates a simple task management tool into your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- task, todo
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2020-09-26 | |
TemplateByName Plugin DownloadPlugin that extends the page template functionality. It makes it possible to create a template for a specific file name or templates for specific namespaces. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- page, template
- Author:
- Jan Van Opstal
| 2013-08-17 | |
Timer Plugin DownloadShow portion of page at specified time - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- date, hide, time
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2018-12-20 | |
timetrack Plugin Downloadtrack your time based on project, tasks and pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, time, timetrack
- Author:
- peterfromearth
| 2018-10-28 | |
TOC Plugin DownloadAllows to move TOC to the specified place in the page content - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- include, mediawiki, toc
- Author:
- Andriy Lesyuk
| 2009-04-13 | |
tplinc Plugin DownloadProvide a flexible page include mechanism to DokuWiki templates - Provides:
- Helper, Admin
- Tags:
- include
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-01-03 | |
twistienav Plugin DownloadAdds drop-down navigation menus to breadcrumbs (and eventually "pageId" element) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- breadcrumb, index, menu, navigation
- Author:
- Simon Delage (original author: Håkan Sandell)
| 2020-04-16 | |
unsplashdoku Plugin DownloadSet background using Unsplash Source - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- background
- Author:
- Milosz Galazka
| 2018-04-04 | |
usercontact Plugin DownloadShows a popup on links to pages identified as user pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- contact, popup, users
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2018-08-29 | |
userimportextended Plugin DownloadImport users from CSV, including passwords. Set defaults to fill missing user data. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- import, users
- Author:
- Anna Dabrowska
| 2019-05-16 | |
vamr Plugin DownloadInsert picture from Large Atlas of Carnivorous Plants - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, links
- Author:
- Michal Rubeš
| 2018-08-29 | |
vimeo Plugin DownloadEmbed the videos from your vimeo albums - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, video, vimeo
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2020-08-18 | |
VKeyboard Plugin DownloadAdds a virtual keyboard support for 89 languages and symbol fonts. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- keyboard, language
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2018-05-22 | |
watchcycle Plugin DownloadSet the maintenance schedule of pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- maintenance
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2024-10-10 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- component, ui
- Author:
- gerardnico
| 2019-06-14 | |
webdavclient Plugin DownloadSubscribe the remote Calendar/Contact DAV resources - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, caldav, carddav, dav, synchronisation, webdav
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2020-04-20 | |
webexteamsnotifier Plugin DownloadNotifies DokuWiki changes to a Webex Teams space via a incoming webhook - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- change, notification, teams, webex, webhook
- Author:
- greldinard
| 2020-04-22 | |
Wiki-Style Script DownloadIf there are wiki syntax of bold, italic, underlined, or monospaced text remaining (such as those in headers and link texts), this plugin will apply them. You can also change color of characters in headers and link texts. Characters of nowiki syntax won - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- color, headers, headings, style, syntax
- Author:
- Hir/wataame (main development) and HokkaidoPerson (adjustment and distribution)
| 2019-01-28 | |
workflow Plugin DownloadInteractive Workflow Wizardry - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- automation, flowchart, workflow
- Author:
- ryan.boder
| 2013-12-29 | |
xml Plugin DownloadRenders a DokuWiki page as simple XML output - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, xml
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2018-05-20 | |
xslt Plugin DownloadAllows you to display in DokuWiki the result of a XSL transformation - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, xml
- Author:
- Rémi Peyronnet
| 2016-02-07 | | Plugin DownloadCreating class diagram, use case diagram or activity diagram in your page with following syntax in the marker yUML - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- classdiagram, uml, usecase
- Author:
- Pavel Laupe Dvořák
| 2017-07-02 | |
Yurii's Gantt Plugin DownloadIntergrates Gantt chart into DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- charts, gantt
- Author:
- yurii-github
| 2020-02-06 | |
Compatible with older DokuWiki versionsabbrlist Plugin DownloadShow defined abbreviations on a Wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, abbreviations, acronyms
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2016-04-21 | |
ABC Plugin (for displaying sheet music) DownloadDisplays sheet music (input ABC, output PNG, MIDI and PDF) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- export, markup_language, media, music
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2021-01-05 | |
ac Plugin DownloadIntegration with activeCollab - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- activecollab, ajaj, ajax, tickets
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2016-07-06 | |
aclauditor Plugin DownloadGives info about users/groups/pages permissions, like how they are constructed, and allow to test ACL against scenarios - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- acl, audit
- Author:
- Etienne Meleard
| 2010-09-24 | |
aclregex Plugin DownloadRegular expression support for DokuWiki access control lists - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- acl, regex
- Author:
- Iain Hallam
| 2018-02-25 | |
acronym Plugin DownloadThe acronym plugin allows you to explain acronyms with little flags appearing if you move the mouse over a keyword - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, tooltip
- Author:
- Thorsten Staerk
| 2016-02-02 | |
actickets Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki plugin to crossreference ActiveCollab tickets - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- tickets
- Author:
- Tobias Sarnowski
| 2016-02-02 | |
Actionlink Plugin DownloadThis plugin lets you use actionlinks in your wiki syntax. It's based on the DokuWiki's core function tpl_actionlink(). - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- actions, links
- Author:
- nowotny
| 2018-02-04 | |
addmedianamespace Plugin DownloadPlugin enables adding media namespaces from media manager - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- Jakub Majcherski
| 2024-03-02 | |
AdultContent Plugin DownloadThis simple plugin will check your dokuwiki page before being saved whether it contains given keywords like "sex", "porn", "orgy", etc and puts the "adult" flag in metadata. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- adsense, adult, content
- Author:
- S.C. Yoo
| 2014-10-27 | |
advrack Plugin DownloadDisplay block representation of standard racks, mounted servers and server cages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- cage, rack, server
- Author:
- Ashraf Hasson
| 2014-05-11 | |
ahrefmenu Plugin DownloadThis plugin creates visual clickable map of business metadata on DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- metadata
- Author:
- Robert Srna
| 2009-03-12 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2010-10-06 | |
AJAXpeon Plugin DownloadAn ajax server for read and write wiki, include jsonp - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax
- Author:
- iamchenxin
| 2015-03-30 | |
alertrocketchatgroup Plugin DownloadAlerts rocketchat groups when there are changes to pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- alert, rocketchat
- Author:
- JPdroid
| 2024-01-27 | |
Alphaindex Plugin DownloadAllows you to insert the alphabetical index of a namespace in a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Hubert Molière, Matthias Schulte
| 2016-02-02 | |
alphalist Plugin DownloadCombine several DokuWiki lists to alphabetical list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, list, order, sort
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2017-09-29 | |
amazon heavy plugin DownloadPulls book and media info from Amazon - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- books, embed, images, listing, media, music, video
- Author:
- Thomas Baumann
| 2006-08-24 | |
anewssystem Plugin DownloadSimple News system to create news articles and preview them or provide the News tags within a little cloud - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- news, newspaper, newssystem
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2016-06-02 | |
The Animation Plugin (for creating animations) DownloadGenerate an animation from a sequence of images, e.g. 1.png, 2.png, 3.png, ... - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- animation, images, javascript, media, slideshow
- Author:
- Yihui Xie
| 2012-02-22 | |
AnonIP Plugin DownloadAnonymize IP-Addresses inside DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- anonymous, ip
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-07-06 | |
APIdoc Plugin DownloadPlugin for easy API documentation - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- apidoc
- Author:
- Marcus Runsten
| 2015-11-13 | |
ArchiveUpload Plugin DownloadAllows to extract an archive (.zip/.tgz/.tar/.tar.gz/.gz) on upload - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, archive, upload
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2020-08-26 | |
articlelinks Plugin DownloadCreates MediaWiki style links to main articles for a topic - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, mediawiki
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2016-07-06 | |
asana Plugin DownloadAsana's task integration from syntax and API call - Provides:
- Syntax, Remote
- Tags:
- issue, task, teamwork
- Author:
- Elonet
| 2014-05-01 | |
asciimath Plugin DownloadPlugin for translating ASCII math notation to MathML based on $$ as delimiter on wiki pages. Based on - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- formula, math, mathml
- Author:
- J.Lauritsen
| 2009-02-11 | |
AsyncSearch Plugin DownloadDropIn replacement for the search of the DokuWiki core. It uses the same events for searching but presents the user with a dynamic search view. It is extendable. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !broken, ajax, search
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2021-12-20 | |
authdomainlimitation Plugin DownloadSimply adds the opportunity to limit the user-domains (email) to a whitelist. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- basteyy
| 2015-01-20 | |
authdrupal7 Plugin DownloadAuthenticate using Drupal 7 login credentials - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, drupal, drupal7, login, users
- Author:
- Matthias Jung
| 2015-07-29 | |
AuthFacebook Plugin DownloadAuthentication with Facebook accounts - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, facebook, oauth
- Author:
- Leo Zachl
| 2017-06-15 | |
authg2fa Plugin DownloadAnother Google 2 Factor Authentication Plugin - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- !discontinued, 2fa, authentication, authenticator, google, two-factor
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2017-03-08 | |
Google Authentication Plugin DownloadAuthentication with Google accounts using OAuth 2.0 - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, google, oauth, sso
- Author:
- Andrew Kornienko
| 2014-09-27 | |
authgoogle2fa Plugin DownloadAdds Google Authenticator 2FA to DokuWiki plaintext auth. - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, google, two-factor
- Author:
- Daniel Popp
| 2014-02-27 | |
Auth-Plugin: SSO mit HiOrg-Server DownloadPlugin zum Single-Sign-On mit HiOrg-Server - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, hiorg, sso
- Author:
- HiOrg Server GmbH
| 2014-10-26 | |
authimap Plugin DownloadAuthenticate users against an IMAP server - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- auth, imap, pop3
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2019-09-25 | |
authimap2 Plugin DownloadAuthenticate users against an IMAP server with support to groups - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- auth, imap, pop3
- Author:
- Marco Fenoglio
| 2017-09-06 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- joomla
- Author:
- snaiperskaya
| 2017-01-06 | |
LemonLDAP::NG Authentication Plugin DownloadUse LemonLDAP::NG as a authentication source - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication
- Author:
- neffs
| 2014-10-14 | |
authlinotp Plugin DownloadUsing this plugin you can authenticate the DokuWiki users gainst LinOTP - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- 2fa, authentication, factor, otp, two
- Author:
- cornelinux
| 2017-03-29 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication
- Author:
- xelio-plus
| 2015-01-03 | |
Authorlist Plugin DownloadDisplays all contributors/authors of a wikipage - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- authors, contributors, listing
- Author:
- Martin Schulte, Vladimir Kuzmin
| 2017-01-04 | |
authownCloud Plugin DownloadAuthenticate with ownCloud users. - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- owncloud
- Author:
- Martin Schulte
| 2013-04-27 | |
authplaincas Plugin DownloadCAS authentication plugin without LDAP but with CAS attributes - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, cas, plain
- Author:
- Fabian Bircher
| 2016-07-22 | |
authradius Plugin DownloadAuthentication using radius servers - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, radius
- Author:
- Todd Switzer
| 2013-12-11 | |
Shibboleth Authentication Plugin DownloadUses a Shibboleth Service Provider instance to authenticate users - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, shibboleth
- Author:
- Ivan Novakov
| 2015-11-04 | |
authsmartcard Plugin DownloadUse client certificates (or smartcards) for authentication to the wiki - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, cac, certificate, smartcard
- Author:
- Stephen Bowman
| 2018-07-26 | |
authsqlite Plugin DownloadAuthentication against an SQLite database, with per animal group management in farms - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, farm, sqlite
- Author:
- cdowling
| 2015-06-25 | |
- Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, disucz, ucenter
- Author:
- daxingplay
| 2016-02-17 | |
authvk Plugin DownloadAuthentication with accounts - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, authvk, vk
- Author:
- Ilnur Gimazov
| 2017-08-16 | |
authyubikey Plugin DownloadPlain Auth Plugin with Yubikey's two factor identifiction via OTP - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, otp, yubikey
- Author:
- Dirk Scheer
| 2017-01-03 | |
autlogin Plugin DownloadAutomatic login for users who meet specific criteria for login - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, management, moderation, users
- Author:
- Ondrej Machac
| 2011-04-15 | |
autogallery Plugin DownloadCreates a namespace and a Gallery in it, images are stored in a sub-namespace - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- automated, gallery
- Author:
- Tim Siebentaler
| 2016-11-22 | |
Auto Include Index plugin DownloadAutomatically includes an index menu on each page, hidden by default, can be toggled by clicking the sitemap bar on the right of the screen - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- index, listing, menu, navigation
- Author:
- James GuanFeng Lin
| 2009-07-20 | |
Auto-Indent Control Plugin DownloadProvides a toggle switch to control auto-indent function in edit window - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, javascript, keyboard
- Author:
- Kazutaka Miyasaka
| 2012-08-09 | |
autolink2 Plugin DownloadRegister anchors to a page to be (semi)automatically linked from other pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2011-10-12 | |
- Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- links, manager
- Author:
- Arthur Lobert, Vincent Fleury
| 2010-07-29 | |
Autonumbering Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows the use of multiples counters with multiples levels, within the same page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, level, numbering
- Author:
- Florian Wehner
| 2023-03-04 | |
AutoStartPage Plugin DownloadAutomatically create namespace start pages from a template. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- create, namespace, page, start, template
- Author:
- Charles Knight
| 2015-01-02 | |
Forked Translation Plugin (aka AutoTranslation) DownloadThis is a forked and modified version of the original translation plugin with capability to detect translated namespaces - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- language, translation
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach
| 2020-08-05 | |
AutoTweet Plugin DownloadThe autotweet plugin automatically posts tweets to your Twitter App when specific pages are changed. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- changelog, feed, twitter
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2011-10-06 | |
Bad Behaviour PluginTest various headers and other HTTP related behavior for bad spiders and spammers - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- blacklist, spam
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-07-06 | | Plugin DownloadFormula to search German railway connects with (Deutsche Bundesbahn-Verbindungssuche) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, search
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2009-01-24 | |
Base Links Plugin DownloadMakes links beginning with "/" present as (always valid) internal links that point relative to your domain's root. Format is [[/pagename|optional title]] - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Robert Meerman
| 2007-05-19 | | Plugin DownloadShows funny quotes from - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, quotes, random
- Author:
- Patrick Lerner
| 2008-08-02 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bbcode, formatting, highlight, htmlok_replacement, markup_language
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2023-04-13 | |
bbs Plugin Download<bbs> tag that creates a block for BBS text - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bbs
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2012-07-06 | |
behave Plugin DownloadAdds IDE-style behavior to the standard DokuWiki editor: tabbing, auto-indenting, auto-insertion of brackets, braces and the like (based on behave.js) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing
- Author:
- Symon Bent
| 2013-11-24 | |
β-Doku Plugin Downloadβ-Doku is DokuWiki Satellite for Gemini Protocol - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- gemini, gemini-protocol, mirror
- Author:
- YGGverse
| 2024-02-06 | |
blextra Plugin DownloadProvide functions for simple template creation - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- json, links, menu, template
- Author:
- Bernard Ladenthin
| 2012-05-26 | |
Bliki Plugin DownloadCreates a simple blog engine using namespaces to store entries by date (apparently in development at the same time as Esther's!) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- blog, news, twitter
- Author:
- Beau Lebens
| 2011-10-31 | |
Blogmeta Plugin DownloadPrints blogpost creation date and author right after the page content. Info is always displayed between content and comments. Affected pages can be selected using regular expression. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- blog, date, meta
- Author:
- Martin Plicka
| 2008-09-07 | |
BlogTNG Plugin DownloadA next generation blog plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, blog, discussion, sqlite, tags
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous authors: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Andreas Gohr)
| 2023-02-16 | |
BOMfix Syntax PlugIn DownloadSuppress UTF-8 Byte-Order-Mark - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- bom, openoffice, utf-8
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2008-11-16 | |
bootnote Plugin DownloadBootnote allow you to create note with Bootstrap style - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bootstrap, note, tips
- Author:
- Algorythm
| 2017-08-08 | |
botbouncer Plugin DownloadUse online anti-commentspam-services to block access - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- spam
- Author:
- michiel
| 2013-04-23 | |
Box2 Plugin DownloadHighlight particularly important parts of your wiki in boxes that stand out - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, style
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach / Christopher Smith
| 2021-12-28 | |
boxwh Plugin DownloadExtension of Christopher Smiths box plugin: includes now a height parameter. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes
- Author:
- Joachim Schäfer
| 2009-12-04 | |
BRJ404 Plugin DownloadRedirect user to defined page, if namespace doesn't exist and you not admin - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- 404, namespace, redirect, search
- Author:
- Roman Y. Bogdanov
| 2017-01-14 | |
BTable Plugin DownloadHelps to note the attendance of people for meetings or courses - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, calendar, csv, form, poll, tables, todo
- Author:
- Oliver Horst
| 2007-12-08 | |
bugzillaHTTP Plugin Downloadplugin to embed bugs from bugzilla as a table in DokuWiki querying xml-view via HTTP - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, bugzilla
- Author:
- Andreas Parschalk
| 2012-12-07 | |
BugzillaInt Plugin DownloadProvides customizable Buglinks, Buglists and Bugtrees from Bugzilla via RPC. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugzilla
- Author:
- Timo Stamm
| 2015-06-03 | |
Bugzilla-links Plugin DownloadAutomatically creates links to Bugzilla tickets - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, bugzilla, links
- Author:
- Antonin Kral
| 2013-01-15 | |
bugzillaxmlrpc Plugin DownloadGets information about bugs (with depends on) via XML-RPC Bugzilla::WebService - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, bugzilla
- Author:
- Yuri Timofeev
| 2010-09-13 | |
- Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- cache
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2008-05-14 | |
Calc Plugin DownloadPetite calculatrice / Lil calculator - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, math
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2008-09-11 | |
calendoku Plugin DownloadIntegrates a calendar to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, date, ical, icalendar
- Author:
- Julian Fagir
| 2014-11-05 | |
callflow Plugin DownloadCreates callflow diagrams (also called sequence diagrams) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- callflow, diagram, sequence, syntax
- Author:
- Bojidar Marinov
| 2017-12-11 | |
CamelCase Plugin DownloadA replacement for DokuWiki CamelCase syntax, uses "_" to separate words in pages names - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2008-08-13 | |
Canvas Plugin DownloadProvide HTML5 Canvas functionality for DokuWiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, chart, javascript
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2016-07-14 | |
chain Plugin DownloadExecute a sys command and create output file in a current directory for a next chain command. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- Author:
- Riccardo Pisanu
| 2010-01-23 | |
character Plugin DownloadStylized character encodings with additional tooltip for more info. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- Vincent Tscherter
| 2023-10-03 | |
charter Plugin DownloadProvides a syntax for drawing highly customizable charts using the pChart library. Currently line, curve, bar and pie graphs are supported. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- chart, diagram, images, media
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge)
| 2008-12-21 | |
chiplink Plugin DownloadProvides automatic links to HTML reports on your server, by searching the wikitext - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- documentation, links, reports
- Author:
- Jonas Berg
| 2012-04-01 | |
Clacks Plugin DownloadPay your respects by sending a Clacks overhead across the internet. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- headers, meta
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2018-11-13 | |
Clearfloat Plugin DownloadClears the floating of elements, for example images, by inserting <div class="clearer"></div> - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- i-net /// software GmbH; Michael Klier
| 2020-08-04 | |
clipboardutils Plugin DownloadCopy text to clipboard by icon, text, ... - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- clipboard, code, copy, paste
- Author:
- jeanmarcb
| 2021-09-09 | |
Cloud Storage Plugin DownloadStore your files in cloud such as Aliyun OSS, Amazon S3 and so on. Use Aliyun CDN or other providers such as Amazon CloudFront to boost your sites performance. No need to modify any of dokuwiki codes, just config your cloud provider in the settings. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cdn, cloud, cloudfront, oss, s3, storage
- Author:
- daxingplay
| 2017-04-18 | |
cnmap Plugin DownloadEmbed a China map in your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- maps
- Author:
- Lshan
| 2019-01-09 | |
Code Syntax PlugIn DownloadSyntax highlighting with optional line numbers - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- code, odt, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2008-07-22 | |
Code Replacement Plugin DownloadClient-side syntax highlighting - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, syntax, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2008-02-02 | |
CodeBash Plugin DownloadAdds a code button for bash in the toolbar - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- bash, button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- Screw Loose Dan
| 2018-02-25 | |
codebender Plugin DownloadPlugin to embbed codebender iframe to your wiki for sharing Arduino code and direct programming within the browser. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- arduino, code, codebender, embed
- Author:
- Christian Moll
| 2016-05-19 | |
CodeButton2 Plugin DownloadA plugin for adding custom code buttons into the toolbar with configuration - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, code, deprecated, toolbar
- Author:
- Anton Reshetnikov
| 2013-12-10 | |
codebuttonmod2 Plugin DownloadInserts two code buttons into the toolbar. Include code copy-to-clipboard feature. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- david-it
| 2020-02-26 | |
codebutton_ext Plugin DownloadInserts a code button into the toolbar to select from different languages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, code, toolbar
- Author:
- F.Schonack
| 2010-09-03 | |
codehighlight Plugin DownloadEnable syntax highlight in the wiki editor - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- code, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Emanuele
| 2009-02-21 | |
Codify Plugin DownloadProvides awesome code highlighting using PrismJS in DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- code, prismjs, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Christian Ezeani
| 2023-04-23 | |
colorbox Plugin DownloadIntegrates Colorbox (a jQuery lightbox) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- lightbox
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2012-12-23 | |
ColorPicker Plugin DownloadDefine color schemes and insert them via the toolbar. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- highlight, toolbar, typography
- Author:
- Gabriel Birke
| 2013-07-04 | |
colortag Plugin DownloadAdds <colortag> syntax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- tags
- Author:
- jno
| 2019-03-26 | |
Column List Plugin DownloadShow a list in multiple columns - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, columns
- Author:
- Tom Harris
| 2007-02-03 | |
Command Plugin DownloadEasily create custom syntax commands. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, !discontinued, command, extension
- Author:
- Martyn Eggleton for (Access Space)
| 2012-02-13 | |
commentsrc Plugin DownloadThis plugin provides the ability to put comment only visible when you edit the page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, comment, hide
- Author:
- iDo
| 2005-12-14 | |
Complex Lists Plugin DownloadCreate complex multi-level lists with cross-references - suitable for writing legal documents such as contracts and statutes - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, list, references
- Author:
- Troy Rollo
| 2008-06-09 | |
components Plugin DownloadDefines some easy interfaces for AJAX function handlers and action handlers/renderers - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- action, ajax
- Author:
- jma
| 2015-12-21 | |
Composer Plugin DownloadCreates a single page from a chosen directory. All files are included, so that you are able to print it or save it as single page. (Previous author: Michael Grosser) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- export, include
- Author:
- Dennis Ploeger
| 2016-02-02 | |
condition PluginRender a block if a condition is fulfilled, user custom tests can be easily added - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- condition, if, syntax
- Author:
- Etienne Meleard
| 2017-11-30 | |
Config:HTMLOk PluginEnables config:htmlok behaviour to use raw HTML - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- dokuwiki-fixes, formatting, html, htmlok_replacement, markup_language
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2023-07-12 | |
ConflictMerger Plugin DownloadSolves, when possible, edition conflicts automatically merging the changes using diff3 - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- conflict, merging
- Author:
- Daniel Calviño Sánchez
| 2010-02-07 | |
conform Plugin DownloadSimple HTML forms with HTML e-mail output - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- email, form, poll
- Author:
- William Fletcher
| 2008-10-29 | |
confsearch Plugin DownloadA plugin that allow you to add a configurable searchbox in any part of the wiki. Very useful to add a search box for the current name space. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- namespace, search, syntax, user
- Author:
- sermelo
| 2017-05-29 | |
Contact Form Plugin DownloadAdd a Contact Email Form to a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- email, form
- Author:
- Bob Baddeley
| 2008-04-26 | |
Modern Contact Plugin DownloadContact Form Plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, email, form, recaptcha
- Author:
- Marvin Thomas Rabe
| 2012-06-05 | |
croissant Plugin DownloadChange the displayed text in the breadcrumb path - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- breadcrumb
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2016-09-07 | |
cronojob Plugin DownloadA plugin for schedule jobs - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- jobs, maintenance, scheduling
- Author:
- Luigi Micco
| 2010-04-22 | |
crossdbsqlclient Plugin DownloadA GUI-Interface in DokuWiki to execute sql on MySQL and PostgreSQL - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- database, mysql-client, mysql-gui, mysql-interface, tables
- Author:
| 2016-07-11 | |
Crosspost Plugin DownloadCrosspost article to multiple namespaces - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- crosspost, include
- Author:
- Vsevolod Lutovinov
| 2016-02-05 | |
crypto Plugin DownloadA plugin to support symmetric cryptography using the blowfish algorithm - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- decryption, encryption
- Author:
- René Drießel
| 2010-05-04 | |
cryptsign Plugin DownloadThe cryptsign plugin allows users to sign parts of a wiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- crypt, encryption, sign, signature
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-07-06 | |
cssmenu Plugin DownloadNice horizontal hover menu using css which can also be used to create clickable buttons - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- buttons, menu
- Author:
- Dan Kreiser
| 2010-04-19 | |
DaftDrafts Plugin DownloadCan mark pages as drafts, thus hiding them completely from unregistered users - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- hide, moderation
- Author:
- Jon Magne Bøe
| 2011-11-06 | |
darcs Plugin DownloadInterface for updating DokuWiki via darcs - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- code, repository, update
- Author:
- Alexander 'E-Razor' Krause
| 2005-09-09 | |
darcspatch Plugin DownloadApply darcs-style “raw” patches - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- !discontinued, code, repository
- Author:
- Todd Augsburger
| 2007-08-07 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- dodotori @ dokuwiki forum
| 2025-02-27 | |
data-au Plugin DownloadAdd and query structured data in your wiki (Australian date format) - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- data, database, listing, sqlite, tables, tags
- Author:
- Scott Ferguson - IT and Business, Consulting & Support
| 2019-06-24 | |
DataBase Plugin DownloadDesign your own database and manage the data within the wiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- database
- Author:
- Development Team at Langham Associates
| 2008-05-19 | |
DataBase2 Plugin DownloadIntegrates DB-driven table featuring list and detail view, record editor, record-based locking for concurrent edit, file upload and more - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- database, tables
- Author:
- Oliver Geisen, Thomas Urban
| 2017-08-01 | |
datagraph Plugin DownloadDokuWiki plugin visualizing data from the Data Plugin as graphs directly accessing the SQLite database - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, data, graph
- Author:
- Julian Kunkel
| 2016-05-07 | |
DataLoop Plugin DownloadAdds new output options to work with “data Plugin” - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, data, database, listing, sqlite, tags
- Author:
- Martyn Eggleton for (based on Andreas Gohr)
| 2009-08-06 | |
datapopup Plugin DownloadShow fields from the data plugin in a popup when you hover over a link - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, data, datapopup, popup
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2016-04-21 | |
Data Template Plugin DownloadAdds template capabilities to the data plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- data, database, listing, template
- Author:
- Cyrille Giquello, Christoph Clausen
| 2016-08-03 | |
date Plugin DownloadA wrapper plugin for the php functions strftime and date - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- date, strftime, syntax, time
- Author:
- Marcel Pietschmann
| 2016-08-28 | |
daummovie Plugin DownloadThis retrieves the information of the movie from Daum movie database - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- daum, korean, movie
- Author:
- S.C. Yoo
| 2015-08-06 | |
davcard Plugin DownloadAdd a synchronisable addressbook to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, carddav
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2017-11-15 | |
dblclickedit Plugin DownloadEnter edit mode by double click - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- double-click, editing, mouse
- Author:
- Håkan Sandell
| 2012-12-30 | |
DBTables Plugin DownloadRender database schemas in DokuWiki format. Useful for DB Dev'rs. - Provides:
- Helper, Render
- Tags:
- data, database, tables
- Author:
- Stephen C / Pontiac76
| 2010-09-29 | |
Definition List Plugin Download(X)HTML Definition lists, simple syntax and smart styling - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- definitions, formatting, list, odt
- Author:
- Christopher Smith, Sam Wilson, LarsDW223
| 2017-08-17 | |
dig Plugin DownloadPrint DNS details for a given list of domain names - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- dns, network
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-02-26 | |
Daily Dilbert Plugin DownloadWith [DIL] it displays the Daily Dilbert - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- comic, images, media, random
- Author:
- Carlo Perassi
| 2009-02-09 | |
Dir Plugin DownloadShow content of current namespace, including sub namespaces and/or parent/sibling namespaces, in a table or list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- namespace, page
- Author:
- .. (previous authors: Matthias Schulte, Jacobus Geluk)
| 2014-07-15 | |
Directions Plugin DownloadShows where users come and go within the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- navigation, statistics
- Author:
- Nuno Flores
| 2011-03-01 | |
directorylist Plugin DownloadSpecify a directory and this plugin will list all contained items and make them downloadable. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- directory, files, filesystem, intranet
- Author:
- alexwenzel
| 2017-10-03 | |
Dirpictures Plugin DownloadShow subnamespaces with small pictures - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, list, thumbnails
- Author:
- Jérôme Abel
| 2016-05-31 | |
DiscourseSearch Plugin DownloadExtension for the msyncsearch plugin to fetch results from a discourse instance. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, search
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-08-24 | |
Distribute Plugin DownloadAllows easy distribution of your plugins. Generates zip of your plugin on the fly. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- archive, download, plugins
- Author:
- Ahmet Sacan
| 2007-02-07 | |
Ditaa-Plugin DownloadConverts ASCII-Flowcharts to png-Graphics using ditaa - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, java, media
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-06-24 | |
DLCount Plugin DownloadAdds download counter to download links - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- counter, download
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2009-02-27 | |
docimporter Plugin DownloadImport your word documents (.doc and .docx) into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- docx, import, word
- Author:
- thibault.dory
| 2013-11-17 | |
DocSearchSiteMap Plugin DownloadCreate an additional Sitemap for documents found by the docsearch plugin - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-05-15 | |
doctree2filelist Plugin Downloaddoctree2filelist provides a wizard to import document trees into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- file, import, media
- Author:
- Frank Schiebel
| 2010-11-28 | |
dokubookmark Plugin DownloadBookmarklet to submit content to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- blog, bookmark, create, tags
- Author:
- Robin Gareus
| 2011-12-21 | |
Dokucrypt Plugin DownloadA plugin to support client side cryptography - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- deprecated, encryption, password
- Author:
- Scott Moser (Updated by Ahmet Sacan)
| 2013-02-25 | |
dokuflashcard Plugin Downloadto create flashcard using <flashcard> syntax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- flashcard
- Author:
- dodotori @dokuwiki forum
| 2025-02-25 | |
dokugitviewer Plugin DownloadGit repository viewer plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, git, links, repository
- Author:
- Tuomas Jomppanen
| 2010-11-26 | |
dokugource Plugin DownloadExtract gource log from the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- log
- Author:
- Etienne Meleard
| 2010-05-19 | |
Dokukiwix Plugin DownloadGenerates a static HTML, offline browseable version of your Wiki - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- export, html, statichtml
- Author:
- Yann Hamon
| 2007-06-30 | |
dokumicrobugtracker Plugin DownloadAllows creation of a simple bug tracker - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker
- Author:
- Benoît HERVIER
| 2011-10-18 | |
DokuPP Plugin DownloadDokuPP (DokuPlusPlus) provides automatic counters - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, formatting, numbering
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2013-09-29 | |
DokuTeXit Plugin DownloadGenerate LaTeX file from DokuWiki format and so PDF files (if latex is present) - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Render
- Tags:
- !experimental, export, latex, pdf
- Author:
- Elie Roux
| 2013-10-24 | |
DokuTranslate Plugin DownloadPlugin for crowdsourced translation of books - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- books, translation
- Author:
- next_ghost
| 2016-01-22 | |
DokuWiki-WebComics Plugin DownloadWebcomic integration for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- comic, dilbert, shackles, webcomics, xkcd
- Author:
- alexwenzel
| 2015-04-10 | |
dontfeedtemplates Plugin DownloadFilter out template pages from namespace list feeds (enhances plugin TemplatePageName) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- feed, template
- Author:
- Cilyan Olowen
| 2013-11-29 | |
doodle2 Plugin DownloadLet users vote for given choices, e.g. to schedule a meeting. (Inspired by - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- doodle, poll, schedule, vote
- Author:
- Robert Rackl
| 2011-01-20 | |
dpicorrect Plugin DownloadCorrects on-page image size based on their resolution (dpi), giving them a width and height attribute based on their print dimensions. I.e., a 240dpi 960x720 image will be sized to 4"x3". - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- dpi, images
- Author:
- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
| 2010-09-16 | |
Duoshuo For DokuWiki Download多说评论插件 (Duoshuo, social commenting system) for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- discussion, embed
- Author:
- Matt
| 2014-08-01 | |
DokuWiki to Markdown Plugin DownloadRenders DokuWiki text into Markdown - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- markdown
- Author:
- i-net /// software GmbH
| 2023-01-19 | |
dwinsect Plugin DownloadInserts a full section or only the first link in the section. The section-text can be used as a footnote. Includes a toolbar-button to editor. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- footnotes, include, links
- Author:
- Dietrich Wittenberg
| 2013-06-29 | |
dwspecialist Plugin DownloadInserts DokuWiki-toolbar-links. It can be used inside an existing list. Usefull in combination with the topbarsyntax-plugin to show a tabfolder. Adds some toolbar-buttons to the editor. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- include, links, tabs, toolbar
- Author:
- Dietrich Wittenberg
| 2013-06-14 | |
DX Plugin DownloadAn opinionated plugin to improve the Developer Experience of DokuWiki plugin developers - Provides:
- Tags:
- !experimental
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2021-03-14 | |
EasyPaste Plugin DownloadWhen pasting pure text, maintain original format without any markup - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- clipboard, paragraph, paste, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Li Zheng
| 2014-10-16 | |
easyvar Plugin DownloadAllows you to insert your short variables into the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- replace, variables
- Author:
- Joel Dare
| 2009-12-28 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ebook, epub, export
- Author:
- Nomen Nescio
| 2017-09-05 | |
Eclipse Update URL Plugin DownloadDisplay a list of features from an Eclipse Update URL with a link to download the feature - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- download, eclipse, java, listing, repository, update
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2016-02-02 | |
Editor Plugin DownloadShows a list of recently changed pages by a given user or IP address. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- changelog, history, ip, listing, users
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2020-12-13 | |
EditX Plugin DownloadExtended edit functions such as renaming or deleting a page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, delete, move, rename
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2014-09-19 | |
Embed Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows to embed wikipages seamlessly into another page. In addition, parts marked with the Label Plugin can be replaced. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, include
- Author:
- Pascal Bihler
| 2007-05-14 | |
epnsmartlink Plugin DownloadIntegrates EbayPartnerNetwork Smart Links - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- affiliate, ebay, monetize
- Author:
- Vidschofelix
| 2017-10-29 | |
eshop Plugin DownloadCreates forms for eshop - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bitcoin, eshop, shop
- Author:
- Pavol Rusnak
| 2013-06-20 | |
EtherpadLite Plugin DownloadThis plugins integrates Etherpad-Lite into DokuWiki. You get a pad-icon next to the ace-icon to switch a page into the pad-mode, which permits other users to write into that pad too when being presented the locked-page. There are also replacement function - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- mbr
| 2020-08-05 | |
EventLine Plugin DownloadIntegrates the MIT Simile Timeline with DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- diagram, media, time, timeline
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-04-18 | |
Eventum Plugin DownloadMakes links to Eventum Issue Tracker, Quering issue info from Eventum via XMLRPC - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bugtracker, eventum, issue, tickets
- Author:
- Elan Ruusamäe
| 2020-05-31 | |
Explain a Term Plugin DownloadExplains terms and links to two alternative definitions. Terms are defined in a configuration file for the whole wiki. Just like acronyms. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- definitions, terms
- Author:
- Adrian Lang (original author: Marc Wäckerlin
| 2019-01-23 | |
explorertree Plugin DownloadDokuWiki helper for embedding NS/page explorer to a plugin - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- ajax, embed, explorer, tree
- Author:
- János Fekete
| 2015-08-03 | |
Externallink Plugin DownloadAdd links to pages in same host, but outside wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2005-08-01 | |
facebookalbum Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to display your Facebook Albums/Pictures in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- album, facebook, gallery, photo, picture
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2012-04-13 | |
facebookevents Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to display your Facebook events in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, events, facebook
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2016-09-29 | |
Facebook Like-Button Plugin DownloadFacebook Like-Button Plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- facebook, fbml, like, social
- Author:
- Marvin Rabe
| 2012-06-05 | |
facebookwall Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to get the Contents of your Facebook wall and display it in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- facebook, messages, network, posts, social, status, wall
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2012-09-29 | |
fancysearch Plugin DownloadProvides a dropdown list for common namespaces enhancing the search input - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, dropdown, namespace, search
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2016-07-06 | |
FAQ Plugin DownloadProvide Wiki syntax for FAQ lists. Uses the DokuWiki header system, but with a different HTML class inside, so you can have different markup. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- headings, style
- Author:
- Dion Nicolaas
| 2008-09-29 | |
farmsync Plugin DownloadUpdate your Animals with pages, namespace templates, media and struct schemas from other animals - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- farm
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2019-03-20 | |
favoris Plugin DownloadDisplays your favorite pages (most visited) and let you set them up (fr: Affiche les liens vers vos pages favorites (les plus visitees) et vous permet de les gerer) - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bookmark, listing, navigation, users
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2009-03-04 | |
fbcomments Plugin DownloadFacebook comments plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- facebook, social
- Author:
- Greatdays
| 2011-04-26 | |
Facebook Social plugin (fbsp) DownloadSimple Facebook Social Plugin functionality including like and comments box - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- facebook, like, social
- Author:
- Scott Hewitt
| 2011-06-25 | |
feedaggregator Plugin DownloadA plugin for aggregating multiple news feeds onto a single wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- embed, feed, news, rss, simplepie
- Author:
- Sam Wilson
| 2015-12-17 | |
feedauth Plugin DownloadSend an “authorization required” header in the feed - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, feed, rss
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
FeedBack Plugin DownloadSimple plugin to ask users to provide feedback on wiki pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- email, feedback
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2019-03-21 | |
fetchmedia Plugin DownloadDownload linked external media to wiki namespaces - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- media
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-09-06 | |
ffindr Plugin DownloadAdd calendar from (Ultimate Frisbee info site) rss feed to page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, feed, include, rss
- Author:
- Christian Schneider
| 2010-09-30 | |
Fileshare Plugin DownloadShare files in any directories on your (web) server - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- directory, download, file, filelist, filesystem, server, share, upload
- Author:
| 2023-03-06 | |
filterrss Plugin DownloadDisplay RSS feed using simple filters - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- feed, rss
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2017-09-29 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, feed, newsfeed, rss
- Author:
- Michal Červeňák, FYKOS, fykosák
| 2020-08-31 | |
FKStimer Plugin DownloadDisplay time to deadline - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- countdown, deadline, time
- Author:
- Michal Červeňák,FYKOS,fykosák
| 2015-03-11 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- jpelc
| 2025-01-21 | |
Flickr plugin DownloadThe Flickr plugin provides an easy access to any Flickr image. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, images, listing, media
- Author:
- Norbert Csík
| 2006-06-07 | |
floatdiv Plugin DownloadA floating sidebar that can be added to any page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- sidebar
- Author:
- Tinkerghost
| 2011-01-02 | |
flyspraylink Plugin DownloadPlugin for linking FlySpray Bug Tracker items - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- flyspray, links
- Author:
- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
| 2009-08-01 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- fontawesome, icons
- Author:
- Mikhail Medvedev
| 2013-10-10 | |
FontSize Plugin DownloadAllow different font sizes - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, style, typography
- Author:
- Jesús A. Álvarez
| 2008-04-25 | |
FootnoteStyle Plugin DownloadModify the appearance of footnotes and optionally turn off grouping of identical footnotes - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- footnotes, formatting, style, typography
- Author:
- Viktor Söderqvist
| 2010-05-12 | |
forcepreview Plugin DownloadForce users to hit the preview button before saving changes to a wiki page by deactivating the save button first. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, preview, users
- Author:
- Pascal Bihler
| 2012-02-09 | |
forcessllogin Plugin DownloadEnforce SSL before transmission of personal data - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- login, spam, ssl
- Author:
- Samuel Fischer
| 2020-06-16 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- form
- Author:
- Ole Rienow
| 2009-03-12 | |
Format Plugin DownloadSends text to external programs and embeds the resulting media in a wiki page (can replace the basic functionality of the graphviz and gnuplot plugins, for example) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, media, program
- Author:
- Jason Grout
| 2007-02-22 | |
Format+ Plugin DownloadAdds useful HTML styles not already in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, quotes, style, typography
- Author:
- Tom N Harris
| 2012-06-03 | |
fortune Plugin DownloadShow QOTD (Fortune cookie) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- quotes, random
- Author:
- Otto Vainio
| 2005-08-01 | |
freesync Plugin DownloadPlugin for DokuWiki to synchronize wiki content with other wiki - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, sync, xmlrpc
- Author:
- Mikhail I. Izmestev
| 2009-03-19 | |
FrootySearch Plugin DownloadDecorates the search field in a nice way - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- search, style
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2009-03-23 | |
Full Index Plugin DownloadA replacement for the built in index action - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Martin Tschofen
| 2007-02-04 | |
function Plugin DownloadRun a php function from a set of configured functions - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- php
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-06-08 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- autocomplete, elastic, fuzzysearch, link, search
- Author:
- dodotori @ dokuwiki forum
| 2025-03-02 | |
galleryv1.5 Plugin DownloadThis Syntax Plugin allows you to embed an automatically created image gallery into a page. In addition there is a magazine Layout and a paged browsing Option - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, gallery, images, listing, media, namespace
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach
| 2007-11-12 | |
geonav Plugin DownloadGeographic wiki page navigation - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- experimental, geo, maps, navigation
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-11-24 | |
GeoURL Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to set geographic data for your Wiki with GeoURL, which allows you and your visitors to find geographically nearly sites. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- data, geo, maps, meta
- Author:
- Krzysztof Burghardt
| 2007-03-10 | |
ggb Plugin DownloadInserts a GeoGebra5 frame - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- math
- Author:
- Michael Lange
| 2016-11-01 | |
GHIssues Plugin DownloadUses the GitHub API (v3) to access and display issues from the bug tracker - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- bugtracker, github, issue, tracker
- Author:
- zsmith12
| 2014-10-18 | |
gil Plugin DownloadPerform and show currency conversions - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, convert, currency
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2010-06-01 | |
gist Plugin DownloadEasy embedding of Gists into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, embed, gist
- Author:
- Yuvi Panda
| 2010-04-19 | |
git Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to perform GIT actions from the administrator console. **Under Construction, don't download for now!** - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- control, git, source
- Author:
- Stephan Dekker
| 2013-11-06 | |
gitlab Plugin DownloadConnects to GitLab API an resolves commit hashes to messages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- git
- Author:
- Karsten Kosmala
| 2014-11-05 | |
gitlabproject Plugin DownloadGitlab-Project display a Gitlab project inside DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, git, gitlab, projects
- Author:
- Algorythm
| 2017-10-17 | |
gitlink Plugin DownloadLinks git commit hashes and references to a gitweb application and displays information about them - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, git, links, repository
- Author:
- Tobias Sarnowski
| 2008-03-19 | |
gitlink2 Plugin DownloadPlugin for linking GIT commits via GitWeb - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, git, links, repository
- Author:
- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
| 2009-07-31 | |
gitlog Plugin DownloadDisplay git commits and changed files - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- commit, git, log
- Author:
- alexwenzel
| 2014-01-16 | |
givemeyouremail Plugin DownloadAllow you to insert a form to give your visitors the ability to give you their email address (for a visitors' mailing list for example) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- email, form, groupmail
- Author:
- Anthony Dahanne
| 2009-01-12 | |
GNUplot Plugin Downloadrenders mathematical graphs - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, diagram, images, math, media
- Author:
- Alexander 'E-Razor' Krause
| 2005-08-04 | |
Go Diagram Plugin DownloadEdit and display Go diagrams (boards) in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, game, images, media, mediawiki
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
googlechart Plugin Downloadeasy way for importing google charts to the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- barcode, charts, diagram, formula, graph, latex, maps
- Author:
- Dan Kreiser
| 2011-03-02 | |
googledrawing Plugin DownloadLets you paste google drawing links, and they will be shown as an image - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- google, googledocs, googledrawing, images
- Author:
- Linus Brimstedt, Michael Stewart
| 2014-05-29 | |
GoogleFonts Plugin DownloadA DokuWiki Plugin to embed google web font for headlines or other tags, css classes or css id's. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- fonts, google, style, typography
- Author:
- Jaella
| 2014-02-10 | |
Google Map3 PluginAllow displays a Google map on wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, google, maps, media
- Author:
- Oleg Borodin
| 2011-05-21 | |
Google Maps Plugin DownloadAllows any number of Google maps to be added to a wiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, google, maps, media
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2008-11-11 | |
Google PageRank Plugin DownloadBars show the Google PageRank - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- google, statistics, status
- Author:
- Marcel Steinger
| 2011-11-20 | |
Google +1 Plugin DownloadEmbeds a Google +1 button after the title - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- google, social
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2011-06-22 | |
GoogleTagManager Plugin DownloadDokuWiki plugin to add a Google Tag Manager tag to each wiki page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- google, statistics, tags
- Author:
- Alexander Lehmann
| 2022-12-29 | |
Google Trends Plugin DownloadLet you show google trends for a set of comma separated keywords - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, google, trends
- Author:
- Vincent Tscherter, KrustyHack
| 2016-02-02 | |
Google Adsense 2 for DokuWiki DownloadAllows you to include Google AdSense advertising into your wiki template and into wiki pages. Based on the code from Bernd Zeimetz. - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- advertising, embed, google
- Author:
- Dirk Moeller
| 2008-01-02 | |
Google Calendar Plugin DownloadEmbeds a Google Calendar into a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, embed, google
- Author:
- Kite
| 2011-12-26 | |
Google Maps plugin DownloadEmbeds a Google Map into a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, google, maps, media
- Author:
- Dmitry Katsubo
| 2010-10-18 | |
Graphviz Plugin DownloadGraph Visualization (from text with links between objects to image) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, graphviz, images, media
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- editing, wysiwyg
- Author:
- Stanford Ng
| 2006-07-31 | |
groupadmin Plugin DownloadGroup membership admin from group perspective - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- admin, groups
- Author:
- mrpotes
| 2011-08-09 | |
grouphome Plugin DownloadRedirect logged in users from the start page to their primary group's homepage - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- groups, redirect
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-01-11 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- admin, groups, moderation
- Author:
- Alex Forencich
| 2010-12-04 | |
GTD (Getting Things Done) Plugin DownloadThis plugin implements a nice formatted easy to use todo list following the principles of GTD - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, task, todo
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2009-05-21 | |
gtime Plugin DownloadLinked timestamping using Guardtime - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- hash, sign, signature
- Author:
- mkirchner
| 2011-07-27 | |
Guestbook Plugin DownloadA MySQL-based Guestbook with some security features, such as AntiSpam Array - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- discussion, mysql
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach
| 2007-05-05 | |
Google Docs Viewer Plugin DownloadShow online document using Google Docs Viewer Service or browser Plug-In - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, google, html5
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2014-11-16 | |
hcalendar Plugin DownloadCreate entries for a calendar using microformat hcalendar - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, date, microformat
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2008-02-18 | |
header2 Plugin DownloadAllows markup syntax in the header - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- headings, syntax
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2016-02-02 | |
Header3 Plugin DownloadAllows markup syntax in the header and keeps your linebreaks like you entered them in the editscreen - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- headings, syntax, typography
- Author:
- Max Westen
| 2016-02-02 | |
HeaderFooter Plugin DownloadAdd header or footer text to pages only when they are displayed - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- annotations, embed, footer, header, include, template
- Author:
- Li Zheng
| 2014-09-20 | |
headernofloat Plugin DownloadDisplay header right beside an image - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- header
- Author:
- lisps
| 2013-10-29 | |
HEAT Plugin DownloadHighlights HEAT numbers in wiki markup - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, heat, highlight
- Author:
- Jo Booth
| 2014-09-17 | |
Hide pluginHides text from plain view - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide, style, syntax
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2009-08-01 | |
hidepages Plugin DownloadHide pages from search results and/or sitemap - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide, search
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte
| 2013-08-02 | |
highlightjs Plugin DownloadProviding syntax highlighting for DokuWiki with highlight.js - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- code, javascript, syntax, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Clément Chartier
| 2009-11-20 | |
hipchat Plugin DownloadNotify a HipChat room on page saves - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- chat, notification
- Author:
- Jaguar Design Studio
| 2014-12-05 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2007-08-15 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !broken, export, pdf
- Author:
- Daniel Stonier
| 2009-02-16 | |
html5 Plugin DownloadRenderer which adds <section>s and changes all headings to <h1>s - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- html5
- Author:
- neolao
| 2010-01-09 | |
HtmlAbstract Plugin DownloadIntegrates any DokuWiki RSS feed with HTML formatted abstracts - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- abstract, feed, html, rss
- Author:
- Vincent Feltz
| 2016-11-07 | |
htmlsafe Plugin DownloadAllows <html> and <HTML> tag usage with security concerned markups excluded - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, html
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2010-12-22 | |
htvid Plugin DownloadHTML5 video with flash fallback - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- flash, html5, mp4, ogv, video
- Author:
- jjoelc
| 2013-04-05 | |
hyphenation Plugin DownloadProvides automatic soft-hyphen insertion using the phpHyphenation library - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- html, hyphen
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2009-02-27 | |
iCalEvents Plugin DownloadDisplays a calendar in iCalendar format according to a template - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar
- Author:
- Tim Ruffing, Robert Rackl, Elan Ruusamäe, Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2017-06-16 | |
ICQ Plugin DownloadWith this plugin you can insert an ICQ-user status to your page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chat, status
- Author:
- Jakob Jensen
| 2006-03-28 | |
i-doit Syntax PluginThis plugin provides a basic integration of the i-doit JSON-RPC API client in PHP with DokuWiki. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- api, i-doit, integration
- Author:
- Oliver Günther
| 2014-11-20 | |
ImageFlow Plugin DownloadCoverFlow like Gallery for DokuWiki. Support for images and namespaces. Lightbox Effect for images and pages (display a page in a lightbox). - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, gallery, images, media, namespace
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2021-12-20 | |
Imagelink Plugin DownloadCreate nice navigation links with image and title - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- image, link, navigation
- Author:
- peterfromearth
| 2020-02-29 | |
Image Map PluginCreate client-side image maps - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, links, media
- Author:
- Tom Harris
| 2015-11-04 | |
ImageShack Plugin DownloadIntegrate uploading to ImageShack into the MediaManager - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- embed, images, media, upload
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
Import Facebook Events Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to display your Facebook events in DokuWiki. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calendar, events, facebook
- Author:
- Grégoire Surrel, Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2018-03-09 | |
impressjs Plugin DownloadCreate slideshow presentations from any DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- javascript, media, presentation, slideshow
- Author:
- aliva
| 2012-12-26 | |
indexeverywhere Plugin DownloadAdds the index to any page/sidebar - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, index, navigation
- Author:
- Sascha Zantis
| 2014-09-10 | |
Indexmenu v2 Plugin DownloadShow a tree menu for a namespace - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2009-01-13 | |
indexnumber Plugin DownloadInsert numbered captions for images, tables etc. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- counter, index, numbering
- Author:
- Gabriel Birke
| 2013-01-15 | |
indextitleonly Plugin DownloadAllows to specify a namespace in which only the page title is indexed - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2016-01-16 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bible, extension, indonesian
- Author:
- budsus
| 2018-02-01 | |
InfoBox Plugin DownloadWikis often have pages with an information box, that has things like a character's image and some quick info like their full name, race, etc. This imitates that feature. - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- Kanaru
| 2024-08-04 | |
inlineedit Plugin DownloadEdit specific parts of a page with ajax requests - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- editing
- Author:
- peterfromearth
| 2018-10-25 | |
inlineeditor Plugin DownloadInline editor directly in the text - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, editing, inline, javascript
- Author:
- Simon-Shlomo Poil
| 2011-11-03 | |
InlineJS Plugin DownloadAllow inline JavaScript and StyleSheet in wiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- javascript, style
- Author:
- S.Sahara
| 2019-10-05 | |
InlineTOC Plugin DownloadRenders the toc of a page inside the page content, like Mediawiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- mediawiki, toc
- Author:
- Andreone
| 2015-06-19 | |
inserticon Plugin DownloadAdds little icons (16 px) to any page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- icons, images, media
- Author:
- Adolfo González Blázquez
| 2008-10-10 | |
intoc Plugin DownloadMoves a collapsible headless TOC of a page where you need it - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- mediawiki, toc
- Author:
- Vincent Tscherter
| 2023-09-29 | |
IPTrust Plugin DownloadRestricts anonymous access to given set of IP addresses - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, ip, users
- Author:
- Andriy Lesyuk
| 2009-09-23 | |
isns Plugin DownloadIf called page doesn't exist, convert page name in namespace name and try to open the index - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- namespace, redirect
- Author:
- iDo
| 2006-01-18 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bugtracker, incident, issue, request, tickets
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2017-06-27 | |
itemtable Plugin DownloadRenders tables by using itemlists instead of the DokuWiki syntax (very helpful for big tables with a lot of text) - Provides:
- Syntax, Render
- Tags:
- tables
- Author:
- Olaf Trieschmann
| 2010-11-09 | |
itrackviewer Plugin DownloadIntegrate your Tracks from,,,,,, or your a GPX-Track in your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bikemap, embed, google, gpsies, maps, media
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2009-11-20 | |
jalbum Plugin DownloadIntegrate your albums created with JAlbum in your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, gallery, images, media
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2009-05-25 | |
Javadoc Plugin DownloadLink to a Javadoc API using class/method name and a site reference (previous authors: Damien Coraboeuf) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, java, links
- Author:
- Stefan Rothe
| 2014-08-10 | |
Jenkins Plugin DownloadDisplay your jenkins jobs inside DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- jenkins
- Author:
- Algorythm
| 2017-08-09 | |
jira Plugin DownloadCreate links to JIRA tracker from JIRA IDs - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, links, management
- Author:
- Robert Lopuszanski
| 2009-09-02 | |
Jira-links Plugin DownloadAutomatically creates links to Jira issues and automatically add remote issue links back to the wiki pages where these issues are mentioned. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, issue, jira, links
- Author:
- christian studer
| 2014-11-12 | |
Jokuwiki Plugin DownloadIntegrate javascript in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- javascript, jquery, performance, style
- Author:
- SyMcBean
| 2016-07-06 | |
jorgchart Plugin DownloadCreate an organizational chart from a list - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, chart, orgchart, relation, staff
- Author:
- Andreas Böhler
| 2016-03-07 | |
jQuery.Syntax Plugin DownloadExtreme client-side syntax highlighting - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- client-side, code, syntax, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Samuel Williams
| 2012-06-01 | |
jsmath Plugin DownloadPlugin for displaying LaTeX equations using MathJax. (Discontinued: MathJax plugin recommended instead.) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, formula, latex, math
- Author:
- Holger
| 2011-06-21 | |
jsonrpc Plugin DownloadJSON-RPC interface to interact with DokuWiki from other Programms using Ajax Request - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, json
- Author:
- Magnus Wolf
| 2010-12-14 | |
jspolyfill Plugin DownloadAdd JS Polyfills to let plugins use some modern javascript and still support IE11 - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ie11, javascript
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-08-16 | |
jspwiki_import Plugin DownloadAdds a toolbar button to import JSPWiki pages - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- convert, import, syntax, toolbar
- Author:
- bihler [at] iai [dot] uni [dash] bonn [dot] de
| 2007-05-11 | |
judge Plugin DownloadAdds a judgement facility for computer science training wikis - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- judge, plugins
- Author:
- S. M. Masoud Sadrnezhaad
| 2016-01-18 | |
jwHelloWorld Plugin DownloadA simple Jokuwiki plugin using javascript and CSS only - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- javascript, jokuwiki, jquery, style
- Author:
- SyMcBean
| 2016-07-06 | |
KeyWords Plugin DownloadAdds keywords to the page meta header - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- meta, search, seo
- Author:
- i-net /// software GmbH; Ilya Lebedev
| 2023-06-19 | |
Label Plugin DownloadAllows to mark parts of the wikipage with labels in order to be qualified for special use with the Embed Plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- label, replace
- Author:
- Pascal Bihler
| 2007-05-14 | |
Labeled Plugin DownloadAdd labels to wiki pages - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- tags
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2016-07-06 | |
Language Syntax PlugIn DownloadThis plugin allows for adding markup to indicate other languages. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- language
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2007-08-15 | |
langdelete Plugin DownloadProvides admin delete function for unnecessary language files and folders - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- delete, language, maintenance
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2019-05-01 | |
LastFM Plugin DownloadWith this plugin you can display statistics from the service for a given user - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, listing, music
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2009-05-21 | |
LaTeX Plugin DownloadRenders inline LaTeX code - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin
- Tags:
- formula, latex, math
- Author:
- Alexander Krause, Michael Boyle, Mark Lundeberg
| 2011-04-29 | |
LaTeXit Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows you to export single or multiple DokuWiki pages into one LaTeX file. It will export all media in a ZIP archive. It also supports exporting syntax from plugins imagereference, mathjax and zotero. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action, Render
- Tags:
- export, latex, pdf
- Author:
- Adam Kucera
| 2014-11-14 | |
Layer Animation Plugin DownloadCreates an animation of different layers that overlay each other - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, javascript, media, slideshow
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2022-03-25 | |
LDAP Search Plugin DownloadAllows you to search LDAP directories for values (like telephone numbers) from within your page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- authentication, search
- Author:
- Baseline IT
| 2017-03-01 | |
lightbox Plugin DownloadImplement lightbox for images - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- images, lightbox, popup
- Author:
- Dustin Butler
| 2016-02-02 | |
LightBox v2 Plugin DownloadIntegrate jquery-lightbox for all images (previous authors: ogeidix) - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- ajax, images, javascript, lightbox, media, popup
- Author:
- Elan Ruusamäe
| 2012-08-08 | |
Lightweight CSS Plugin DownloadIt makes the CSS for end users a lot smaller and faster to load - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2020-06-30 | |
Lightweight Script Plugin DownloadIt makes the JS for end users a lot smaller and faster to load - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- performance
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2020-09-16 | |
linebreak Plugin DownloadGenerate line breaks in output for line breaks in raw wiki data - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, typography
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2007-01-20 | |
linkbonus Plugin DownloadExtended syntax for external links - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, links
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2010-11-12 | |
linkcheck Plugin DownloadCheck & show external link availability - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- links
- Author:
- asacan
| 2025-02-09 | |
linkfix Plugin DownloadMass adjust links in the wiki - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- links, rename
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-05-02 | |
listeabo Plugin DownloadDisplays the subscription list (fr: Affiche la liste des abonnements) - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- listing, subscription, users
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2009-01-05 | |
Lists Syntax PlugIn Download(X)HTML style un/ordered lists - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, list
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2008-03-28 | |
LivePreview Plugin DownloadShows a a preview tooltip for the DokuWiki pages - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, !experimental, annotations, preview, tooltip
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2006-09-13 | |
llm Plugin DownloadIntegrates local language models (via llm.js) into DokuWiki’s edit page, offering AI-powered summarization, proofreading, and translation - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- aichat, chatgpt, llm
- Author:
- dodotori @ dokuwikiforum
| 2025-03-04 | |
Log404 PluginKeep a log of page IDs that have not been found. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- 404, error, found, logs, not
- Author:
- Sam Wilson
| 2016-01-06 | |
logautherror Plugin DownloadIt log in apache error_log when an authentification fail. Is usefull with fail2ban ! - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- logging, security
- Author:
- Astrel
| 2011-12-16 | |
login redirector Plugin DownloadRedirect the login button to another URL - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, redirect
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2016-02-02 | |
LVH Packet Plugin DownloadAn easy method for describing a packet - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- Author:
- Sammy_K
| 2013-08-04 | |
lytebox Plugin DownloadAffiche les images avec lytebox / Displays images using lytebox - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- images, lytebox
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2010-04-08 | |
Magento Plugin DownloadAuthenticate against customer and administrator information found in Magento databases - Provides:
- Auth
- Tags:
- authentication, magento
- Author:
- Z3Dev
| 2014-10-02 | |
Image Magnifier Plugin DownloadRenders a loupe over a smaller sized image. Inside the loupe will be the full image that can be revealed by hovering over the parts. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- image
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2020-08-04 | |
maintenance Plugin DownloadLocks the site from writing and runs a maintenance script - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2013-11-03 | |
MaintenanceMessage Plugin DownloadDisplays a maintenance message on all pages to notify of upcoming downtime. Also can disable editing on all pages. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- annotations, maintenance, message
- Author:
- Thomas Hawkins
| 2009-08-17 | |
makemedians Plugin DownloadThis plugin creates corresponding media namespace directory immediatly after page creation - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- media, namespace
- Author:
- Oliver Geisen
| 2016-07-12 | |
Manner Plugin DownloadAdd Manner choose in pages in specified namespace - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- like
- Author:
- Li Zheng
| 2014-11-30 | |
mantis Plugin DownloadWill show bugs from Bug-Tracker Mantis - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bugtracker, mantis, soap
- Author:
- Christoph Lang
| 2010-04-26 | |
Mantis Reporter Plugin DownloadAdd a form to submit an issue to mantis - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, bugtracker, mantis, mantisbt, soap
- Author:
- Raymond van Asperen, Samson IT
| 2011-11-01 | |
MarkdownExtra Plugin DownloadParses PHP Markdown Extra blocks - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, markdown, markup_language
- Author:
- Joonas Pulakka, Jiang Le
| 2016-02-02 | |
MAsciiMath Plugin DownloadSimple beautiful math - server-side ASCIIMathML to MathML parsing - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formula, math
- Author:
- Morten Nielsen
| 2014-04-22 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- dodotori @ dokuwiki forum
| 2025-02-28 | |
MathMulti Plugin DownloadRender math [(La)TeX or Plain Text idioma] expressions as image or MathML (use Mimetex, itex2mml or plain2mml) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formula, math, mathml
- Author:
- Stephane Chamberland
| 2006-05-25 | |
mathtran Plugin DownloadDisplay math expressions as images using MathTran Tex engine - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formulae, math, tex
- Author:
- Olivier Delrieu
| 2010-03-10 | |
md5gen Plugin DownloadThis plugin displays a form which converts a given string to MD5. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- convert, encryption, password
- Author:
- Jan Rocho
| 2008-10-18 | |
Media-Cache Configuration Plugin DownloadAllows the configuration default caching behavior for media files - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- caching, media
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2018-01-10 | |
MediaList Plugin DownloadShow a list of media files (images/archives...) referred in a given page or stored in a given namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- download, file, images, listing, media, namespace
- Author:
- S.Sahara (previous author: Michael Klier)
| 2016-08-24 | |
mellelexport Plugin DownloadExports a page into a RedleX Mellel File - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, mellel, osx, redlers, redlex, xml
- Author:
- Simon Brüchner
| 2013-09-03 | |
memcache Plugin DownloadAbstraction wrapper to use persistent memory storage for caching data - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- cache
- Author:
- János Fekete
| 2015-07-20 | |
menu Plugin DownloadThis plugins displays links as nice looking menu cards. Any DokuWiki link is supported. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, icons, images, menu, navigation
- Author:
- Matthias Grimm, Frank Schiebel, Eli Fenton
| 2018-11-27 | |
Menu Pop Up Plugin DownloadDefine a link or text to show an included DokuWiki page while hovered - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, include, menu, navigation, popup
- Author:
- Gerry Weißbach
| 2010-10-10 | |
mindmap Plugin DownloadThis plugin turns your namespaces into a mindmap - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- dot, gexf, graphviz, media, mindmap, namespace, sitemap
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2011-10-11 | |
MinecraftRecipe Plugin DownloadRender minecraft recipe previews on your wikis - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- minecraft
- Author:
- tlm920
| 2025-02-07 | |
Miniblog Plugin DownloadMinimum blog plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- blog, discussion, disqus, feed
- Author:
- lainme
| 2018-07-06 | |
MozShot Plugin DownloadDisplay a screenshot of a website. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, images, links, media
- Author:
- Takao Yokoyama
| 2010-03-14 | |
DokuWiki Plugin: multitemplate_styleman DownloadSolves the problem with style.ini and the MultiTemplate. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- configuration, multitemplate, style, template
- Author:
- Pascal Bihler
| 2009-02-02 | |
mundart Plugin DownloadApply German mundarts to your (X)HTML Output. Only interesting for German wiki installations. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- pirate
- Author:
- Christoph Lang
| 2009-12-02 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, include, meta, page, template
- Author:
- Sebastian Herbord
| 2012-05-14 | |
NamespaceSearch Plugin DownloadProvides a dropdown list for common namespaces enhancing the search input. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- namespace, search
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach (originated from Adrian Lang)
| 2017-05-15 | |
NavBox Plugin DownloadNavBox brings the core functionality of the NavBox from Wikipedia (and MediaWiki) across to DokuWiki, allowing a clean and easy-to-use way of linking between related pages. It can be placed anywhere on the page at this point in time but it is intended to - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- mediawiki, tables
- Author:
- MidgardApps
| 2018-05-06 | |
navilevel Plugin DownloadA navigation tree that adapts to the page that hosts it - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Thanos Massias
| 2007-06-15 | |
NetLogo Plugin DownloadEmbed a NetLogo Web model in your DokuWiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- applet, programming
- Author:
- Rik Blok
| 2018-07-27 | |
newsboard Plugin DownloadModifications recall system - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- board, news, syntax
- Author:
- Arthur Lobert, Vincent Fleury
| 2010-09-23 | |
newsticker Plugin DownloadAdd a simple newsticker to a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ticker
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2016-07-06 | |
NFTR (Not For The Robots) Plugin DownloadNFTR is a DokuWiki plugin which tries to prevent the indexing of user configured wiki pages and namespaces by search engines. For those pages the plugin adds a noindex tag for robots to the HTTP- and HTML header. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- header, meta, robots, seo, spiders
- Author:
- Michael Haschke
| 2010-01-09 | |
No Details XHTML Renderer Plugin DownloadReplacement renderer for XHTML for non-Wiki Environments - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- images, links, media
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2024-05-31 | |
No Highlight Plugin DownloadDisables search term highlightings - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- highlight, search
- Author:
- Kazutaka Miyasaka
| 2012-08-05 | |
noiewarning Plugin DownloadDisplays warning when visitor uses MSIE - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- maintenance
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2018-08-21 | |
nonblank Plugin DownloadA replacement for the standard dokuwiki renderer which removes single line breaks between any two non-ASCII characters. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- typography
- Author:
- Huizhe Wang
| 2017-04-17 | |
nosecedit Plugin Downloadallows to disable SectionEdit Buttons on specific page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- buttons, sectionedit
- Author:
- lisps
| 2013-10-29 | |
notfound Plugin DownloadDisplay a custom page when a page does not exist - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 404, cms, redirect
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2017-10-07 | |
noticeboard Plugin DownloadAdd calendar to page which enable users inserting events. There are two possible views — calendar and list. Plugin also offer exporting to icalendar format (.ics) and RSS feed. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- calendar, feed, icalendar, notice, rss
- Author:
- Tomas Zaruba
| 2010-05-20 | |
New Page Dialog Plugin DownloadA dialog which helps people creating new pages. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, create, form
- Author:
- christian studer
| 2015-11-05 | |
nroff Plugin DownloadCreate a manpage from a DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, manpage
- Author:
- Wilfried Goesgens
| 2008-01-09 | |
nsexport Plugin DownloadExport a whole bunch of namespaces into html into a zip archive - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- export, html, statichtml, zip
- Author:
- CosmoCode
| 2017-02-08 | |
nsindex Plugin DownloadList pages/subnamespaces in current namespace in several ways - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- index
- Author:
- Oliver Geisen
| 2017-07-28 | |
nslist Plugin DownloadList all pages in a given namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- list, namespace
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-01-24 | |
NSRelation Plugin DownloadShows links to the same page but in related namespaces - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Christophe Gragnic
| 2007-11-22 | |
NSSize Plugin DownloadCalculate disk usage of a namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, maintenance, namespace, statistics
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2016-02-02 | |
NsToC Syntax Plugin DownloadNamespace Table-of-Content - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2010-02-18 | |
number Plugin DownloadStylized number encodings with additional tooltip for more info. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- Vincent Tscherter
| 2023-09-20 | |
oAuthAuthSch Plugin DownloadAuthSch for use with the oAuth Plugin - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, oauth
- Author:
- aronszabo
| 2022-11-24 | |
OddEven Plugin DownloadPaints table rows background to alternating colour stripes - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- highlight, tables
- Author:
- Vladimir Uryvaev
| 2009-03-24 | |
ODT2DW Plugin DownloadCreate a DokuWiki page by importing an odt file - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- create, import, odt
- Author:
- garlik
| 2016-02-04 | |
offline Plugin DownloadGenerates a static version of your wiki that will be browseable offline. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- export, html, statichtml
- Author:
- Carsten Graw
| 2009-02-09 | |
OpenID Delegate Plugin DownloadAdd OpenID delegate headers to any wiki page - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- authentication, embed
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-01-24 | |
OnlineOrdering Plugin DownloadThe OnlineOrdering Plugin allows you to create forms by which users can order items online - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- forms, ordering, shop
- Author:
- Jannes Drost-Tenfelde
| 2011-09-29 | |
operawidget Plugin DownloadAdds an Opera Widget to your meta-headers which is shown in Opera browsers - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- embed, feed, listing
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2009-02-21 | |
OSM Plugin DownloadAn OpenStreetMap Plugin - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, embed, maps, media
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2016-02-02 | |
outdent Plugin DownloadBackout of section indenting (without using an empty header) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- headings, section
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2008-08-13 | |
ownCloud Plugin DownloadUse your ownCloud instance as media-backend for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, cloud, file, mediamanager, owncloud, share
- Author:
- Martin Schulte
| 2013-06-01 | |
Page2Images Visual Link Plugin DownloadVisualize links of your website (when users move mouse over the text links, they will see a preview picture of this link) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- page2images, screenshot
- Author:
- SuzhouKada
| 2014-02-21 | |
page4release Plugin DownloadManage software versions in a documentation. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- listing, navigation, release, release_manager
- Author:
- Jonas Fourquier
| 2012-05-06 | |
Pagebox Plugin DownloadInclude another wiki page into the current one within a box like MediaWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes, include
- Author:
- Luigi Micco
| 2010-09-06 | |
Pagebreak DownloadForces ('suggests') a pagebreak after the line where a <pagebreak> tag is inserted - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- export, pagebreak, printing, typography
- Author:
- Michael Große and Jonathan McBride
| 2016-02-16 | |
pagebreak2 Plugin DownloadAdds page breaks before h1 heading in print view - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- pagebreak, print, view
- Author:
- Matthias S.
| 2013-06-09 | |
pageindex Plugin DownloadBulleted list of pages within a namespace - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, menu, namespace, navigation
- Author:
- Kite
| 2021-03-17 | |
Pagemove Plugin DownloadMove and rename pages and namespaces whilst maintaining the links - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- maintenance, move, namespace, pagemove, redirect, rename
- Author:
- previously Gary Owen, Arno Puschmann
| 2011-08-11 | |
pagesEditees Plugin DownloadDisplays the pages being edited (FR: Affiche les pages en cours d'édition) - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- editing, listing, users
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2008-10-07 | |
PageStats Plugin DownloadDisplays statistics about pages and media files in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- admin, performance, statistics
- Author:
- Hei3enberg
| 2025-03-03 | |
pagetemplate PluginLink syntax copies existing page to new page at creation - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- !discontinued, !experimental, editing, links, template
- Author:
- Luke Howson
| 2007-08-23 | |
PanoView Plugin DownloadDisplay large images in a zoomable and pannable view - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, javascript, media, panorama
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
parserarray Plugin DownloadExports the parser instruction array for current page - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- devel
- Author:
- Håkan Sandell
| 2011-01-04 | |
Password Plugin DownloadHides passwords from plain view - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide, password
- Author:
- Roland Eckert
| 2007-09-26 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, generator, password
- Author:
- Raymond van Asperen, Samson IT
| 2016-01-22 | |
PatchPanel Plugin DownloadDraws a network patch panel from a list of port descriptions. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- network, server, wiring
- Author:
- Grant Emsley
| 2015-02-03 | |
PayPal Plugin DownloadThe Paypal plugin let you add an PayPal Donation button easily. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- contact, donation, paypal
- Author:
- Zahno Silvan
| 2012-10-22 | |
PDB Plugin DownloadIntegrated utility for Protein data base - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- biology, chemistry, science
- Author:
- Ikuo Obataya
| 2018-10-25 | |
Permission Info Plugin DownloadShow which groups exist, what their namespace and page permissions are and which users are in which groups. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- acl, groups, listing, users
- Author:
- Gabriel Birke
| 2013-06-11 | |
PhosPhor Plugin DownloadEmbedd a movie created with the PhosPhor app - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, video
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2021-12-20 | |
photowidget Plugin DownloadAllow display a Gallery3, Flicker, Picasa Photo Widget in a wiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- flicker, gallery, gallery3, picasa
- Author:
- Jonathan Tsai
| 2012-09-11 | |
phpbblinks Plugin DownloadSets a default title to a specific phpBB3 - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- links, phpbb
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2009-10-20 | |
PhpImplicitNoCache plugin DownloadMake pages with PHP code NOCACHE by default - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- cache
- Author:
- B.J. Black
| 2007-11-27 | |
phprestrict Plugin DownloadRestrict PHP inclusion to pages by namespace or name - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- php, security
- Author:
- MadOverlord
| 2016-11-23 | |
picasawebalbum Plugin DownloadDokuWiki plugin for PWI (Picasa Webalbum Integration) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- album, picasa
- Author:
- Christophe Benz
| 2009-11-05 | |
piclens Plugin DownloadCreates a Piclens (Cooliris) link with feedurl (fr: Crée un lien Piclens (Cooliris) avec feedurl) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, feed, gallery, images, links, media
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2008-10-07 | |
Talk like a Pirate Plugin DownloadPirate export filter, me matey! Arrrr! - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- pirate, tlpd
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
piwik plugin DownloadPlugin for Piwik - Open source web analytics / a replacement for Google Analytics - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- statistics
- Author:
- Heikki Hokkanen
| 2012-01-27 | |
plainlists Plugin DownloadXHTML renderer which produces lists without div's in. Used mostly for producing dropdown menus in templates from DokuWiki pages. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- list
- Author:
- Martyn Eggleton
| 2013-03-07 | |
podcast Plugin DownloadHelper Functions and Template for blogtng Podcast Operation - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- blog, feed, player, podcast
- Author:
- sf
| 2013-09-15 | |
poem Plugin Download<poem> tag that embeds a block with linebreaks preserved. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, poem
- Author:
- danny0838
| 2012-07-06 | |
poldek Plugin DownloadPlugin to query poldek repositories - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- packages, rpm
- Author:
- glen
| 2016-08-18 | |
Poll Plugin DownloadLets you add polls to a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, poll
- Author:
- Dokufreaks (previous author: Gina Häußge, Michael Klier, Esther Brunner)
| 2016-04-25 | |
PreserveFilenames Plugin DownloadPreserves the original name of the uploaded media file (letter cases, symbols, etc.) - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- file, media
- Author:
- Kazutaka Miyasaka
| 2012-10-01 | |
prettyprint Plugin DownloadAdd nice looking header when printing DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- printing
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2017-09-29 | |
preventzerowidthchars Plugin DownloadRemove zero-width-spaces from text that is to be saved - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- sanity
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-08-01 | |
profiles Plugin DownloadAdd Facebook, GitHub, Google Plus, Linkedin and Twitter profile links - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- facebook, github, googleplus, linkedin, links, profile, twitter
- Author:
- alexandruradovici
| 2013-07-20 | |
Progress Bar Plugin DownloadThis plugin lets you put a progress bar on any wiki page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- chart, diagram, progressbar
- Author:
- Mischa The Evil
| 2009-03-09 | |
projects PluginA plugin that allows wiki pages to represent files, and to generate files basing on some recipe (rules). This empowers a DokuWiki to become a collaboration tool on project management and content creation. - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- collaboration, file, generate, make, projects, recipe, source
- Author:
- Junling Ma
| 2013-01-21 | |
Prolog Plugin DownloadProlog plugin allows to embed and interpret the Prolog code - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- chart, diagram, meta, semantic
- Author:
- Paweł Kupka
| 2009-05-14 | |
publist Plugin DownloadInclude the content of BibTeX files in DokuWiki pages in a flexible way - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, publications
- Author:
- Raphael Reitzig (author), Jorge Juan (current maintainer)
| 2013-03-12 | |
publistx Plugin DownloadA simple branch of the Publist Plugin. Mainly added here to support automatic updating - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bibtex, publications
- Author:
- Raphael Reitzig, Jorge Juan, Karl Moritz Hermann
| 2014-09-26 | |
qrcode Plugin DownloadCreate 2D-Barcodes using qrcode or i_ngima provider - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- barcode, images, media
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2009-06-11 | |
QStat Plugin DownloadDisplay informations about Quake3 servers - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, game, ip
- Author:
- Mathieu
| 2009-01-17 | |
querychangelog Plugin DownloadAccess the full changelog and filter the results - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- changelog, listing, spam, users
- Author:
- Vincent de Lagabbe
| 2009-05-06 | |
quickedit Plugin DownloadFast AJAX edition system - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- ajax, editing, fast
- Author:
- Arthur Lobert, Vincent Fleury
| 2010-08-25 | |
Quiz Plugin DownloadLets you add quizzes and test a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- quiz, test
- Author:
- Luigi Micco
| 2010-12-07 | |
QuizLib Plugin DownloadQuiz Plugin for self test for DokuWiki based on QuizLib at - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- quiz, test
- Author:
- Enrico Billich
| 2016-04-17 | |
rack Plugin DownloadDisplays an elevation of a datacenter rack - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- cage, diagram, images, media, rack, server
- Author:
- Tyler Bletsch
| 2012-08-16 | |
Rater Plugin Downloada simple rate and vote syntax plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- rate, rating, vote
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2017-03-20 | |
Rating Plugin DownloadAllows rating a page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- poll, rate, rating, vote
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-01-13 | |
Raw Less Plugin DownloadExports the raw less styles instead of the lessc compiled css styles. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- css, export, less, styles
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2020-08-04 | |
RDP Link Plugin DownloadEnables you to create links that automagically generate and open Remote Desktop Connection configurations - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, rdp
- Author:
- Justin Shepard
| 2016-01-22 | |
readability Plugin DownloadCalculate Flesch-Kincaid and Gunning-Fog readability scores and estimated reading time - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- readability, time
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2014-01-03 | |
reCAPTCHA2 Plugin DownloadAdd the new, simplified Recaptcha2 ("I am not a robot"-checkbox) to your register and edit-forms. Based on the recaptcha-plugin by Adrian Schlegel. This plugin is not very actively maintained and is available for adoption. - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- captcha, spam
- Author:
- Martin Gross
| 2017-12-05 | |
Redirect Manager (redirect2) DownloadRedirect pages or media access by asking the client to refetch resources at the new location with redirect status 301 or 302 - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- cms, redirect
- Author:
- s.sahara
| 2023-11-13 | |
ReDirector Plugin DownloadRedirect Pages when patterns matche - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- redirect
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-10-24 | |
redirectssl Plugin DownloadRedirect actions (esp. Login) to HTTPS - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- asacan
| 2024-08-11 | |
Redissue Plugin DownloadCreate link to issue of your redmine's server and display the issue's status, subject and name of it automatically - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- bootstrap, issue, redmine
- Author:
- Algorythm
| 2017-08-28 | |
Redproject Plugin DownloadThis plugin display a roadmap of your redmine's project in dokuwiki. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- issue, project, redmine, roadmap
- Author:
- Algorythm
| 2018-01-09 | |
refererremove Plugin DownloadHides the referer to linked sites by passing all external links to - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- embed, hide, links
- Author:
- Dominik Krebs
| 2009-10-01 | |
iReflect Plugin DownloadCreates images with a reflection - the new image will only be available through the cache and do not touch the original one. The Plugin makes use of the new MEDIA_SENDFILE event and has support for translucent PNGs - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- formatting, images, media
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-05-15 | |
regex template Plugin DownloadChoose template from regex on $ID - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editing, template
- Author:
- Cédric Villemain
| 2009-10-14 | |
register Plugin DownloadDisplays register bit breakouts - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media
- Author:
- Mike Frysinger
| 2008-10-13 | |
relativens plugin DownloadLinks & media that don't start with / or : default to being relative to the namespace in which the current page is. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- links, namespace
- Author:
- Peter Lamberg
| 2008-12-31 | |
relativetimehelper Plugin DownloadPure helper plugin to format timestamps into relative strings - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-01-13 | |
reliwa Plugin DownloadPlugin to integrate your items from - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- books, embed, listing, media, music, video
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2008-01-12 | |
remoteinf Plugin DownloadAuthorize user to another server - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- iamchenxin
| 2015-03-11 | |
- Provides:
- Remote
- Tags:
- Author:
- m-dev
| 2017-09-09 | |
RemoteScript Plugin DownloadImplements an Ajax Remote Scripting controller - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, javascript
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2007-04-09 | |
removeold Plugin DownloadTo simply remove outdated DokuWiki system files - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- outdated, remove, update
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2016-07-07 | |
replace Plugin DownloadReplaces words with DokuWiki snippets - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- replace, search
- Author:
- James Dempster (letssurf)
| 2009-04-13 | |
Reproduce Plugin DownloadThis plugin allows to reproduce a code marked with a label, located within the same source page or in an other source page specified by its ID - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- copy, label, replicate, reproduce
- Author:
- Patrice Bonneau
| 2012-07-18 | |
REQUIZ Plugin DownloadRequire simple quiz on user registration or page editing - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- captcha, spam
- Author:
- Daniel-Constantin Mierla
| 2013-03-31 | |
revisionat Plugin DownloadLink to old version of the wiki from old revisions page and diff views - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- revisions
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-10-16 | |
revisionsdue Plugin DownloadFind pages that should be revised as specified - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- revisions
- Author:
- Stephan Dekker
| 2013-08-13 | |
rigrr Plugin DownloadRenders BPML xml using the rigrr library - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bpmn
- Author:
- Stephan Dekker
| 2013-05-30 | |
Rocket.Chat+ notifier DownloadPlugin to notify Rocket.Chat+ of dokuwiki updates - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- chat, notification, rocketchat, slack
- Author:
- Claus Lensbøl
| 2016-08-01 | |
Routeplaner Plugin DownloadExpand contact information with a description of the journey using - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- address, embed, maps, media
- Author:
- Deshi
| 2008-10-26 | |
RSSbyCreated Plugin DownloadRe-orders the RSS feed by the created date and makes it the date submitted to the reader. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- feed
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-10-24 | |
rssticker Plugin DownloadDisplay RSS news feeds with Ajax on DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, feed, news, rss
- Author:
- Marcel Steinger
| 2011-01-12 | |
rst Plugin DownloadAllows use of RestructuredText in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, markup_language, restructuredtext, rst
- Author:
- chrisisbd
| 2015-10-07 | |
rstudio Plugin DownloadFor use with ckgedit to facilitate the copying of RStudio code blocks into the ckgeditor. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- r, rstudio
- Author:
- Myron Turner
| 2015-12-25 | |
rtlink Plugin DownloadA convenient way to reference RequestTracker tickets. Use common short-hand, instead of absolute links - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- include, links, tickets
- Author:
| 2012-04-25 | |
RTM Checklist Plugin DownloadThis plugin enables to send a predefined list of tasks to Remember The Milk - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- email
- Author:
- fabienli
| 2014-02-08 | |
S5 Presentations DownloadCreate slideshow presentations from a DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- javascript, media, slideshow
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2022-11-30 | |
s5reloaded plugin DownloadCreate advanced slideshow presentations from a DokuWiki page - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- javascript, media, slideshow
- Author:
- Tomás Alonso Albi
| 2012-09-11 | |
schulzevote Plugin DownloadA plugin for embedding a poll in a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- poll, vote
- Author:
- Adrian Lang
| 2021-11-02 | |
scrapbook Plugin DownloadManage a scrapbook of easy to insert snippets - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- snippets, templates
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2017-01-15 | |
Scrapbook Template Plugin DownloadExtension for the scrapbook plugin which replaces all page template variables before the template is inserted. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- export, template
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-01-16 | |
scrape Plugin DownloadInclude HTML parts from other website into the wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, include, jquery
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-09-14 | |
SearchCombinedGoogle Plugin DownloadFires a search on Google to see if they have more search results than the DW internal search - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- google, search
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weissbach
| 2017-10-24 | |
searchjump Plugin DownloadJump between highlighted strings in a search result - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- javascript, search
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2018-08-30 | |
searchresults plugin DownloadList of page links from search criteria - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, include, listing, search
- Author:
- Todd Augsburger
| 2007-08-06 | |
- Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, editing, section
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2015-08-12 | |
selectsearch Plugin DownloadProvide a dropdown with namespaces to restrict the search in - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- dropdown, namespace, search
- Author:
- Frank Schiebel
| 2012-11-06 | |
selfmeasurement Plugin DownloadSelf measurement blood pressure form - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- blood_pressure, form, medical
- Author:
- Eric Maeker, MD
| 2016-08-20 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- data, rdf, semantic, store, triple
- Author:
- Semantic Publishing
| 2011-11-20 | |
sendpagecontent Plugin DownloadSend the raw page content to a given mail address - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- email, transfer
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte
| 2016-02-03 | |
SeqDia Plugin DownloadCreate graph UML diagrams using web service - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- uml
- Author:
- Ruslan Popov
| 2010-11-24 | |
settingstree Plugin DownloadDokuWiki helper and admin for setting up settings based on NS/page hierarchy to a plugin - Provides:
- Helper
- Tags:
- admin, config, embed, hierarchy, settings
- Author:
- János Fekete
| 2015-08-10 | |
SalesForce Auth Plugin DownloadAllow SalesForce auth besides auth plain - Provides:
- Auth, Action
- Tags:
- authentication, salesforce
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann, Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
shibbolethauth Plugin DownloadShibboleth authentication, authorization plugin for interfacing DokuWiki with Sympa - Provides:
- Auth, Admin
- Tags:
- authentication, shibboleth, sso, sympa
- Author:
- Dominique Launay
| 2010-12-03 | |
Shortcut Plugin DownloadLink pages using short names and add some descriptive info about the anchor to the page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- alias, links, shortcut
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2007-02-05 | |
shorturl Plugin DownloadCreates short URLs to internal wiki-pages, based on redirect plugin - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- links, redirect, shorturls
- Author:
- Frank Schiebel
| 2010-12-12 | |
shorty Plugin DownloadGenerates a short url to the current page using a url shortening service. - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- links, shorturls
- Author:
- Fernando Ribeiro
| 2014-03-11 | |
showlinkpermission Plugin DownloadChanges the color of internal link if the user has no read permissions - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- acl, permissions, users
- Author:
- Matthias Schulte
| 2012-11-03 | |
showlogin Plugin DownloadShow Login-form on “access denied” pages to not logged-in users - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, denied, users
- Author:
- Oliver Geisen
| 2012-11-01 | |
showlogin2 Plugin Downloadshows the login dialog if you try to access a page you do not have rights for (in case you are not logged in already) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, denied, login, users
- Author:
- Klaus Vormweg
| 2016-01-24 | |
showphperrors Plugin DownloadSmall plugin to show php errors without changing php.ini file. Intended for development. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2017-07-26 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- html, hyphen, utf-8
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2007-08-15 | |
sidebar Plugin DownloadBased on sidebar template by ChrisS but works as a plugin with any template - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- sidebar, template
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2009-06-05 | |
SidebarNG Plugin DownloadAdds a flexible sidebar to your wiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- sidebar
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2010-06-04 | |
signavio Plugin DownloadEmbed Signavio diagrams / process models - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram
- Author:
- Christian Zinke
| 2013-05-14 | |
Signhere Plugin DownloadIncludes a signature line into a wiki mainly for printouts - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- signature
- Author:
- Dennis Ploeger
| 2016-02-03 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !broken, ajax, chat
- Author:
- Matthew Mills
| 2013-07-03 | |
SimpleForward Plugin DownloadForwards non-existent pages to another local website. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- 404, redirect
- Author:
- Michal Koutný
| 2014-10-14 | |
simpleindex plugin DownloadA simple navigation plugin adapted from DokuWiki's built-in index function - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !discontinued, index, navigation
- Author:
- lainme
| 2010-12-12 | |
simplemysqlclient Plugin DownloadA GUI-Interface in DokuWiki to execute sql on local (server side) MySQL database - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- database, mysql-client, mysql-gui, mysql-interface, tables
- Author:
| 2016-07-11 | |
Simple XML Renderer DownloadRenders a Page as a simple XML. It just renders all tokens of the DokuWiki parser as XML. - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, xml
- Author:
- Patrick Büker
| 2010-03-15 | |
since Plugin DownloadAdds a note of passed years, monthes, and days since a date - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- syntax, tags
- Author:
- jno
| 2019-03-26 | |
SkillTagIcon Plugin DownloadShows symbols for three configurable tags at the beginning of the page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- tags
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2016-07-06 | |
Skype Plugin DownloadThe Skype plugin let you add an Skype contact button easily. It also showns your online status - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- connect, contact, skype, status
- Author:
- Zahno Silvan
| 2014-06-16 | |
Slideshare Plugin DownloadSimple Solution to include Slideshare-Presentations. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- powerpoint, slideshow
- Author:
- Detlef Burkhardt
| 2011-09-20 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- slideshare, slideshow
- Author:
- sng2c
| 2015-05-08 | |
Smartcache Plugin DownloadImprove DokuWiki speed by smart usage of the browser cache - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- ajax, cache, javascript
- Author:
- Simon-Shlomo Poil
| 2011-10-10 | |
smblink Plugin DownloadA replacement for DokuWiki's default Windows Share Link feature which supports Firefox - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- firefox, links, samba, share, smb
- Author:
- enki
| 2009-02-09 | |
SMTP Plugin DownloadConfigure a SMTP server (with optional auth) for sending mails from within DokuWiki - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- email, smtp, smtpauth
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-04-03 | |
snap Plugin DownloadDisplays a site as a snapshot (fr: Affiche un site sous forme de miniature) - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- images, links, media
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2008-10-17 | |
snmplive Plugin DownloadFetches SNMP values on the network and displays them live through Ajax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, ip, management
- Author:
- Michael Luggen
| 2009-01-13 | |
SocialMark Plugin DownloadAdd link to “social bookmark” a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- bookmark, links, social
- Author:
- iDo
| 2006-03-21 | |
socialshareprivacy Plugin DownloadProvides two-click buttons for FB, Twitter and G+ as introduced on - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- facebook, google, social, twitter
- Author:
- Frank Schiebel
| 2016-11-10 | |
solr Plugin DownloadIndex and search DokuWiki pages with an external Solr server - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- index, search
- Author:
- Gabriel Birke
| 2012-01-30 | |
Songlist plugin DownloadGenerate wiki code from lines of a master page, indexed by IDs - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, music, page
- Author:
- Reinhold Kainhofer
| 2008-09-03 | |
Source Plugin DownloadAllows you to include all or part of the contents of another file, with syntax highlighting, into the current page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, file, include, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- Christopher Smith
| 2008-08-13 | |
sphinxsearch plugin DownloadDokuWiki Sphinx Search plugin replaces DokuWiki's built-in search functionality with the Sphinx Search Engine powered search which gives high-performance and more relevant search results. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- search, sphinx
- Author:
- Ivinco
| 2014-03-04 | |
SQL Plugin DownloadExecute SQL query and display the result as a table - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- database, mysql, search, sqlite
- Author:
- Slim Amamou
| 2023-06-14 | |
sqlcomp Plugin DownloadShow Table from Database Result and monitor changes on the resultset - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- csv, database, mysql, sqlite
- Author:
- Oliver Geisen
| 2017-08-18 | |
SQL JSON Plugin DownloadProcessing query to MySQL databases and display results as a JSON - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- database, json, mysql, query, sql
- Author:
- Marie Mandrela
| 2018-07-18 | |
SQLRaw Plugin DownloadExecute an sql query on the raw data of either a csv file or a scraped webpage table - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- csv, database, sql
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-11-17 | |
Src Plugin DownloadIncludes a source uploaded file using the GeSHi highlighter - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, file, include, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- DenisVS
| 2017-06-19 | |
SSOCAS Plugin DownloadProvides Yale CAS single sign-on using the plain auth backend for users - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, cas
- Author:
- Iain Hallam
| 2012-05-04 | |
Starred Plugin DownloadAllows users to remember pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- favorites, remember
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2023-06-13 | |
stars Plugin DownloadShow stars for rating, difficulty etc. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- poll
- Author:
- Collin “Keeyai” Green
| 2008-10-28 | |
Statistics Plugin DownloadLog and analyze access statistics - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- logging, mysql, statistics
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-01-30 | |
DokuWikiConnector .NET APIC VB .NET XML-RPC DokuWiki Connector API - Provides:
- Auth, Remote
- Tags:
- api, auth, c, connect, management, net, remote, vb
- Author:
- Peters Sharp
| 2017-02-01 | |
stopforumspam Plugin DownloadBlock spam accounts detected by - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- anti-spam, spam, stopforumspam
- Author:
- Clay Dowling
| 2015-08-24 | |
structgantt Plugin DownloadCreate Gantt charts from struct data - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- charts, gantt
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2024-07-17 | |
Struct Templating Plugin DownloadUse Twig templates for custom struct data rendering - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Frieder Schrempf
| 2021-05-21 | |
subconfhelper Plugin DownloadChange settings per subdomain - Provides:
- Helper, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Samuel Fischer
| 2015-05-16 | |
Sugar Plugin DownloadProviding hyperlink references to Sugar CRM - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- crm, sugarcrm
- Author:
- damien clochard
| 2016-02-03 | |
SuperACL Plugin DownloadManage ACL settings globally and filter ACL table view - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- acl, groups, users
- Author:
- Pascal Bihler
| 2008-05-25 | |
SVG Plugin DownloadRenders inline SVG images using several different methods - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media, svg
- Author:
- Austen Dicken
| 2008-02-25 | |
SVG-Edit Plugin DownloadA nice way to create, store, edit, and embed SVG images in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- draw, editing, graphics, images, media, paintbrush, pencil, sketch, svg, vector
- Author:
- Tomas Mudrunka
| 2017-02-26 | |
svgelement Plugin DownloadDisplay SVG elements in an appropriate SVG element, but removing any potential script to prevent security issues. - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- svg
- Author:
- Albert Palacios
| 2023-09-22 | |
Another svgIMG plugin DownloadCreates jpg / png from svg using the new MEDIA_SENDFILE event - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media, svg
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2009-04-08 | |
svg pureinsert Plugin DownloadInserts an SVG image as-is to be rendered by compatible browsers - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media, svg
- Author:
- Leszek Piątek
| 2015-03-16 | |
swfobject Plugin DownloadHelps embedding flash using swfObject and an alternative for users without Flash - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, flash, media
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2009-10-06 | |
symbols Plugin Downloadadd simple symbols to the toolbar - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- icons, images
- Author:
- Dan Kreiser
| 2011-03-02 | |
sympaauth Plugin DownloadUse Sympa mailing server for authentication and group definition - Provides:
- Auth, Admin
- Tags:
- authentication, email, server, sympa
- Author:
- David Pépin CRU
| 2008-03-07 | |
SyntaxHighlighter Plugin DownloadSyntaxHighlighter Plugin ported from SyntaxHighlighter 1.5.1 created by Alex Gorbatchev. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- code, syntax, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
- David Shin
| 2008-12-04 | |
SyntaxHighlighter3 Plugin DownloadSyntaxHighlighter 3.x plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- code, syntax, syntaxhighlight
- Author:
| 2018-02-09 | |
SyntaxHighlightJS Plugin DownloadSyntax Highlighter for DokuWiki with highlight.js - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper, Action
- Tags:
- code, highlight, highlightjs, source, sourcecode, syntax
- Author:
- Claud D. Park
| 2015-12-27 | |
tabbedsearchresults Plugin DownloadShow the categories of search results as tabs - Provides:
- Action, Render
- Tags:
- search
- Author:
- Michael Große
| 2016-09-05 | |
table2csv Plugin DownloadExports a table to a csv file - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- csv, export, tables
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-09-05 | |
TableEdit plugin DownloadManipulate with table columns order in a simple way. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- tables
- Author:
- Bohumir Zamecnik
| 2008-11-22 | |
tablemath Plugin DownloadAdds calculated column to built-in table syntax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, math, tables
- Author:
- James GuanFeng Lin
| 2009-08-24 | |
tableplot Plugin DownloadPlots a table using jqPlot - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- chart, plot, tables
- Author:
- tom_c
| 2013-12-02 | |
tabtables plugin DownloadLets you use tab-delimited tables in your wiki by styling them as normal DokuWiki tables - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- tables
- Author:
- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
| 2010-10-04 | |
tbt Plugin DownloadRender time based text on a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ascii, time, typography
- Author:
- Robin Gareus
| 2008-12-28 | |
telleveryone Plugin DownloadAllow dokuwiki admins to publish short messages to other users - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Szymon Olewniczak
| 2020-05-27 | |
templateconfhelper Plugin DownloadTemplate switching and inheritance - Provides:
- Helper, Action
- Tags:
- farm, template
- Author:
- Samuel Fischer
| 2015-05-16 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- markup_language
- Author:
- Ryan Schwartz
| 2007-02-06 | |
TFSLink Plugin DownloadProvides a convenient way to add links to TFS work items. - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- links, tfs
- Author:
- Thorsten Klingert
| 2015-01-06 | |
Ticketlinker Plugin DownloadProvides basic integration with the Cerberus Helpdesk system - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed
- Author:
- Dominik Smatana
| 2007-08-04 | |
- Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- jpelc
| 2025-01-12 | |
timeline Plugin DownloadAdd TimeLine capability to DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, images, media, time
- Author:
- Oleg Karachevtsev
| 2009-07-30 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- boxes
- Author:
- Matthias Watermann
| 2008-05-25 | |
Tip of the Day Plugin DownloadDisplay Tip of the Day - which is a random section of another page. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- include, tip
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2017-10-24 | |
tline Plugin DownloadSimile Timeline adapted for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- timeline
- Author:
- Dan Kreiser
| 2011-03-02 | |
tocsidebar Plugin DownloadThe TOCSidebar plugin is an enhanced and optimized version inspired by the TOC Select plugin. It provides a dynamic and customizable solution for displaying the Table of Contents (TOC) directly in the sidebar of DokuWiki pages. - Provides:
- CSS/JS-only
- Tags:
- Author:
- Tim Droste
| 2024-11-18 | |
Toggle Plugin DownloadThis plugin toggles visibility of text, for example passwords. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hidden, hide, password, toggle
- Author:
- condero Aktiengesellschaft
| 2017-04-07 | |
togglewrap Plugin DownloadShow/hide wraps with checkboxes - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hide, spoiler, wrap
- Author:
- Jonas Fourquier
| 2014-12-07 | |
Tools Plugin DownloadInsert toolbar with tools on pages - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- csv, export, odt, pdf, timeline, tools
- Author:
- Luigi Micco
| 2013-04-11 | |
tooltip Plugin DownloadThis plugin lets you mark some text with a tooltip - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- annotations, tooltip
- Author:
- Luis Machuca Bezzaza
| 2009-10-04 | |
Toucher Plugin Downloadtouching configuration files without changing DokuWiki settings - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- admin, config, touch
- Author:
- Andriy Nych
| 2012-09-16 | |
toursprung Plugin DownloadInclude the user_info_widgets from BikeMap, RunMap etc. to your wiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, maps
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2008-10-18 | |
TranslateButton Plugin DownloadOne-click Toolbar Google Translate Button. Opens a window with google translation of selected words (en-ru) - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- button, toolbar, translatation
- Author:
- Dmitry Repin
| 2011-10-11 | |
Translation2 plugin DownloadDisplays flags which link to different language versions of the page. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- language
- Author:
- Markus Birth
| 2009-02-12 | |
TranslationBuddy Plugin DownloadTranslation statistics, for users of plugin:translation - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- language, statistics
- Author:
- Håkan Sandell
| 2012-12-16 | |
Translator Plugin DownloadMySQL based translation tool - Provides:
- Syntax, Admin, Action
- Tags:
- database, language, mysql
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2011-01-07 | |
traumacalc Plugin DownloadCalculate trauma score (ISS, RTS, TRISS) in DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- calculation, medical
- Author:
- dodotori @ dokuwiki forum
| 2025-02-26 | |
Tumblr Plugin DownloadEmbed tumblr into DokuWiki - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed, rss, tumblr
- Author:
- Lee, Kwangyoung
| 2016-02-27 | |
tuxquote Plugin DownloadShow a random image of Tux the Linux penguin with a random quote. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- motd, quotes, random, tux
- Author:
- Craig Douglas
| 2014-09-18 | |
- Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting, markup_language
- Author:
- Eric Forgeot, derived from markdownextra plugin by Joonas Pulakka and Jiang Le
| 2014-05-19 | |
UI Language Plugin DownloadChanges the user interface language to match the language of the current page - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- language
- Author:
- Viktor Söderqvist
| 2017-11-23 | |
unameban Plugin DownloadAllows administrators and managers to ban certain usernames from accessing the wiki - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- acl, blacklist, spam, users
- Author:
- Tom Förster
| 2013-06-03 | |
unblink Plugin DownloadLink to UNB (Unclassified NewsBoard) forum profiles - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- users
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2016-02-03 | |
uncmap Plugin DownloadThis plugin maps windows drive letter file names to UNC links. - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- drive, file, path, share, unc
- Author:
- Dominik Eckelmann
| 2016-07-06 | |
UnformattedCode Plugin DownloadOverwrites the core ''monospace/code'' formatting to prevent text conversions (entities/typography) inside - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, replace
- Author:
- Anika Henke
| 2016-04-03 | |
Unused Medias Plugin DownloadList all orphans medias which are not used in wiki pages and allow to delete them. - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- admin, maintenance, media, merge, orphan
- Author:
- Johan Guilbaud
| 2011-10-10 | |
upload Plugin DownloadIncludes file upload into wikipages depending on the user rights - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- media, upload
- Author:
- Christian Moll, Franz Häfner, Randolf Rotta, Matthias Schulte
| 2014-01-02 | |
UserAnnotations Plugin DownloadCreate annotations below the regular wiki text. Each user creates his own annotation and can decide for himself if other users can read them or not. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- annotations, users
- Author:
- Gabriel Birke
| 2009-02-23 | |
UserCSS Plugin DownloadEdit CSS styles directly from within a wikipage - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- editing, style
- Author:
- Randolf Rotta
| 2009-04-05 | |
userfly Plugin DownloadConnect to analytic tools at - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- statistics
- Author:
- Jürgen A.Lamers
| 2009-01-14 | |
Userpoll Plugin DownloadLets you add polls to a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- poll
- Author:
- Randolf Rotta
| 2013-05-09 | |
Users Page Create Plugin DownloadAutocreate users pages after registration - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- authentication, create, userpage, users
- Author:
- Vladimir Psyukalov
| 2008-08-07 | |
usersubscriptions Plugin DownloadAllows connected users to see which pages / namespaces they have subscribed to and to subscribe or unsubscribe in a quick way - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- listing, subscription, syntax
- Author:
- Etienne Meleard
| 2009-09-15 | |
variants Plugin DownloadAllows to create different variants of a page that the user can select - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- condition, if
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2016-01-16 | |
vBSSO Plugin DownloadProvides universal Secure Single Sign-On between vBulletin and popular DokuWiki platform - Provides:
- Admin, Action
- Tags:
- sso, vbulletin
- Author:
- extremeidea
| 2017-07-28 | |
vCard Plugin DownloadCreates vCards/hCards that can be downloaded and added to your addressbook - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- address, hcard, users, vcard
- Author:
- Elan Ruusamäe, Jürgen A.Lamers, Esther Brunner
| 2016-02-03 | |
VirtualKeyboard Plugin DownloadAdd support of different input languages directly to page edit form - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- !experimental, editing, keyboard, language
- Author:
- Ilya Lebedev
| 2007-01-13 | |
Visio Plugin DownloadUse the Microsoft ActiveX Visio Viewer to display embedded Visio diagrams - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagrams, embed
- Author:
- Marc Hauswirth
| 2007-12-05 | |
visrep Plugin DownloadDiagram representation using various engines - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, visualization
- Author:
- Ionut Stoica
| 2016-06-01 | |
vote Plugin DownloadSimilar to poll plugin - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- !experimental, poll
- Author:
- Norihiro Tobo
| 2008-06-09 | |
Watermark Plugin DownloadA plugin to add a watermark during image upload. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- images, upload, watermark
- Author:
- Christian Moll
| 2013-10-30 | |
wavedrom Plugin DownloadDraw wavedrom diagrams based on wavedrom.js - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, wavedrom
- Author:
- Raymond Wu
| 2018-07-01 | |
WebSVN Plugin DownloadA convenience plugin for linking (and iframe-inlining) files in a WebSVN repository - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- include, links, repository
- Author:
- Stefan Hechenberger
| 2007-02-06 | |
Weiqi Plugin DownloadDisplays Weiqi (also named Go game or Baduk) diagrams - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- diagram, game, images, media
- Author:
- Christophe Gragnic
| 2008-06-19 | |
widearea Plugin DownloadExpands the edit window to full screen to make writing large amount of text easier - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- editor
- Author:
- Ivan Smirnov (maintainer), Matthias Schulte (author)
| 2016-04-27 | |
WikiCalendar Plugin DownloadImplements a simple calendar where each day is represented by a wiki page - Provides:
- Syntax, Action
- Tags:
- calendar
- Author:
- Michael Klier
| 2010-09-02 | |
Wolfram Alpha Plugin DownloadThe Wolfram Alpha plugin let you add Wolfram Widget easily - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- alpha, question, search, widget, wolfram
- Author:
- Zahno Silvan
| 2012-10-22 | |
WoW plugin DownloadAllow to automatic link and name extract from Wowhead with an ID - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- embed
- Author:
- Sardem FF7
| 2010-03-08 | |
wpre Plugin DownloadPlugin for output using word wrapped preformatted text - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- formatting
- Author:
- Max Binshtok
| 2010-02-13 | |
xfortune Plugin DownloadDisplay a random quote and update it every few seconds with a new one - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- ajax, quotes, random
- Author:
- Andreas Gohr
| 2017-04-20 | |
xhtmlruby plugin DownloadConverts Japanese furigana written as 漢字(ふり) into XHTML 1.1 <ruby><rb>漢字</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>ふり</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby> markup - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- furigana, ruby
- Author:
- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans
| 2010-10-14 | |
XSLFO Plugin DownloadExport DokuWiki pages to PDF with an XSL-FO processor - Provides:
- Render
- Tags:
- export, pdf
- Author:
- Sam Wilson
| 2016-02-03 | |
xsSnipper Plugin DownloadExctract a snippet of a file and publish it on your page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- snippet
- Author:
- Taggic
| 2016-06-02 | |
xterm2 Plugin DownloadAdd console root or user Capability <xterm2 root> for root console - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, formatting
- Author:
- Xarkam
| 2009-05-18 | |
xtermRTF Plugin Downloadxterm that supports (basic) RTF formatting (to use with PuTTY) / xterm sachant lire du RTF (basique) (à utiliser avec PuTTY) - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- code, formatting
- Author:
- Etienne M.
| 2008-10-07 | |
xymon Plugin DownloadProvides a way for a Xymon server to monitor a DokuWiki installation - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- Author:
- Erwan Martin
| 2012-01-04 | |
yahoo! media player plugin DownloadYahoo! Media Player Plugin for DokuWiki - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- media, mediaplayer, mp3, music, yahoo
- Author:
- Haiko Hall
| 2011-04-25 | |
YouTrack Plugin DownloadList YouTrack issues filtered by YouTrack Query Language - Provides:
- Syntax, Helper
- Tags:
- bugtracker, issue, listing, youtrack
- Author:
- Zopa
| 2015-02-24 | |
youTrack-Links Plugin DownloadAutomatically creates hyperlinks to your youTrack system, if you refer to a issue ID - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- hyperlink, links, summary, youtrack
- Author:
- Dominic Pöllath
| 2015-08-31 | |
yql Plugin DownloadA plugin for embedding results of the Yahoo! YQL query API in a page - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- data, yahoo
- Author:
- Michael Hamann
| 2016-01-16 | |
ZenLogin Plugin DownloadAutomatically creates user and log them in at Zenphoto. It provides a single signed on mechanism and synchronize user name, password and email with Zenphoto user database. - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- sso, users, zenphoto
- Author:
- Stefan Agner
| 2010-08-17 | |
ZerolineCSS Plugin DownloadInlines CSS that has a 'rel=zerolinecss' - Provides:
- Action
- Tags:
- css, inline, template
- Author:
- i-net software / Gerry Weißbach
| 2021-12-20 | |
Zip Plugin DownloadBackup to and restore from a zip file of wiki contents - Provides:
- Admin
- Tags:
- archive, backup, maintenance
- Author:
- Andrew Pilsch
| 2006-06-01 | |
Zoom Plugin DownloadMakes images zoomable - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- images, zoom
- Author:
- Heiko Hoebel
| 2012-04-16 | |
Zotero Plugin DownloadAllows you to quote your literature references saved in Zotero with a LaTeX-like syntax - Provides:
- Syntax
- Tags:
- latex, quotes, references, zotero
- Author:
- Stefan Macke
| 2013-03-02 | |